Movies: When you put on a virtual reality headset, it stops all kinds of background light or distractions from interfering to make sure your experience isn't ruined. This makes virtual reality perfect for watching videos and movies, it makes you feel like you're in a movie theater complete with chairs and a screen.Netflx has launched a virtual reality app that is compatible with Samsung's virtual reality headset, GearVR, that displays content in 720p HD resolution.
Gaming: Virtual reality has been used in games since the 1990s. However, 2016 is widely seen as the year that virtual reality gaming really took off. Now, there are a number of games that are suitable for playing on different virtual reality platforms. Developers including Sony and Valve have already announced their support for virtual reality technology and are developing games for virtual reality devices. With improvements in smartphone displays and processors, the dream of playing games on a smartphone connected to a virtual reality headset is about to become a reality.
Virtual Tourism: Virtual reality has been used in the travel industry since it enabled the display of 360-degree panoramic videos. Virtual reality can be used to demonstrate thousands of monuments, museums, and popular tourist attractions. You can start with a basic Google Cardboard and a smartphone, just search for virtual reality in the app store and you'll find what you're looking for. Will it affect real tourism? Maybe, but at least it's a lot less expensive than traveling in the real world!
Virtual car showrooms: Many car enthusiasts like to visit different car showrooms to experience the elegance of the surroundings, sit in the car, start the engine, and so on. With apps like Relay Cars, you can find these experiences in the virtual world. When you open the app, you can watch a video of the car and even start its engine to listen to the sound. The engine sounds are taken from real car samples, so what you hear is exactly the same as in the real world. Once this technology is adopted by mainstream automakers, you'll be able to visit more showrooms without leaving your house.
Watching local content: Because many virtual reality headsets can use your smartphone as a display, you can use them to watch local content. For example, the free virtual movie app VRCinema automatically splits up videos stored on your phone and displays them side-by-side, just as you would with a virtual reality headset. You can also play 3D movies on your phone. An app called Seene captures 3D images and views them in a virtual reality device.
Medical: CT scans can be very accurate in detecting abnormalities. The problem is that doctors have to view the scans on a screen or printout. With virtual reality, doctors can see more details and manipulate them in 3D space. This will mean faster and better diagnoses. Other applications of virtual reality in medicine include remote control of surgical tools, risk-free training of medical staff and even treatment of patients.