Different views on cell phone radiation
On the topic of cell phone radiation has always had different views, cell phones are now very people rely on the device, many people have cell phone dependence. For this reason, people are also very concerned about the issue of cell phone radiation, so how should we correctly view and avoid cell phone radiation?
Different views on cell phone radiation1
Cell phones transmit information through electromagnetic waves, and these waves are called cell phone radiation. Cell phone radiation is measured by the SAR value. The marathon debate on whether cell phone radiation is harmful to humans has never stopped. Some people believe that the harm of cell phone radiation to human health is a serious social problem that exists objectively, and it will not disappear just because the cell phone industry deliberately hides and avoids it. There are also people who argue that cell phone radiation is not harmful to human health.
For the view that "cell phone radiation increases the chance of developing brain tumors," some oncologists say there is no scientific basis for this conclusion.
Park Ho-cheol, vice president of Liaoning Cancer Hospital, chief physician and director of neurosurgery, said that glioma is a common intracranial tumor, and compared with other intracranial tumors, the incidence of glioma is not particularly prominent. In the clinic, there are cases of developing glioma by receiving radiation therapy, and there are experiments that show that short-term concentrated exposure to rays induces the occurrence of brain tumors, but it does not mean that long-term radiation by cellular phone can cause brain tumors. On the one hand, cell phone radiation is not a ray, but a microwave, and the human body receives the microwave will only cause local thermal effects such as burns, and can not produce the consequences of being irradiated by the ray.
Moreover, the value of cell phone radiation is very small, while the radiation that induces brain tumor is concentrated and large.
Park Ho-chul introduced, a foreign institution for 30,000 people did a survey, mainly to study the relationship between cell phone radiation and brain tumors. The results of the survey showed that there is no relationship between the occurrence of brain tumors and cell phone radiation, and that exposure to cell phone radiation increases the risk of brain tumors, which is not scientifically valid.
According to Park Ho-chul, the results of domestic and international surveys on the health effects of cell phone radiation show that exposure to cell phone radiation from normal cell phone use is safe for humans.
With the development of cell phone production technology, the amount of radiation generated by the use of cell phones is getting smaller and smaller, and cell phone radiation is insignificant in the life of people who are exposed to radiation from their surroundings at any time and in any place. Therefore, Park Ho-chul believes that there is no need for people to worry too much about the harm of cell phone radiation, and that cell phone radiation has a very limited impact on health.
In response to the claim that children are more affected by cell phone radiation, Ho-chul Park believes that it is possible that children are more sensitive to cell phone radiation because their skulls are thinner than those of adults and are not fully closed.
Both adults and children, exposure to cell phone radiation can at most cause a localized thermal effect, because the radiation value is very small, and cannot reach the ability to penetrate the brain. Park Ho-cheol reminds that it is necessary to use the cell phone in a controlled manner, such as not to use it for a long time, especially for children, and not to put it next to you when you sleep.
Differing views on cell phone radiation2Is cell phone radiation dangerous to the human body? There are different views on this issue. Recently, a new German study proved that cell phone radiation makes human cells heat up much more than people assume.
Markus Antonetti, director of the Potsdam Institute for Colloid Interfaces at the German Max Planck Research Association, said at his home that his 16-year-old cell phone had been used for a long time. Antonetti has made it a rule at home for his 16- and 18-year-old daughters to keep their cell phone calls long and short, lasting no more than five minutes. Otherwise, use the landline.
Marcus is a very practical scientist, and not in any way fanciful. He is concerned that cell phone radiation can heat up the neural tendons of the human brain not by 1 degree Celsius, but by 100 degrees Celsius. So far. There is a lot of debate about whether cell phone radiation causes human harm, and most believe that the damage, if any, is not too great. From the current point of view, cell phone use is not yet fully saturated, but the number of people who rely on cell phones as a means of communication is now quite large. Who knows where this will lead. As a result of the reduction in cell phone call rates, people are talking on their cell phones for longer and longer periods of time. A German media survey on whether cell phone radiation can cause harm to the human body shows that 55% of Germans believe that there is a risk of cell phone radiation. So, will cell phone calls be like passive smoking? Or cause death like eating stale beef? That's a question people may not know for another 30 years.
Thirty years is a long time! Scientists have long since begun to study it in depth. One can turn on the Internet and pull up tons of studies by scientists. Researchers have tested the temperature of lab rats' brains by subjecting them to microwave radiation and then testing the temperature of their brains. And in biochemical research, scientists have been irradiating lab rats and then checking to see if the DNA in their bodies is being harmed.
Cell phones radiate at a frequency of 1 to 2 gigahertz, the same frequency at which ordinary microwave ovens operate. For this reason, radiation protectionists have set radiation limits for cell phones, ensuring that no more than 1 degree Celsius of heat can be caused to brain cells or skin. But herein lies the problem: measuring the average temperature is not enough, and temperatures much higher than the average can occur for short periods of time. Researchers routinely find damaged DNA in cells or brain tumors in lab rats. so mobile opponents warn against prolonged cell phone use.
The concern of the researchers at the Max Planck Research Association is that cell phone radiation can endanger nerve cells and nerve tendons in the brain. Because nerve tendons end with charged atoms (ions), these particles oscillate when radiated by cell phones, and it is not yet possible to measure how strong. In addition, one cannot implant a thermometer into a cell. Antonetti and his colleagues used a trick to form cell membranes with microscopic fat beads in a salt solution that mimics biological tissue, a kind of concentrated liquid brain, through changes in salt concentration and changes in the size of the fat beads.
"That's when tragedy struck!" Antonetti said, "It is here that we find the extreme degree of heating, with peaks of up to 100 degrees Celsius, where the amount of energy absorbed is hundreds of times higher than hitherto envisioned, and this is the tumor." According to Antonetti, this phenomenon is akin to grilled sausages and mashed potatoes; when one puts both in the microwave, the sausages are immediately heated because they contain fine beads of fat, and the microwave heating effect is very pronounced. Is cell phone radiation so dangerous? From a scientific point of view, it seems too hasty to jump to conclusions right away. Does short-term heating of cells increase the risk of cancer? This needs to be proven in human and clinical studies. But in any case, the mechanism is now known and it can lead to cell damage.
In fact, medical scientists in Vienna measured this phenomenon three years ago and concluded that cell phone radiation can cause cell damage. The scientists measured DNA damage at 0.3 watts/kg, a value well below the legal 2 watts/kg. Currently, the radiation intensity of most cell phones exceeds this value. For this reason, the Vienna scientists warned that children should not use cell phones for long periods of time.
Doubts that cell phone radiation damages human genes and may cause cancer cannot be ruled out at this time. Currently, the German Federal Agency for Radiation Protection is preparing an evaluation of about 500 mobile communication risk study programs, perhaps setting new radiation limit values. However, this does not mean that mobile communication should be abolished. People have to use low-radiation cell phones in order to use communication devices.
On the different views of cell phone radiation 3
Science Trivia Guide: Teach you how to effectively prevent cell phone radiation Teach you how to effectively prevent cell phone radiation 1, cell phones try not to put in the pocket, waist and bedside Some researchers have made experiments on rats, when each square centimeter of body surface with 1700 MHz, 10 milliwatts of radio waves irradiated for 100 minutes after the rat's testicular structure began to appear different...
Teach you how to effectively prevent cell phone radiation
1, the phone as far as possible do not put in the pocket, waist and bedside
Some researchers have experimented with rats, when each square centimeter of the body surface with 1,700 MHz, 10 milliwatts of radio waves irradiated for 100 minutes after the rat's testes structure began to appear abnormal, the vas deferens The epithelial cells on the surface of the vas deferens changed, and mature spermatogonia decreased rapidly. Some people especially like to put the cell phone on the bedside charging, in fact, the power of the phone itself is an electromagnetic field, on the human body certainly produce radiation. In addition, not charging the time should be placed on the phone away from the human body 1-2 meters away from the place, often put the phone on the head of the bed, pillow, etc. are likely to receive cell phone electromagnetic radiation.
2, connected to the moment the phone away from the head
When the cell phone signal is just connected, the signal transmission system is not stable, in the maximum work rate, but also the strongest radiation. Afterwards, the cell phone radiation will be rapidly reduced and remain in a stable state, so it is correct to keep the phone away from the head at the moment of connection.
3, use the headset to reduce cell phone radiation
Mobile phone radiation is issued by the antenna, you must use the phone, available hands-free headset to answer the phone, which can be avoided to accept the cell phone to release more than 90% of the electromagnetic radiation.
4, connected to the phone for the first 5 seconds to avoid close to the ear
In the dialing phone. The initial 5 seconds of its microwave radiation dose is the largest. In the launch state of the instant microwave radiation intensity are more than our microwave radiation health standards for the daily exposure dose. Some models of the maximum radiation can be as high as 13mW/cm2, is more than 200 times the national health standard limit range. Antenna close to the ear, the body of the microwave radiation has a certain absorption, so dialing a cell phone is best in the phone connection 4-5 seconds before close to the ear.
5, the cell phone signal is weak when less listening to the phone
The different signal strength of the cell phone radiation has been studied, the results show that in the weak signal environment to dial the phone, the radiation increased significantly, the human body on the antenna radiation absorption may also be increased, so, in the cell phone signal is not good, but also try to avoid playing the phone.
Harmful effects of cell phone radiation on the human body
1, cell phone radiation can affect the endocrine system
Many girls like to hang their cell phones on their chest, but studies have shown that cell phones hanging on the chest, will have a certain impact on the heart and endocrine system. Even in standby mode with less radiation, the electromagnetic radiation around the cell phone can cause harm to the human body. People with heart insufficiency and arrhythmia should be especially careful not to hang their cell phones on their chests. Some experts believe that electromagnetic radiation will also affect the endocrine function, leading to female menstrual disorders. In addition, electromagnetic radiation will also affect the normal cellular metabolism, resulting in the body of potassium, calcium, sodium and other metal ion disorders.
2, cell phone radiation can be harmful to head health
Mobile phone radiation on the head of the greater harm, it will be on the human central nervous system caused by dysfunction, causing headaches, dizziness, insomnia, dreaming and hair loss and other symptoms, and some people's faces will also have a sense of stimulation. Even if the cell phone in the international radiation safety standards, long-time use of the eyes and other parts of the human body still have damage. Electromagnetic microwaves generated in cell phone reception can damage the lens of the eye and destroy the cellular communication connection function. "Continuous cell phone calls for two hours certainly have damage to the lens of the eye.
3, cell phone radiation can cause osteoporosis
Cell phone electromagnetic fields may reduce bone density leading to osteoporosis. Researchers invited 150 habit of wearing a cell phone on the belt, an average of 15 hours a day to use the phone, and continuous use of six years of male cell phone users, and the use of dual X-ray bone density detector to detect the bone density of their pelvis. The results showed a slight decrease in bone mineral density in the iliac wing near the end of the cell phone.
4, cell phone radiation can affect the male sperm
Scientists found that often carry and use cell phones, the number of men's sperm can be reduced by as much as 30%. Some medical experts pointed out that if the cell phone is often hung in the human waist or abdomen, the electromagnetic wave generated by its send and receive signals will be radiated to the sperm or eggs in the human body, which may affect the user's reproductive function. The British experimental report pointed out that the mouse was cell phone microwave radiation 5 minutes, will produce DNA lesions; human sperm, eggs, long time by the cell phone microwave radiation, may also produce DNA lesions.
5, cell phone radiation can reduce the ability to sleep
Through the age of 18 to 45 years old between 35 men and 36 women for the survey, found that the cell phone radiation interference respondents into a deep sleep state of time is significantly longer than the cell phone radiation interference respondents. The reason for this is that cell phone radiation stimulates the nervous nerves in the brain, keeping people awake and thus reducing their ability to sleep.