PinBang SK9026 data collector features and advantages:
1) single number is automatically generated, no need to manually enter
Single number by the scanning date and time and the unique SN number of the device, to ensure that the single number is unique will not be repeated,
2) automatic continuous scanning, scanning without the need to press the key
PinBang SK9026 data collector After scanning the electronic regulatory code, the instant display of drug information and quantity, download the national more than 100,000 drug information, completed within two minutes. When scanning the code with the SK9026 handheld terminal, it can display the detailed information of the correspondent unit and the drugs in time, and can discover the problem of wrongly sending or omitting the drugs in time.
3) Support for wireless WiFi download to the handheld terminal to the current unit: a second to complete the download, support for the handheld terminal to the current unit query, support for the current unit letter fuzzy query, support for the enterprise digital number fuzzy query, query speed.