Primary school English word list

a [ (piece; piece)]

or [conj. or]

an [ art. one (one, piece,...)]

able [adj. capable; capable]

about [prep.about]

above [prep. on...]

accept [vt. accept]

accident [n. accident; unexpected thing]

accuse [v. accusation]

across [across; through]

act [vi. (play) performance vt. play (role); performance (play)]

activist [n. activist, activist]

actor [n. actor]

add [vt. add; increase]

administration [n. management Department, administrative agency; management]

admit [vt. acknowledge]

adult [n. adult, grown animal]

advise [vt. Advice; advice; suggestion]

affect [vt. influence]

afraid [adj. fear]

after [prep. after...]

again [adv. again; again; again]

against [prep. against; against]

age [n. age]

agency [n. some kind of institution]

aggression [n. hostile emotion or behavior]

ago [adv. previous]

agree [vt. & vi. Agree; approve]

agriculture [n. Agriculture; agronomy]

aid [n. Aid; rescue]

aim [n .Purpose; target]

air [n. sky; air]

air [n. sky; air] force [vt. force; force]

airplane [n. aircraft]

airport [n. airport, airport]

album [n. (a book that stores photos, stamps, etc.)]

alcohol [n. wine]

alive [adj. alive; existing]

all [pron. all, everything]

ally [n. Allies, allies, partners]

almost [adv. almost; almost]

alone [adj. (predicative only) alone]

along [prep. along]

already [adv. already]

also [adv. also]


[conj. Although, although]

always [adv. always]

ambassador [n. ambassador, envoy]

amend [vt. correction, improvement ,vi.rehabilitate]

ammunition [n. arms, ammunition]

among [prep. in...]

amount [n. quantity , amount]

anarchy [n. anarchy, chaos]

ancestor [n. ancestor, ancestor]

ancient [adj. ancient; ancient ]

and [conj. and; and]

anger [n. anger, anger]

animal [n. animal]

anniversary [n. anniversary (day)]

announce [vt. announce; announce]

another [adj. & pron. again (one)]

answer [vt. & n. answer]

any [pron.any]

apologize [vi. apologize; apologize]

appeal [n .attraction]

appear [vi. appear]

appoint [v. specify, confirm]

approve [v. approve, approve]

archeology [n.Archaeology]

area [n.region, region]

argue [vt.&vi.argument, debate]

arms [(arm):n. arm; arm]

army [n. army]

around [adv. around; near]

arrest [v. arrest n. arrest]

arrive [vi. arrival]

art [n. art; fine art; artwork]

artillery [n. artillery, artillery, artillery]

as [adv. & conj. like...]

ash [n. ash, ash dust]

ask [ v. ask, inquire]

assist [v. help, assist]

astronaut [n. astronaut]

astronomy [n. astronomy]


asylum [n. shelter, shelter]

at [prep. at (what time)]

atmosphere [n. atmosphere]

attach [v. tie, stick, tie, connect]

attack [vt.&n. attack; attack]

attempt [vt. attempt; try]

attend [vt. attend; participate]

automobile [n. [US]

car; motor vehicle]

autumn [n. autumn; autumn]

average [adj. average]

avoid [v. avoid]

awake [adj. awake]

award [v. award, give n. award, prize]

away [adv. leave]

< p>

baby [n. baby]

back [adv. back (to the original place); backward]

bad [adj. bad of, harmful]

balance [vt./n. balance]

ball [n. ball]

balloon [n. balloon]

ballot [n. ballot]

ban [n.&vt. prohibition; ban]

bank [n. (river, sea, lake) embankment, bank]

bar [n. stick; pole]

barrier [n. obstacle]

base [n. base; base]

battle [n. battle; battle]

be [prep. is (original form) v. is (original form)]

beat [vt. defeat; beat]

< p>beauty [n. beautiful]

because [conj. because]

become [vi. become; become]

bed [n. bed]

before [prep.& conj. before...; before...]

begin [v. start]

behind [prep. behind...]

believe [vt.&vi. believe; think]

bell [n. bell; bell]

belong [vi. belong ; Attached]

below [prep. below]

best [adj.&adv. the best (place)]

betray [v. betrayal , betray; lose]

better [adj.&adv.better]

between [prep. between (two)]

big [adj. Big]

bill [n. (US) banknote; paper money]

biology [n. biology]

bird [n. bird ]

bite [n. vt.&vi. bite; sting]

black [adj. black]

blame [vt. blame; blame]< /p>

blanket [n. blanket; blanket]

bleed [vi. bleeding; bleeding]

blind [adj. blind]

block [n. block vt. blocking; blocking]


d [n. blood, blood]

blow [vi. & vt. blow]

blue [adj. blue]

boat [n. boat; motorboat]

body [n. body]

boil [vi.&vt. boil]

bomb [n. bomb]

< p>bone [n. bone, bone]

book [n. book]

border [n. side, edge; border]

(be born (bear): [born in]

borrow [vt. borrow]

both [adj. & pron. both]

bottle [n. bottle]

bottom [n. bottom; bottom]

box [n. box; box]

boy [n. boy]

< p>boycott [vt.&n. boycott]

brain [n.brain (child)]

brave [adj.brave]

bread [ n. Bread]

break [vt. & vi. break; tear apart]

breathe [vi. breathing]

bridge [n. bridge]

brief [a. short; concise]

bright [adj. bright]

bring [vt. bring; bring; bring ]

broadcast [vt. broadcast]

brother [n. brother; brother]

brown [adj. brown; brown]

budget [n. budget, revenue and expenditure budget]

build [vt. construction; construction]

building [n. building]

bullet [n. Bullet]

burn [vt. & vi. Burn; burn]

burst [vi. Sudden occurrence]

bury [vt. Bury; Burial]

bus [n. bus *** car]

business [n. affairs; commerce; business]

busy [adj. busy (busy) ) of]

but [conj. But, but]

buy [vt. buy]

by [prep. Beside...; from.]

cabinet [n. storage cabinet]

call [v. shout; call; call]

calm [a. calm; composed]

camera [n. camera]

camp [vi. camping; camping n. camp]

campaign [n. movement]

can [

aux.v. can; can]

cancel [vt. offset; cancel]

cancer [n. cancer]

candidate [n. candidate]

capital [n. capital]

capitalism [n. capitalism, concentration of capital]

capture [v. capture]

car [n. car; small sleeper car]

care [n. care; protection; careful]

careful [adj. careful; careful]

carry [vt. take; move; carry; carry]

case [n. situation; situation n. box (sub); box (sub)] (court [n. court; court])< /p>

case [n. situation; situation n. box (child); box (child)] (medical [adj. medical; medical])

cat [n. cat]

catch [vt. catch, seize]

cause [vt. prompt; cause; cause to happen]

ceasefire [n. ceasefire, ceasefire]< /p>

celebrate [vt. celebrate]

center [(cent):n. points]

century [n. century; century]

ceremony [n. ceremony, ceremony]

chairman [n. chairman]

champion [n. champion; defender, advocate]

chance [ n. Opportunity; possibility]

change [vt. & vi. Change; replacement]

charge [vt. Ask for a fee; ask for a price n. Fee; price]

chase [v. chase, chase]

cheat [v. cheat, cheat]

cheer [vi. cheer; cheer]

chemicals [(chemical):n.chemical adj.chemical]

chemistry [n.chemistry]

chief [adj.main; primary]

child [n. child]

children [n. (plural form of child)]

choose [vt. selection]

circle [n. circle ; circle; ring]

citizen [n. citizen; resident]

city [n. city; city; city]

civilian [n. civilian a .civilian]

civil [adj. domestic] rights [(right):adj. right, correct]

claim [v. claim]

< p>clash [n. collision; conflict, conflict]

clean [vt. clean adj. clean]

clear [adj. clear; clear


clergy [n. priest]

climate [n. climate]

climb [vt. & vi. climb; climb]

clock [n. clock]

close [vt. off; close]

cloth [n. cloth; clothing material]

clothes [n. (pl.) clothes]

cloud [n. cloud]

coal [n. coal]

coalition [n. alliance; alliance, treaty, agreement ]

coast [n. coast; seaside]

coffee [n. coffee]

cold [n. cold; cold, cold adj. cold, Cold]

collect [vt. collection]

college [n. college]

colony [n. colony; settlement]

< p>color [vt. Color...; color]

combine [vt. Combine; unite]

come [vi. Come]

< p>command [n. command]

comment [n. comment]

committee [n. committee]

common [adj. ordinary; general ]

communicate [vi. communicate vt. transmit]

community [n. community, society]

company [n. company]

< p>compare [vt. Compare; contrast]

compete [vi. Competition; competition]

complete [vt. Completion; end]

complex [adj .Difficult to understand or explain; complicated]

compromise [n. compromise, compromise v. compromise, compromise]

computer [n. electronic computer]

< p>concern [n. worry, anxiety]

condemn [v. condemnation; sentencing]

condition [n. condition; situation]

conference [n .(formal) meeting; discussion]

confirm [v. confirm, affirm]

conflict [n. conflict]

congratulate [vt. congratulations]

Congress [United States Congress]

connect [vt.&vi. connect; connect...]

conservative [a. conservative , old-fashioned; not fashionable, traditional]

consider [vt. consider]

constitution [n. physique; constitution]

contain [vt. Contain; include]

container [(conta

in): vt. includes; includes]

continent [n. continent; continent]

continue [vi.&vt.continue]

control [vt. Control]

convention [n. custom, practice]

cook [v. cooking, cooking n. cook, cook]

cool [adj. cool, cool]

cooperate [v. cooperation, collaboration; cooperation]

copy [vt. copy; copy]

corn [n. cereal ; corn]

correct [adj. correct; right]

cost [vi. worth (how much) money]

cotton [n. & adj . Cotton (of)]

count [vt. number; point]

country [n. country]

court [n. court; court]< /p>

cover [vt. cover; cover; n. cover]

cow [n. cow; cow]

crash [n. crash, collision]< /p>

create [vt. create; cause]

creature [n. creature (especially animals)]

credit [n. credit, credit]

crew [n. crew]

crime [n. crime]

criminal [n. prisoner]

crisis [n.(serious illness) of) turning point; crisis]

criticize [vt. criticism; comment; censure]

crops [(crop):n. crops]

cross [vt . over, through]

crowd [vt. crowding; gathering]

crush [v. crush, overwhelm, subdue, suppress; crush, crush]


cry [vi. cry; shout; n. cry]

culture [n. culture]

cure [vt.&n. treatment; recovery]


curfew [n. curfew]

current [adj. current; present day]

custom [n. habit; custom; custom]

< p>customs [(custom):n. Habit; custom; custom]

cut [vt. & vi. cut; cut; chop]

dam [n. dam; sluice]

damage [n.&vt. destruction; damage]

dance [vi. dance]

danger [ n. Danger]

dark [adj. dark (dark) color]

date [n. date]

daughter [n. daughter]


day [

n. (one) day, (one) day]

dead [adj. dead; inanimate]

deaf [adj. deaf]

deal [n. amount; amount v. payable; processing]

debate [n. debate, discussion]

debt [n. debt; arrears]

< p>decide [vi. & vt. decide; make up your mind]

declare [vt. assert; declare]

decrease [v. reduce]

deep [adj. Deep; profound]

defeat [vt. Defeat; defeat]

defend [vt. Defend; defend]

deficit [n. Deficient amount]

define [v. outline, outline]

degree [n. degree; degree; degree]

delay [vt.&vi. postpone; delay]

delegate [n. representative, committee member, commissioner]

demand [vt. request]

democracy [n. democracy]


demonstrate [v. indicate]

denounce [vt. condemn, denounce; report]

deny [v. deny v. refuse]

depend [vi. Rely on; believe; trust]

deplore [v. lament, deplore]

deploy [v. expand, configure]

depression [ n. Frustration; depression]

describe [vt. describe, describe]

desert [n. desert]

design [vt.&n. design; draw ]

desire [vt. request; expectation n. desire]

destroy [vt. destruction; destruction]

detail [n. details]

develop [vt. & vi. development; development]

device [n. device, instrument]

dictator [n. dictator, commander]

die [vi. die]

diet [n. diet]

different [adj. different]

difficult [adj. difficult ; Difficult]

dig [vi. & vt. dig; dig]

dinner [n. dinner]

diplomat [n. diplomat]< /p>

direct [vt.&vi.director]

direction [n. direction; orientation]

dirt [n. dirt; dirt; dirt]< /p>

disappear [vi. disappear]

disarm [v.1. disarm, disarm 2. ease

, eliminate (hostility, doubt)]

discover [vt. discovery]

discuss [vt. discussion; discussion]

disease [n. disease; disease ]

dismiss [v. expulsion, dismissal; ignore or be dismissive of...]

dispute [v. raise objection to...]

dissident [adj. dissenter]

distance [n. distance]

dive [vi. dive]

divide [vt.&vi. points; divide]

do [vt. do]

doctor [n. doctor, doctor]

document [n. prove or prove (something) with documents ]

dog [n. dog]

dollar [n. yuan]

door [n. door]

down [adv .Down]

dream [vt.&n. dream; dream]

drink [v. drink; drink]

drive [v. drive; drive (car)]

drop [v. fall; drop; deliver]

drown [vi.&vt. drown; drown]

drug [n. medicine; medicine]

dry [adj. dry; dry]

during [prep. between...]

dust [n. dust; Dust]

duty [n. responsibility; obligation]

each [pron. & adj. each; each piece]

early [adv. early]

earn [vt. earn; earn]

earth [n. soil; mud; earth; earth]

< p>earthquake [n. earthquake]

ease [v. ease, alleviate]

east [n. & adj. east; east (of)]

easy [adj. easy]

eat [v. eat]

ecology [n.ecology]

economy [n. economy]

edge [n. edge; edge]

education [n. education; training]

effect [n. effect; effect]

effort [n. effort; difficult attempt]

egg [n. egg]

either [adv. also (not)]

elect [v. election ]

electricity [n. electricity; current]

embassy [n. embassy]

emergency [n. emergency]

emotion [n. emotion]


p>employ [vt. employment]

empty [adj. empty]

end [n. end; end; end]

enemy [n. enemy; enemy]

energy [n. energy; energy]

enforce [v. implement, take effect, execute; impose, force, force]

engine [n. engine; engine]

engineer [n. engineer; technician]

enjoy [vt. appreciate; enjoy... fun]

enough [adj. Sufficient; sufficient]

enter [(ENT): otolaryngology]

environment [n. environment]

equal [adj. equal; equal]

equipment [n. equipment, equipment]

escape [vi.&n. escape; escape]

especially [adv. special , especially]

establish [v. make people accept (beliefs, customs, requirements, etc.)]

estimate [v. estimate]

ethnic [adj. National; racial]

evaporate [v. disappear, gradually dissipate; (make liquid or solid) evaporate, volatilize]

even [adv. even; more]

event [n. event; major event]

ever [adv. once]

every [adj. every; every]

evidence [n. evidence]

evil [n. evil]

exact [adj. accurate; strict]

examine [vt. examination; diagnosis]

example [n. example; role model]

excellent [adj. excellent; excellent]

except [prep. except...]< /p>

exchange [v. exchange]

excuse [vt. forgive]

execute [vt. execution, fulfillment, implementation]

exercise [n. practice]

exile [vt. exile n. exile]

exist [vi. existence]

expand [vt. (make) Expand, (make) bigger]

expect [vt. hope; think]

expel [vt. expel, expel; expel]

experience [n .experience; experience]

experiment [n. experiment]

expert [n. expert; expert]

explain [vt.&vi. explanation; explanation]

explode [vt.&vi.(make) explode]

explore [v

.Exploration; exploration]

export [n. output, export; output product]

express [vt. expression; expression]

extend [v. extend , expand]

extra [adj. additional; additional]

extreme [n. extreme]

extremist [n. extreme]

You should give me some fen(You should give me some points)

Is there any?