RF chip is difficult to develop?

RF chip includes the transmitter and receiver devices, R & D is less difficult than the main chip, in the design to ensure that the RF signal is not distorted transmission to the receiver frequency conversion circuit.

Like a cell phone has a lot of features, PCB board location and limited, components and a lot of design wiring requirements are very high, some will be 4 ~ 6 layer design, each layer can work to play the biggest role. RF chip in the transmit signal to convert the binary signal into high-frequency electromagnetic signals, in the reception of the opposite, regardless of the use of 13.56MHZ signal carrier or 900/1800MHZ signal carrier, need to be equipped with a radio frequency module to form a wireless connection.

In order to prevent interference between the wire, to minimize the noise generated by the wire, it is best to choose a wider wire and copper body material. Due to the high-frequency digital circuits sensitive, it is necessary to stay away from analog circuit devices, so it is necessary to solve the compatibility problem of digital and analog circuits inside the chip. In the internal structure of the chip, the grid is narrow, the signal data and too large, there must be a large storage space to comb these data.

There are many skills in the development of RF chips, in the corners of the transmission line can be rounded at 45 degrees to reduce the line back to the loss of the bad, insulated circuit boards with numerical values for each layer of control can be avoided with the neighboring line body to produce magnetic field effects. The use of high-precision etching specifications for PCB design, wiring cut-off surfaces and coatings for overall management to address microwave frequency-related issues. Electromagnetic to be compatible design, in different environments to be able to work properly, without interference from other devices.

The internal structure of the RF chip is not so complex, the main thing is to complete the transmission and reception, through the electronic resonator will be converted to a wireless signal into a specified waveform, with a filter high-frequency amplification and further demodulation, the formation of the baseband information, so it is not very difficult in the design.

It's hard! There are not many in the world can do it! If you like to listen to me is also very simple, pull the sand to TSMC can be done

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