Causes the Chinese and American family in to adopt in child's ideadifference, the main reason includes:
One is the economical developed degree, China also is in thedeveloping country. The main reason includes:
One is the economical developed degree, China also is in thedeveloping nation, the national economy compares the developed countryrelative backwardness. The medical equipment, the technical levelinsufficiently is advanced, causes some disabilities or the childcannot obtain treats and treatments. The medical equipment, the technical levelinsufficiently is advanced, causes some disabilities or the childcannot obtain treats and cures, so that has encountered parents'abandonment. The impoverished mountainous area continually most basicwarm and sufficient condition all has not solved, does not have the economic capacity to foster the child;
Two was center the western cultural difference, the Chinese traditionfeudalistic thinking. the Chinese traditionfeudalistic thinking has caused in the general countrysides areacultural idea had "regards men as superior to women" the thought; China needs and these not morals abandoned. China needs and these not morals abandoned child behavior and thestupid old idea resistance;
Three was national's overall quality, China is crowding 1.3 billionpeople, still had the number surely person's life only to be able tomaintain the warm and sufficient condition, although China hasimplemented nine years compulsory education education to women. hasimplemented nine years compulsory education policy, but every year orhad very many children of school age the education;
Four is the social security system, in the Chinese current country
Four is the social security system, in the Chinese current countrysidesocial security system also imperfect situation, after the girl getsmarried the single woman
Four is the social security system, in the Chinese current countrysidesocial security system also imperfect situation, after the girl getsmarried the single woman household parents to face the old age supportdifficult problem.
Fifth, China faces the question which needs to solve:
1st, speeds up the
Fifth, China faces the question which needs to solve:
1st, speeds up the economical development the speed, speciallycountryside area economic development.
2nd, the national government must continue the strict
2nd, the national government must continue the strict action programbirth policy, and enlarges to girl's safeguard and the care, shouldappear some to the single woman household family reward policy.
4th, according to the Chinese government the fifth national censuswhich carries on in 2000, the national birth population sex ratio is117, namely in the birth baby, the male and female ratio achieves 117:100, 102 to 107 outdoes very many compared to the normal value. Alsodemonstrated Alsodemonstrated according to the Chinese statistics bureau newestinvestigation that, our country city male female infant's sex ratio is112.8 compares 100, the town is 116.5 compares 100, the village is118.1 compares 100. If has not solved this problem, this will be ableto bring a series of social question. For example. The multitudinousman cannot find the wife.
5th, because the foreign family adopts in China the majority all is afemale infant, this can enlarge Chinese the male and female proportionnot to be balanced, therefore the government department shouldstrengthen to touches on foreign affairs the adoption work management,must legally, and the government department should not be able to find the wife. adoption work management,must legally, have the foreword development to touch on foreignaffairs the adoption work; Chooses various aspects condition betterforeign country family according to the actual situation to come Chinato adopt.
Is willing the world to fill the love, is willing in the
Is willing the world to fill the love, is willing in the world allchildren to be all happy!