In order to better mobilize and give full play to the nursing staff's enthusiasm and creativity, reflecting the distribution according to the work, according to the nursing staff's performance points to allocate bonuses, and to formulate the performance appraisal program is as follows.
First, the principle of assessment
Combined with the corresponding job responsibilities and work completion, the nursing staff of different title levels, jobs, shifts to give different coefficients, while combining the quality of nursing work, quality of service to the nurses on duty quantitative assessment, according to the actual work of the dynamic management of the distribution of coefficients, awards and penalties for the poor, the maximum mobilization of the nursing staff to work actively.
Second, the content of the assessment
The assessment includes nursing workload, nursing quality control and other aspects.
Third, the assessment method
Workload points (shift points): day shift 5 points (a shift), small night shift 6 points (p shift), large night shift (7 points), ride shift 6 points, rest time to send the patient according to the time period counting points.
The length of service score: length of service * 0.1. The length of service in the year of admission to the hospital is 0, the next year is 0.2, and so on;
Temporary employment of nurses positions are also counted in the length of service, (in the time of admission to the hospital to start calculating, halfway to take a long leave of absence is not considered.)
Number of coefficients: The department does not distinguish between temporarily employed or regularly employed nurses. Nurses with a certificate of nursing practice at the time of admission, all the assessment through (including the nursing department and departmental assessment), the probationary period of six months after the coefficient of 1.0; no certificate of nursing practice at the time of admission to the department or fresh graduates, all the assessment through the probationary period of half a year after the certificate of practice and can be alone on duty 1.0, did not obtain the certificate of practice or can not independently competent work 0.5; new nurses did not pass the assessment within one year, the coefficient of decline to 0.5 until the examination is passed. Other nurses coefficient 1.0.
Title: salary reflects.
Title: Salary reflects: 1.3 for the head nurse, 1.1 for the deputy head nurse, and 1.0 for the nurse who does not hold a position.
Reward: (according to the regulations on rewards and punishments)
Penalty: (according to the regulations on rewards and punishments)
Deduction for quality control: (Deduction for the hospital's quality control and quality control of the Ministry of Nursing)
Fourth, the accounting method
1.Personal performance score = workload score (workload score = xx). The workload score = workload score for night shift ╳ 6 + night shift ╳ 7 + day shift ╳ 5 + seniority score) ╳ coefficient ╳ job title ╳ job title.
2. Individual Bonus = Total Bonus of Nursing Group / Total Performance Score of Nursing Group ╳ Individual Total Performance Score.
3. Bonus = Individual Bonus - Penalty and Quality Control Deduction + Reward
V. Nurses' Work Reward and Punishment Regulations
(A) Penalty Regulations
1. Labor Discipline
Late coming to work or leaving early, deduct 5 yuan, 15 minutes late, 30 yuan, more than 30 minutes
Absenteeism, based on the section clock, more than one hour in addition to the deduction and treated as absenteeism. In addition to the deduction and reported to the hospital as absenteeism. Work time without leave to the head nurse unauthorized absence from work with reference to the penalty for early departure. The shift is not in the department to listen to the shift according to off-duty treatment, a 300 yuan.
Without the consent of the head nurse, unauthorized shift change a deduction of 100 yuan;
Unauthorized shift change or ask others to take over the shift caused by the two sides of the off-duty deduction of 200 yuan (written leave), disobedience to the director of the emergency deployment deduction of 100 yuan.
The first thing you need to do is to take a look at your own personal work.
The first thing you need to do is to take a look at your own personal work.
The first thing you need to do is to take a look at your own personal work.
Sleeping at the nurses' station during working hours is deducted 10 yuan, and sleeping in the duty room or other places is deducted 20 yuan.
10 RMB will be deducted once for talking and laughing loudly in the office and causing complaints.
2. Instrumentation and service attitude
The dress code is not neat (shawl hair, earrings, earrings, bracelets, rings, long nails, dyed nails, not wearing a badge, not wearing a cap, not wearing a watch, etc.), the department of quality control once deducted 10 yuan, the nursing department of quality control once deducted 20 yuan, eating breakfast at work time deducted 10 yuan.
Quarrel with the patient or family members once deducted 10 yuan, due to work errors affecting the quality of care caused by medical disputes once deducted 60 yuan (resulting in medical losses in accordance with the hospital's legal regulations penalties).
Patients or families complained that the nurse's attitude is bad, after verification of the correct one deducted 20 yuan.
Staff quarrel with each other at work, both sides of the deduction of 50 yuan, and unreasonable scolding 20 yuan.
3. Quality of work
The two sides did not carry out the handover of property deducted 10 yuan, the number of property lost due to unclear, the responsibility of the parties involved, and according to the amount of property loss 10% compensation (100 yuan of property within the actual number of deductions, more than 100 yuan of property, then according to the part of 100 yuan + 100 yuan and then according to the 10% payout).
Failure to carry out bedside handover, handover did not check the patient both sides deducted 10 yuan / times.
Violation of operating procedures once deducted 10 yuan, due to the violation of operating procedures or nursing routines and systems, nursing safety accidents such as pipeline dislodgement, asphyxiation, infusion seepage, etc. according to the severity of the case deducted from 10 yuan, and reported to the Department of Nursing.
Nursing records in violation of the writing principle phenomenon of each deduction of 5 yuan;
Nursing paper scribbling a deduction of 2 yuan;
Failure to timely write the nursing record or copying the delay caused by the delay in the submission of medical records deduction of 6 yuan, resulting in medical disputes, a deduction of 20 yuan;
medical prescription is not signed in a timely manner each deduction of 2 yuan, resulting in medical disputes deducted 20 yuan;
medical advice entry errors and not found in time when checking the first responsible person deducted 10 yuan, the relevant responsible person deducted 6 yuan, each shift before the end of the shift does not check the medical advice or did not check the error deducted 10 yuan;
nursing quality control inspection of nursing documents found problems, deductions related to the responsible person of 10 yuan ∕ place.
All kinds of registration form records do not meet the requirements of each deduction of 2 yuan, each shift work duties are not completed in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of each deduction of 2 yuan.
The general error deducted 60 yuan per case, serious errors deducted 100 yuan per case, and reported to the Nursing Department. If it causes economic loss to the department or the patient, the responsible person will bear the responsibility personally. The deduction and penalty will be reduced by half if the error is reported voluntarily, and doubled if it is concealed and not reported. Nursing Department of the monthly quality control inspection found in the problem involves individuals, each time 10 yuan deduction.
Theoretical business examination is less than 70 points, deduct 10 yuan, less than 60 points deduct 20 yuan, less than 50 points deduct 30 yuan, (including the hospital and section assessment), hospital operation examination failed or make-up exams a deduction of 20 yuan.
Unexcused failure to participate in the hospital organization of business learning each time to deduct 20 yuan.
The quality control officer did not fulfill the single-month quality control duties deducted 10 yuan.
The new nurse mentor to fulfill the duties of guidance deducted 20 yuan of allowance for the month;
If the guidance of the new nurses failed to pass the assessment of the month each deduction of 10 yuan.
(B) reward and punishment regulations
Participate in the Department of Nursing business examination, the theory score of 90 points (including) or more, operation 95 points (including) or more reward 10 yuan, 100 points reward 30 yuan.
Satisfaction assessment (hospital and department) by the patient or family written commendation of each vote plus 10 yuan, the individual received a banner or letter of commendation plus 100 yuan.
Timely detection of problems, to avoid the occurrence of errors and accidents, plus 10 yuan per case.
The first author of a paper published in the provincial journal plus 10 yuan each, the core journal plus 20 yuan each, published monographs plus 30 yuan;
hosting the national project plus 40 yuan each, hosting the provincial project plus 30 yuan each, hosting the municipal project (including school-level projects) plus 20 yuan each. (The head nurse does not participate in this award)
Those who are assigned by the department to participate in the in-hospital or out-of-hospital competitions will be given an additional 40 yuan, and the winners of the competitions will be rewarded according to the level;
The first prize of the in-hospital competition will be given an additional 160 yuan, the second prize will be given an additional 100 yuan, and the third prize will be given an additional 60 yuan;
The first prize of the out-of-hospital competition will be given an additional 200 yuan, the second prize will be given an additional 140 yuan, and the third prize will be given an additional 100 yuan.
The total number of night shifts for the year ranked in the top three in the ward plus 50 yuan each.
Those who serve as mentors to new nurses will be given an additional allowance of $20 per month.
Orthopedic Nursing Group
December 2019 (Revised)