You can become a quality system auditor by applying and passing the audit.
Application Requirements
1, applicants for registration at all levels should carefully read the CCAA-QMS auditor registration guidelines, to understand the registration requirements.
2, the applicant should provide true and complete registration information, data. Application information, information should be used in Chinese or English, such as providing information in other languages, information, should be accompanied by a Chinese translation confirmed by the certification body employing the applicant.
3, the applicant should use the CCAA unified registration application form. The application form should be filled out completely, signed by the applicant, the registered sponsor, the person in charge of the recommending organization to sign and stamp the official seal of the recommending organization, attached to all the required supporting information, together with the registration fee to be submitted to the CCAA.
4, the applicant should sign a statement indicating that it agrees to comply with the requirements of the CCAA-QMS Auditor Registration Guidelines, in particular the requirements of the Code of Conduct for Auditors.
5, the applicant submits a complete application for registration information and registration fees, CCAA can accept the application to begin the evaluation of the registration process. Registration fees see "Certified Personnel Registration Fee Rules".
6, if the applicant has special requirements for the registration process or registration information release methods, content, etc., should be explained in writing at the time of application.
Extended InformationApplicant qualifications and experience requirements
1, educational experience
Applicants should have a college (including) or higher education (see 1.3.8 definition).
2. Work experience
Applicants shall have at least 4 years of work experience in technical or management positions.
Note: The experience of business operators (e.g., salespersons, medical and nursing staff, financial cashiers, equipment operators, and personnel engaged in specific services in the service industry) cannot be considered acceptable work experience for auditor registration.
3, quality management work experience
4, the applicant in all work experience should have at least 2 years of work experience related to quality management.