Based on the basic health insurance information database for all participants in the electronic medium of health insurance identification.
Confirm the place of enrollment, such as the place of enrollment enrollees previously used the physical card in this store can pay. Then confirm whether the participating city shown on the cell phone displaying the health insurance code interface is the same as the actual participating place. If not, please click the city you want to modify and retry. Generally, city pharmacies only support health insurance for practitioners with a hukou, because residents and New Agricultural Cooperative can't buy medicine through health insurance for the time being, so you need to confirm the category of participation.
Confirm whether the store's scanning gun and the system have ever been successful in swiping the code for medical insurance collection. If it has been successful, please check the following three reasons. First, the brightness of the cell phone screen is poor, and the code scanning gun fails to recognize it. Please adjust the brightness of your cell phone; secondly, you are enrolled in more than one place, you need to select the correct city of enrollment; thirdly, there may be an operation error on the medical insurance cashier software, please retry the operation.
Legal analysis: first, because the user has not activated the Alipay medical insurance electronic credentials, resulting in the inability to use the medical insurance code payment; second is the user's participation in the region Alipay has not yet on-line medical insurance code payment service; and finally, because the designated pharmacies or hospitals do not support the medical insurance code payment scanning equipment.
Legal basis: "Chinese People's **** and State Social Insurance Law" Article 2 The State establishes a basic pension insurance, basic medical insurance, industrial injury insurance, unemployment insurance, maternity insurance and other social insurance system, to protect the citizens in old age, disease, industrial injury, unemployment, maternity and other situations in accordance with the right to material assistance from the State and society. Article 3 The social insurance system adheres to the policy of broad coverage, basic protection, multi-level and sustainability, and the level of social insurance shall be commensurate with the level of economic and social development. Article 4 Employers and individuals within the territory of the People's Republic of China*** and the State shall pay social insurance premiums in accordance with the law, and shall have the right to inquire about the records of contributions and individual rights and interests, and to request social insurance agencies to provide social insurance advice and other related services. Individuals enjoy social insurance benefits in accordance with the law, and have the right to supervise the payment of contributions for them by their own units.