China's vaccine production system
According to China's relevant laws, the state of vaccine production to implement a strict access system. Engaged in vaccine production activities, should be approved by the people's government at or above the provincial level drug supervision and management department, to obtain a drug production license.Causes of medical disputes
Medical disputes are usually caused by medical fault and negligence. Medical negligence is the failure of medical personnel in the process of diagnosis and care. Medical fault is the fault of medical personnel in the diagnosis and care and other medical activities. These faults often lead to patient dissatisfaction or cause harm to the patient, thus causing medical disputes. In addition to medical disputes due to medical fault and negligence, sometimes disputes can arise from medical activities in which there is no negligence or error on the part of the medical practitioner, but only due to unilateral dissatisfaction on the part of the patient. Such disputes can be caused by the patient's lack of basic medical knowledge, lack of understanding of proper medical treatment, natural regression of diseases and unavoidable complications, and accidents in medical treatment, as well as by the patient's unjustified blaming. Some people also called medical tort dispute, that is, between the provider and the recipient of medical services on medical behavior and its consequences of whether the infringement and tort liability dispute. The above knowledge is my answer to the relevant legal issues, according to the provisions of relevant laws in China, the state of vaccine production to implement a strict access system. Engaged in vaccine production activities, should be approved by the people's government at or above the provincial level drug supervision and management department, to obtain a drug production license.