Handheld nebulizer with battery belongs to which category of medical devices
The third category. Handheld nebulizer with battery use scene is relatively special, the use of direct contact with the human body, with a certain degree of risk, on the production technology, quality control, operator qualifications, use of conditions and other aspects of the requirements of the higher, and therefore need strict management and supervision, the first class of medical devices is a low-risk, the implementation of routine management can ensure its safety and effectiveness of medical devices, the second class has a moderate risk, need to Class I medical devices are low risk, the implementation of routine management can ensure its safety and effectiveness of medical devices, the second class has a moderate risk, need to strictly control the management to ensure its safety and effectiveness of medical devices, and Class III medical devices is a higher risk, need to take special measures to strictly control the management to ensure its safety and effectiveness of medical devices, so the hand-held nebulizer with battery belongs to the third class.