What is the principle of hologram?

Holographic technology is the use of interference and diffraction principles to record and reproduce the object real three-dimensional image of the recording and reproduction technology. The first step is to use the principle of interference to record the object light wave information, that is, the shooting process: the object to be photographed in the laser irradiation to form a diffuse object beam; the other part of the laser beam as a reference beam to the holographic film, and the object beam superimposed on the interference generated by the object light wave of the phase and amplitude of the points on the wave converted into a spatial variation of the intensity, so as to use the interference fringes of the contrast between the intervals of the object will be recorded as the full information of the light wave. Recording. Recorded interference fringes of the negative after developing, fixing and other processing procedures, it becomes a hologram, or holographic photographs; the second step is to use the principle of diffraction to reproduce the information of the object's light waves, which is the process of imaging: holograms as if a complex grating, in the coherent laser irradiation, a linear record of sinusoidal holograms of diffraction of the light waves can generally give two elephants, that is, the original image (also known as the initial image) and * * * conjugate image. ** yoked image. The reproduced image is three-dimensional and has a realistic visual effect. Each part of the hologram records the light information of each point on the object, so in principle, each part of it can reproduce the entire image of the original object, through multiple exposures can also be recorded on the same piece of film a number of different images, and can not interfere with each other to be displayed. [edit]Principle The holographic principle, that "a system can, in principle, be completely described by a number of degrees of freedom on its boundary", is a new fundamental principle based on the quantum nature of black holes. In fact, this fundamental principle is linked to the quantum theory of combining quantum elements and quantum bits. Its mathematical proof is that there are as many quantum elements as there are dimensions of spacetime; and as many quantum elements as there are quantum bits. Together they form a matrix-like finite set of spacetime, i.e., a set of their permutations. Holographic incompleteness means that there is a duality between choosing the number of permutations, choosing the empty set and choosing the full permutation. That is, a certain number of dimensions of spacetime holography is completely equivalent to the number of permutations holography with one less quantum bit; this is similar to the "quantum error-avoidance coding principle", which fundamentally solves the problem of systematic computational error caused by coding error in quantum computation. The quantum computation of space-time is similar to the double-*** conjugate coding of the double-helix structure of biological DNA, which is a quantum computer that organizes the real and imaginary, positive and negative double-*** conjugate coding together. This can be called "biotemporal science", in which "entropy", similar to "macro entropy", not only refers to the degree of chaos, but also refers to a range. Does time refer to a range? From the point of view of "originating from life", it should. Therefore, all positions and times are scopes. The "entropy" of position is the "entropy" of area, and the "entropy" of time is the "entropy" of the thermodynamic arrow. Secondly, is the binary arrangement of similar N-quantum elements and N-quantum sublocations similar to the determinant or matrix of N-numbered rows and N-numbered columns, where one of the dissimilarities is that the determinant or matrix is one quantum bit less than the binary arrangement of N-quantum elements and N-quantum sublocations, is it analogous to the holographic principle, where the binary arrangement of N-quantum elements and N-quantum sublocations is an accretionary system, and any dynamics of it can be described in terms of a field theory that is one quantum bit lower analogous to a determinant or matrix of N number rows and N number columns? Mathematically it might be possible to prove or explore. 1. the anti-de Sitter space, which is the space within points, lines, and surfaces, is cumulative. Because the intersection of point, line, and surface space and point, line, and surface space tends to "super-zero" or "zero-point energy" zero, here is an accumulatable system, and any of its dynamics can be realized by a one-dimensional lower field theory. That is, due to the symmetry of the anti-de Sitter space, the symmetry in the field theory of the space inside the points, lines, and surfaces is larger than the Lorentz symmetry of the original space outside the points, lines, and surfaces, and this somewhat larger symmetry group is called the ****-shaped symmetry group. Of course this can be eliminated by changing the geometry inside the anti-Madsit space to eliminate this symmetry, thus making the equivalent field theory free of ***shaped symmetry, which can be called the new ***shaped ***shape. If Madsina space is regarded as "space outside the point", the general "space outside the point" or "space inside the point" can also be regarded as similar to the sphere space. The anti-de Sitter space, i.e., the "space inside the point", is a special kind of limit in field theory. The classical gravitational and quantum up and down effects of the "space inside the point" are very complicated to calculate in string theory, and the calculation can only be made in one limit. For example, the rate of rise of the cosmic mass orbital circle similar to the anti-de Sitter space above, which is 8.88 times the speed of light, is made in a limit. In such a limit, "space within a point" transitions to a new spacetime, or pp-wave background. The spectra of multiple states of cosmic strings can be calculated precisely, and reflecting this in the field theory of the dual, we can obtain anomalous scaling indices for some operators in the calculation of the mass spectra of the matter families. 2, The trick is that strings do not consist of a finite number of spherical quantum microcells. To obtain strings in the usual sense, one has to take the loop quantum string theory limit, in which the length does not tend to zero, and each string consisting of line spins coupled into loop quanta can be divided into microcells of the order of 10 to the -33rd power of a centimeter, while the number of microcells is not tending to infinity, so that the strings themselves correspond to a finite number of physical quantities, such as the energy-momentum. In the operator construction of field theory, we need to take exactly this limit if we want to obtain the string state in the pp-wave background. In this way, the microunit model is a universal construction and clear. In the particular context of pp-waves, the corresponding field-theoretic description is also an accretable system. [edit] Features and advantages 1. The reproduced stereoscopic image is conducive to the preservation of precious artwork data for collection. 2、 Every point is recorded on any point of the hologram when it is taken, so it does not matter much if the photo is damaged. 3, holographic photographs of the scene of a strong sense of three-dimensional, realistic image, with the help of a laser can be displayed in a variety of exhibitions, will get very good results. [Edit this paragraph] Application The principle of holography applies to all forms of fluctuations, such as X-rays, microwaves, sound waves, electronic waves, etc.. As long as these fluctuations are sufficiently coherent in forming an interference pattern. Optical holography is expected in stereoscopic film, television, exhibitions, microscopy, interference metrology, projection lithography, military reconnaissance and surveillance, underwater detection, metal internal detection, preservation of valuable historical artifacts, works of art, information storage, remote sensing, the study and recording of the physical state of the rapid change of transient phenomena, transient processes (such as explosions and combustion) and other aspects of a wide range of applications. In life, can also often see the use of holographic photography technology. For example, in some credit cards and banknotes, there is the use of the Russian physicist Yuri Denisuk in the 1960s invented the full-color hologram technology to produce a polyester soft film on the "rainbow" holograms. But these holograms are more just as a complex printing technology to achieve the purpose of anti-counterfeiting, their sensitivity is low, the color is not realistic enough, far from the realm of chaos. Researchers have also tried to use dichromate glue as a light-sensitive emulsion, used to create holographic identification equipment. In some fighter jets equipped with such equipment, they can make the pilot will focus on the enemy. Some of the precious cultural relics with this technology to shoot down, on display can be real three-dimensional reappearance of cultural relics for visitors to appreciate, and the original properly preserved to prevent theft, large-scale holograms can be displayed both cars, satellites, and a variety of three-dimensional advertisements can also be reproduced using pulse holography portraits, wedding photos. Small holograms can be worn on the neck to form a beautiful decoration, it can reproduce people's favorite animals, colorful flowers and butterflies. The rapid development of molded rainbow holograms can become vivid cartoons, greeting cards, three-dimensional stamps, but also as an anti-counterfeiting mark in the trademarks, identification cards, bank credit cards, and even banknotes. Holographic three-dimensional photos decorated in books, as well as gift packaging on the shining holographic rainbow, so that people appreciate the 21st century printing technology and packaging technology of the new leap. Molded holographic logo, due to its three-dimensional hierarchy, and with the observation angle and the rainbow effect, as well as the ever-changing anti-counterfeiting mark, coupled with other high-tech anti-counterfeiting means of close combination of anti-counterfeiting technology in the new century pushed to a new brilliant apex. In addition to optical holography, but also the development of infrared, microwave and ultrasonic holography technology, these holographic technology in the military reconnaissance and surveillance is of great significance. We know that the general radar can only detect the target location, distance, etc., and holography can give a three-dimensional image of the target, which has a great effect on the timely identification of aircraft, ships and so on. Therefore, it is highly valued by people. However, due to the visible light in the atmosphere or water propagation when the attenuation is very fast, in bad weather and even can not work. In order to overcome this difficulty developed infrared, microwave and ultrasonic holography technology, that is, with coherent infrared light, microwave and ultrasonic holographic photographs, and then use visible light to reproduce the object, this holographic technology and ordinary holographic technology of the same principle. The key to the technology is to find a sensitive recording medium and a suitable reproduction method. Ultrasonic holography can reproduce the three-dimensional pattern of objects lurking underwater, so it can be used for underwater reconnaissance and surveillance. Since objects that are opaque to visible light are often transparent to ultrasound, ultrasonic holography can be used for underwater military operations, as well as for medical fluoroscopy and industrial non-destructive testing. In addition to the use of light waves to produce holograms, has developed to the use of computer-generated holograms. Holograms have a wide range of uses, can be made into a variety of thin-film optical components, such as various lenses, gratings, filters, etc., can be overlapped in space, very compact, lightweight, suitable for use in cosmic flight. The use of hologram storage information, with a large capacity, easy to extract, anti-fouling and other advantages. The method of holography is promoted from the optical field to other fields. Such as microwave holography, acoustic holography, etc. has been greatly developed, successfully applied in industrial medical and other aspects. Seismic waves, electronic waves, X-rays and other aspects of holography are also being studied in depth. Holograms have an extremely wide range of applications. Such as for the study of rocket flight shock waves, aircraft wing cellular structure of non-destructive testing. Now not only laser holography, and research success in white light holography, rainbow holography, as well as panoramic rainbow holography, so that people can see all sides of the scene. Holographic three-dimensional three-dimensional display is developing in the direction of holographic color stereoscopic television and film. Holographic technology is not only in real life is widely used, but also in the last century the rise and rapid development of science fiction literature has a lot of description and application, if you are interested, you can go to see. Visible holographic technology in the future development prospects will be very bright. [Edit Paragraph] Holographic Photography Holographic photography is a new type of photography technology that records all the information such as the amplitude and phase of the reflected waves of the object being photographed. Ordinary photography is to record the distribution of light intensity on the surface of the object, it can not record the phase of the object reflected light information, and thus lost the three-dimensional sense. Holographic photography uses laser as an illumination light source, and the light emitted by the light source is divided into two beams, one beam directly to the photographic plate, the other beam by the reflection of the subject and then shot to the photographic plate. The two beams of light in the superposition of the photographic film to produce interference, the degree of light sensitivity of each point on the photographic film is not only with the intensity of the two beams of light with the phase of the relationship between the different. So holography not only records the intensity of the reflection on the object, but also records the phase information. The human eye directly to see this light-sensitive film, can only be seen like fingerprints like interference fringes, but if the laser to irradiate it, the human eye through the negative will be able to see the original photographed object is identical to the three-dimensional stereo image. Even if only a small part of a holographic picture is left, the whole scene can still be reproduced. Holographic photography can be applied to industrial non-destructive flaw detection, ultrasonic holography, holographic microscopy, holographic memory, holographic movies and television and many other aspects. Holographic photography shooting requirements In order to shoot a satisfactory holographic photographs, the shooting system must have the following requirements: (1) the light source must be a coherent light source through the previous analysis, holographic photography is based on the principle of interference of light, so the light source must have a very good coherence. The emergence of laser, holography provides an ideal light source. This is because the laser has good spatial coherence and temporal coherence, the experiment uses He-Ne laser, with which the smaller diffuse objects can be photographed to obtain a good hologram. (2) The holographic photographic system should have stability Because the holographic negative is recorded on the interference fringes, and is fine and dense interference fringes, so in the photographic process of the very small interference will cause interference fringes fuzzy, and even make the interference fringes can not be recorded. For example, the shooting process if the negative displacement of a micron, then the stripes are indistinguishable, for this reason, the holographic test bench is required to be shockproof. All optical devices on the holographic table are firmly absorbed on the steel plate of the working table surface with magnetic materials. In addition, airflow through the optical path, acoustic interference and temperature changes will cause changes in the density of the surrounding air. Therefore, loud noises should be prohibited during exposure, no random walking, and absolute silence should be ensured throughout the lab. Our experience is that after all groups have tuned the light path, the students leave the lab bench, stabilize for a minute, and then burst the light at the same time to get better results. (3) the object light and reference light should meet the object light and the reference light should be as small as possible, the two beams of light are equal to the best, at most, not more than 2 cm, adjust the light path with a thin rope measured well; the angle between the two speed light to be between 30 ° ~ 60 °, preferably around 45 °, because the angle is small, the interference fringes will be sparse, so that the stability of the system and the resolution of the photographic material less demanding; the two light intensity of the beams of light Ratio should be appropriate, generally required between 1:1 ~ 1:10 can be, the light intensity ratio measured with a silicon photocell. (4) the use of high-resolution holographic film because the holographic photographic film is recorded on the fine and dense interference fringes, so the need for high-resolution photographic materials. Ordinary photographic photographic film due to the coarse grain of silveride, per millimeter can only record 50 to 100 stripes, Tianjin photographic film factory produced by the I-type holographic dry plate, the resolution of up to 3,000 strips per millimeter to meet the requirements of the holographic photographs. (5) holographic photo developing process The developing process is also very critical. We dispense the medicine in accordance with the requirements of the formula, dispensing developing solution, stopping solution, fixing solution and bleaching solution. Several of the above formulas require distilled water to be used for preparation, but experiments have proved that preparation with pure tap water has also been successful. The rinsing process should be carried out in a dark room, the liquid must not see the light, to maintain the room temperature of about 20 ℃ for rinsing, preparation of a liquid properly stored, can be used for about a month.

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