What is the purpose of inserting a catheter? When can it be removed?


Catheterization is the most difficult procedure for female patients to perform, so I'll give you a reference


1. To drain urine for patients with urinary retention in order to alleviate the pain of the patient, such as after anesthesia surgery (bladder muscle paralysis)

2. To assist in clinical diagnosis, such as the retention of uncontaminated urine for bacterial culture (such as pyelonephritis); to measure bladder volume pressure and examine residual urine; to perform urethral or cystograms, etc.

3. Bacterial culture (such as pyelonephritis); measuring bladder volume pressure and checking residual urine; urethrocystography or cystography, etc.

3. 3. For the patient to export urine to empty the bladder to avoid accidental injuries during the operation before the operation of the pelvic organs

4. Therapeutic role, such as intravesical chemotherapy for the patients with bladder tumors

Substances and Equipment

(A) Substance

Treatment cart 1

Treatment cart

This is the most effective way to help the patient to get a better understanding of the bladder. >Treatment cart-----------------------------------------------------------1

Treatment tray-------------------------------------------------------- ---1

Aseptic catheterization kit------------------------------------------------------1

Built-in: No. 10 catheter No. 112 catheter 1 small medication cup 1 (built-in cotton balls 4)

Treatment bowl 1 (for receiving urine) curved tray 1 blood vessel Clamp 2 Liquid paraffin cotton ball bottle 1 Cavity towel 1 Gauze 2 Culture test tube 1

Disinfectant kit (for vulvar cleansing) --------------------------------------------1

Built-in: treatment bowl (with more than 10 built-in cotton balls) 1 Vascular clamp (or tweezers) 1

5. Other - -------------------------------------------------------1

Includes: cleaning gloves (or disposable gloves) 1 sterile gloves 1 sterile holding forceps and containers 1 PVP-iodine (containing 0.5% effective iodine) appropriate amount of curved disk 1 small rubber sheet and treatment towel each 1 or disposable pad towel 1 Bath towel 1 commode and towel 1 screen 1

(2) Types of catheters

1. single-lumen catheter for disposable catheterization

2. double-lumen catheter for indwelling catheterization

3. triple-lumen catheter for bladder irrigation or to the bladder drug drip

Three procedures

(1) preparation

1. Nurse preparation

(1) dress neatly wash your hands and wear a mask

(2) understand the patient's condition clinical diagnosis of the purpose of catheterization; understand the patient's consciousness vital signs psychological state in order to determine the degree of cooperation and understanding of the patient

2. Preparation of supplies

(1) supplies must be strictly aseptic carefully check sterile catheterization kit whether the expiration date is not broken dampness. Ensure that sterile items to prevent urinary tract infections

(2) disposable catheterization generally choose a single-lumen catheter in general, adults are recommended to use No. 10 or No. 12 catheter pediatrics are recommended to use No. 8 or No. 10 catheter

(3) according to the needs of the supplies will be prepared for the treatment of the car on the upper level of the potty placed in the treatment of the lower level of the car to bring to the patient's bedside

3. patient preparation

(1) Check the patient's bed number and name to confirm the patient

(2) The nurse should explain to the patient and his family the purpose of urinary catheterization and the significance of the process and precautions to eliminate the patient's nervousness and embarrassment in order to obtain the cooperation

(3) such as the patient's vulvar secretion is more to wash the vulva can take care of the patient will be asked to wash the patient himself clean, if the patient can not take care of the operator to assist the patient to wash the vulva to keep the vulva clean Reduce the chance of retrograde infection of the urinary tract

4. Environmental preparations

(1) The environment in the hospital room should be clean and quiet

(2) Accompanying staff should leave the hospital area

(3) Close the doors and windows to regulate the temperature of the room to prevent patients from catching cold

(4) Use the screen to cover the patient to maintain the patient's privacy

(2) clean the vulva

(1) The operator stands on the floor of the hospital room to prevent the patient from catching cold

(2) The operator is not a good person to clean the vulva

(1) The operator is a very good person, but he is a good person to be used in the hospital room.

1. The operator stands on the patient's right side to help the patient remove the opposite side of the trouser leg to cover the proximal leg and cover the towel on the opposite side of the leg with a quilt to cover as little as possible to expose the patient in order to reduce the patient's sense of embarrassment and to prevent the patient from catching cold

2. The patient to take a supine bent-knee position with the legs slightly spread out to expose the vulva, such as the patient due to the patient's condition can not be coordinated with the patient can be assisted to maintain the appropriate position

3. The small rubber sheets and Put a small rubber sheet and a treatment towel or disposable towel under the patient's buttocks to protect the sheet from moisture

4. Place the curved tray next to the patient's vulva; open the vulvovaginal disinfection kit on the treatment trolley and take out a small medicine cup and a cotton ball, pour in PVP-iodine to soak the cotton ball and put the treatment bowl behind the curved tray

5. Wear gloves with your left hand and use vascular forceps with the right hand to clip a cotton ball and disinfect the pubic mound and the labia majora from the outside inward from the top to bottom, then separate the labia minora in the same order with your left hand. The labia minora and urethra in the same order of disinfection; dirty cotton balls placed in the curved tray should be clamped cotton ball center part of the cotton ball so that the cotton ball wrapped around the tip of the pliers to avoid damage to the tissues in the disinfection of the cotton ball each cotton ball is limited to one time to prevent the disinfected part of the contamination

6. disinfection is complete

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Take off your gloves and place them in the bowl, and then transfer the bowl and the curved tray to the lower level of the trolley, or move the curved tray to the end of the bed.

(3) Disinfection of the vulva

1. Open the catheterization kit between the patient's legs Open the catheterization kit with sterile holding forceps Unfold the inner layer of the catheterization kit Treatment towel In the order of operation, place the treatment bowl containing the cotton ball in the sterile area near the side; pour PVP-iodine into the treatment bowl to soak the cotton ball to prevent the disinfectant from crossing the sterile area when pouring

2. Wear sterile gloves

2. 3. Lay out the hole towel so that the hole towel and the inner layer of sterile catheterization cloth to form a sterile zone

4. Select a suitable catheter and a hemostat to be placed in the treatment bowl or curved tray and lubricate the front end of the catheter with a liquid paraffin cotton ball to facilitate the insertion of the catheter into the urethra to minimize irritation and injury

5. Separate the lips of the labia minora with the left hand and fixation right hand clamped PVP-Iodine cotton balls starting from the opening of the urethra from the inside out from the top to the bottom. Disinfect the urethral opening and bilateral labia minora in turn, and finally strengthen the disinfection at the urethral opening once; dirty cotton balls are placed in the curved tray at the end of the bed, and each cotton ball is used only once to ensure that the disinfected area is not contaminated

(D) Insertion of the catheter (Figure 8-1)

1. Continue to fix the labia minora in your left hand without letting go of the catheter to avoid contamination of the urethral opening and to fully expose the opening of the urethra for ease of catheterization

2. The right hand will be placed in the sterile treatment bowl next to the mouth of the tunica cavernosa

3. Ask the patient to open her mouth and take deep breaths to relax her abdomen and perineum

4. Use another vascular forceps to hold the catheter against the urethra and gently insert the catheter into the urethra for 4-6 cm to see the urine outflow and then insert it for another 1 cm to let go of the catheter with the left hand moved down to fix the catheter

Figure 8-1 Catheterization of a female patient

(E) Derivation of the Urine

1. Introduce urine into the treatment bowl or curved tray after the bowl is full of urine can be used vascular clamp clamp the end of the catheter will be poured into the potty and then open the catheter to continue to release the urine pay attention to ask the patient's feelings to observe the patient's response

2. If you need to make urine culture with a sterile test tube to receive 5ml of urine cap the bottle in the appropriate place

(F) pull out the catheter

1. After catheterization, gently pull out the catheter and remove the towel to wipe the vulva

2. Take off the gloves and put the catheterization bag inside the bag

3. Remove the patient's buttocks and small rubber sheet and therapeutic towel placed in the lower level of the treatment trolley

4. Assist the patient to put on the pants

(VII) organization

1. Make up the bed to prevent the patient from catching cold to keep the room clean


2. clean up supplies

3. measure urine volume

4. urine specimen labeled with a test coupon and sent to the test

5. hand washing

6. record the catheterization time urine volume urine color and nature of the patient's reaction

Four notes

1. supplies must be strictly sterilized and in accordance with the principles of aseptic technique to operate Prevent retrograde urinary tract infections

2. Women's urethral orifice is thin perinatal and elderly women due to perineal muscle relaxation and urethral retraction so that the urethral orifice position changes for the first time operators into the urethral orifice is not clear and mistakenly inserted catheter into the vagina, so the operator should carefully identify the location of the urethral orifice catheter once mistakenly vaginal not allowed to pull the original catheter out of the vagina immediately after the insertion of the urethra in order to avoid contamination of the urethra so must be replaced with a new catheter. Contamination of the urethra, so be sure to replace the catheter and then re-inserted

3. Choose a smooth and appropriate thickness of the catheter

4. Insert the catheter should be inserted gently and steadily, do not be rough to avoid damage to the mucosa of the urethra

5. Urine culture specimens must be sent to the timely examination

6. Insertion of the patient asked to breathe with an open mouth so that the abdominal muscles and the urinary sphincter muscle relaxation to help intubation

7. If the urine is not draining well, you can gently press the patient's bladder area to help the bladder to empty

8. During catheterization, the patient is asked not to move the limbs to maintain the original position so as not to contaminate the sterile area

9. If the bladder is highly distended and the patient is extremely weak, the first time to release the urine should not exceed 1,000 ml because of the large amount of urine bladder pressure suddenly lowered can lead to a large amount of intraperitoneal pressure suddenly dropped blood. A sudden drop in intra-abdominal pressure of a large amount of blood stagnation in the abdominal blood vessels lead to a drop in blood pressure causing collapse in addition to the sudden decompression of the bladder can cause acute congestion of the mucous membrane of the bladder to occur hematuria