Dermatologists tell you what IQ tax you're paying at the salon. (I)

Paying IQ tax at beauty salons is mainly because we are subjected to a wide range of promotional and sales tactics in our quest for beauty and youthfulness. Here are the answers I have given from a number of perspectives, which I hope will help you.

Products and services in beauty salons tend to be expensive and are often marketed under the banner of professional medical aesthetics, leading people to believe that this is the only place where they can get the best results. In reality, however, many of the products and services offered by beauty salons have not been rigorously scientifically verified and researched, and the results may not be as advertised. It is like we spend a lot of money on an expensive bottle of face cream, only to find out in the end that it does not have any significant improvement effect. Therefore, when choosing beauty products and services, we need to keep thinking rationally and not be mesmerized by high prices and flashy packaging.

When undergoing skincare or plastic surgery in a beauty salon, we often come across situations where some doctors or technicians use various means to promote other products or services. For example, they may claim that a certain injection or procedure works better and strongly suggest that we undergo additional programs. In this way, we are easily lured into spending more money without necessarily getting truly effective results. Therefore, we should remain vigilant and avoid passively accepting these sales tactics, and make decisions based on our actual needs and financial capabilities.

When undergoing skincare or plastic surgery in a beauty salon, we may suffer adverse consequences due to the lack of real expertise and experience of the doctors or technicians. Some salons employ doctors who may not specialize in dermatology and lack knowledge of skin pathology, drug interactions, and other areas. Some technicians, on the other hand, may have received only short-term training and may not be able to give proper judgment and treatment for complex skin problems. Therefore, when choosing a beauty salon, we should choose a qualified and reputable medical institution and consult and treat with a professional dermatologist to ensure our safety and results.

Sometimes beauty salons, in order to attract more customers, will put up some so-called special offers or limited time promotions to make people feel that they have earned a bargain. Such offers are often contingent on the purchase of a range of products or services, and they are not cheap. If we fail to judge our needs rationally and are attracted by these so-called offers, we are likely to end up spending more money without getting the desired results. Therefore, we need to think calmly and buy carefully when faced with the promotional strategies of beauty salons.

Beauty salons pay IQ tax mainly because we are influenced by various publicity and marketing strategies in the pursuit of beauty and youth. In order to avoid paying IQ tax, we should keep rational thinking and not be deceived by false propaganda; at the same time, we should choose reputable and qualified medical institutions and consult and treat with professional dermatologists; we should also be alert to the sales tactics of the beauty salons, rationally judge our own needs and buy carefully. By doing so, we can avoid unnecessary expenses and ensure our safety and results.