(1) according to the above analysis, benzene extraction equipment ① in the phenol into the equipment ②, so the equipment ① is the operation is the extraction, all the instruments for the dispensing funnel, so the answer is: extraction;? Separate funnel;
(2) According to the above analysis, the NaOH solution will be used to equipment ② phenol into sodium phenol and enter the equipment ③, to equipment ③ CO2 will be converted into sodium phenol phenol, while generating NaHCO3 and enter the equipment ④, so A is C6H5ONa, B is NaHCO3, so the answer: C6H5ONa; NaHCO3;
(3) The operation is extraction, all the instruments for the separatory funnel, so the answer is: extraction;? p>
(3) According to the above analysis, CO2 is passed into equipment ③ to convert sodium phenol into phenol, and the equation is: C6H5ONa + CO2 + H2O → C6H5OH + NaHCO3, so the answer is: C6H5ONa + CO2 + H2O → C6H5OH + NaHCO3;
(4) According to (2), in equipment ④, substance B's aqueous solution, i.e., NaHCO3 and CaO react CaCO3, NaOH and water, and then calcium carbonate is separated by filtration; therefore, the answer is: CaCO3; NaOH; filtration;
(5) The substances that can be recycled are by-products generated in the process and are raw materials that need to be added to the process, and based on the arrows pointing to them in the flowchart, it is easy to find out that the substances that can be recycled are C6H6, CaO, NaOH aqueous solution, CO2, so the answer is: NaOH aqueous solution; CO2.