What is Puerh Tea?

Puerh Tea is a loose tea and tightly pressed tea formed by the processing of Yunnan large-leaf sun-green tea that meets the environmental conditions of Puerh Tea's place of origin, and adopts the Wolpeng process, after fermentation (artificially adding water to raise the temperature to promote the propagation of beneficial bacteria, accelerate the ripening of the tea leaves, and remove the bitterness and astringency of the tea leaves in order to achieve the distinctive character of a smooth taste and a reddish and thick soup color). Its quality characteristics are: soup color red, thick and bright, unique aroma of Chenxiang, taste mellow and sweet, the bottom of the leaf red and brown uniform.

Pu'er Tea is named after its distribution center, the ancient Pu'er Province in Yunnan.

Picking Fresh Leaves of Big Leaf Tea