Typography skills in graphic design

Techniques of typography in graphic design

The picture we make is basically composed of four elements (background, body, text, decoration), and the key to do a good job of a picture is how to use these elements, so that they are reasonable and beautiful to show in the same picture. So what aspects of typography we need to pay attention to, and what are the simple techniques and methods can be applied? Take a look at my introduction!

First we need to understand the layout. We usually make or see most of the layout by - center type, axis type, split type, tilt type, bone type, full plate type.

Center-type layout - the use of the visual center, highlighting the desired expression of the physical - when the production of the picture does not have too much text, and the display of the main body is very clear, it is recommended that more use of the center-type layout. The center of the typography has a prominent subject, focus on the role of the line of sight, reflecting the atmosphere of the background available solid colors, reflecting the high-end background available gradient color.

When doing e-commerce activity posters, the central axis is a very effective form

Split typography - the use of split lines to make the picture have a clear independence and guidance - when the production of pictures in the picture there are multiple images and multiple paragraphs of text can be used to split the typography. Split typography can make each part of the picture is extremely clear and independent, in the view of a better visual guidance and direction; through the size of the split out of the volume can also be clear in the current picture of the relationship between the various parts of the primary and secondary, there is a better contrast, and make the overall picture is not monotonous and crowded.

Tilted typography - through the main body or the overall picture of the tilted arrangement, so that the picture has a strong sense of rhythm, stimulate the visual - when the production of the picture to appear rhythmic, impact, instability, jumping and other effects, you can use tilted typography. Tilt typography can make the dull picture burst of vigor and vitality, when you find your picture is too rigid or stiff, try to make a certain element of the picture with a little tilt, there will be a surprising effect.

Skeletal typography - through the orderly arrangement of graphics and text, so that the picture is rigorous and unified, with a sense of order - when the production of . Pictures, more text, usually apply skeletal typography. Skeletal typography is a more common type of layout, clear conditioning and rigor to make the picture smooth, is a kind of error will not occur, but after all, a single type of layout. Some times in order to break the skeleton type of single and smooth, we can also apply the form of the third picture above, in the regular arrangement to add some strong rhythmic material.

Full-page layout - large elements to convey the most intuitive and strong visual stimulus, so that the picture is rich and has a strong sense of entry - when the production of the picture has a very clear subject, and less copy can be used in a full-page layout. Common full-type layout has a full version of the overall full version, full version of the details and full version of the text.

Such as the first: the overall full plate will make the picture have a strong sense of entry.

Such as the second: detail full plate can quickly clarify and show the subject.

As in the third one: while the text full page is usually in the form of decoration to express certain copy. ;