What is the importance of physics to the development of mankind

Physics is a summary of the generalized regularity of the natural world, a theoretical understanding of the generalized empirical science. Physical ideas and methods are valuable not only to physics itself, but also to the development of the natural sciences as a whole, and even the social sciences.

Since the mid-20th century, more than half of the winners of the Nobel Prizes in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine, and even Economics, have had a background in physics; this means that they have drawn their intelligence from physics, and turned to non-physical fields to achieve success.

Physics is where people make regular summaries of their knowledge of the transformations of matter in inanimate nature. There should be two kinds of such movements and transformations. Early people through the extension of sensory vision, modern people through the invention and creation of scientific instruments for observation and measurement, the results of experiments, indirect knowledge of the internal composition of matter built on the basis.

Physics from the research point of view and different points of view, can be divided into two parts of the micro and macro, macro is not to analyze the effect of individual particles in the group of direct consideration of the effect of the whole, is the earliest on the emergence of micro-physics, micro-physics with the development of science and technology, theory gradually improved.

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Six properties

Truthfulness, the theories and experiments of physics reveal the mysteries of the natural world, reflecting the objective laws of material movement. .

Harmony and unity, the mysterious movement of celestial bodies in space, depicted in Kepler's three laws, showing how harmonious and orderly. Several great unifications in physics also show a sense of beauty. Newton used the three laws and the law of gravity to unify all macroscopic objects in heaven and on earth.

The establishment of Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism again unified electricity and magnetism. Einstein's mass-energy equations again established the unification of mass and energy. The wave-particle duality theory of light unified particle and fluctuation. Einstein's theory of relativity again unified time and space.

Simplicity, the mathematical language of physical laws, reflecting the simplicity and clarity of physics. For example, Newton's second law, Einstein's mass-energy equation, Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.

Symmetry, symmetry, symmetry generally refers to the symmetry of the shape of the object, the deep symmetry of the symmetry of the development of things or the objective law of symmetry. The space point structure of various crystals in physics has a high degree of symmetry. Vertical upthrow motion, simple harmonic motion, fluctuation mirror symmetry, magnetoelectric symmetry, symmetry of action force and reaction force, positive and anti-particle, positive and anti-matter, positive and negative electricity.

Predictive, the correct physical theory, not only can explain the physical phenomena that have been discovered at the time, but also can predict the physical phenomena that could not be detected at the time. For example, Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves, Rutherford predicted the existence of neutrons, Fresnel's theory of diffraction predicted the Poisson bright spot in the center of the disk diffraction, and Dirac predicted the existence of electrons.

Subtlety, Physics experiments have subtlety and are designed in a clever way to make physical phenomena more obvious.


Baidu Encyclopedia-Physics