Industry includes mining, manufacturing, electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industry three categories.
1. Mining
Mining is the foundation of industry and consists mainly of the extraction of metallic and non-metallic ores. The technology involved in this field includes geological exploration technology, mine mining technology, ore processing and metallurgical technology. The mining industry plays an important role in promoting the development of the national economy and provides raw materials for other industrial sectors.
2. Manufacturing
Manufacturing is the core of industry, which involves the process of transforming raw materials into finished products. Manufacturing can be subdivided into food and beverage manufacturing, textile and garment manufacturing, leather, fur, feather and their products manufacturing, wood processing and wood, bamboo, rattan, palm and grass products industry, furniture manufacturing, paper and paper products industry, printing and recording media reproduction, and many other sub-sectors.
3, electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industry
Electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industry is the basis of modern industrial life, they provide the necessary energy for industrial production and residential life. This field includes the electricity production and supply industry, heat production and supply industry, gas production and supply industry and water production and supply industry.
The importance of industry is as follows:
1. Economic development: industry is one of the major engines of economic growth and development. It promotes the increase of productivity and economic efficiency, creates employment opportunities and promotes the creation and distribution of wealth. The development of industry helps to increase the output value, economic competitiveness and international status of countries and regions.
2. Technological innovation: Industry is an important promoter of technological innovation and progress. Through industrialized production methods, it can promote the continuous development of science, technology, engineering and manufacturing techniques, and facilitate the development and application of new products and services. The innovation drive of industry plays a key role in improving production efficiency and promoting economic transformation and upgrading.
3. Employment opportunities: Industrial development creates a large number of employment opportunities and provides stable jobs for the society. The industrial sector needs all kinds of skills and professionals, including production workers, technicians, managers and so on. It plays an important role in reducing the unemployment rate, increasing the employment rate of the labor force and promoting people to get rid of poverty and become rich.
4. Infrastructure development and urbanization: industrial development needs corresponding infrastructure and equipment support, which promotes the construction of infrastructure such as transportation, energy, communication, etc., and promotes urbanization and city development. It helps to improve the quality of life, enhance urban functions and provide more convenience and services.