All University ****Used (Core Journals):
Science China China Engineering Science Bulletin Science Bulletin Journal of Applied Science
Mathematics Journal Physics Journal Chemistry Journal Mechanics Journal
Electronics Journal Automation Journal Journal of Environmental Science Journal of Social Sciences
The following list of publications applies to engineering, science, and management disciplines
Social Science China Social Sciences
The first category (core journals):
The following list of journals is applicable to the disciplines of engineering, science, management, etc.
Architectural Journal, Architectural Technology, Architectural Architecture, Urban Planning, Architectural Journal (Taiwan)
New Architecture, Chinese Gardens, Architecture in Central China, Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture, Journal of Landscape Architecture (Taiwan)
World Architecture, World Architectural Journal, Interior Design, Decoration, Ancient Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Landscape Architecture. Interior Design and Decoration Ancient Architecture and Landscape Technology The Planner
Modern Urban Research Times Architecture Southern Architecture
Journal of Applied Mechanics Manufacturing Automation Journal of Mechanical Engineering China Mechanical Engineering
Journal of Vibration Engineering Robotics Automotive Engineering Manufacturing Technology and Machine Tools Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
Journal of Materials Research Journal of Metals Journal of China Journal of Rare Earths
Nonferrous Metals Society of China (Chinese and English) Chinese and English) Journal of China Nonferrous Metals Society
Journal of Metal Heat Treatment Journal of Composite Materials Journal of Casting and Steel Journal of Silicates Journal of Iron and Steel Research
Journal of Tribology Journal of Functional Materials Journal of Polymers Journal of Materials Science and Technology (English) Rare Metals Materials and Engineering
Journal of Inorganic Materials Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Journal of Materials Science (English) Journal of Aerospace Materials
Journal of Aeronautical Materials
Journal of Vibration Engineering Robotics Journal of Aerospace Materials
Journal of Engineering Thermophysics Power Engineering Thermal Power Engineering Combustion Science and Technology
Journal of Solar Energy Environmental Science Journal of Refrigeration Fluid Mechanics Turbine Technology
Boiler Technology Journal of Chemical Engineering Heating and Air Conditioning
Journal of Communications Microwave Acoustics Infrared and Millimeter Wave Journal
Journal of Electronics and Information Technology Signal Processing Electrowave Science Circuits Signal Processing Journal of Radio Wave Science Journal of Circuits and Systems
Journal of Optics Chinese Laser Journal of Semiconductors Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology
Research and Progress in Solid State Electronics Journal of Biomedical Engineering Journal of Biophysics
Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics Chinese Physics Letters
Photonics Letters Progress in Physics Chinese Chemistry Letters Physical Chemistry Letters
Journal of Building Structures Journal of Civil Engineering Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Engineering Engineering Mechanics
Building Structures Industrial Buildings Engineering Seismic Resistance Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration
Journal of Surveying and Mapping Bridge Construction Special Structures Chinese Highway Journal of Construction Economy
Construction Technology Journal of Transportation Engineering Highway Traffic Science and Technology
Journal of Engineering Geology Journal of Civil Engineering (Traffic Engineering Sub-Branch)
Journal of Civil Engineering
Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics Transportation Engineering
China Environmental Science China Water Supply and Drainage Water Treatment Technology Environmental Chemistry Water Supply and Drainage
Information and Control Control and Decision Making Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Control Theory and Application
Electrical Transmission Automation Instrumentation Industrial Instrumentation and Automation Device Chinese Journal of Image Graphics
Journal of Computer Science Journal of Software Journal Computer Research and Development
Journal of Systems Engineering China Management Science Journal of Management Engineering Journal of Management Science Journal of Operations Research
Management World Economic Research World Economy Economics Dynamics System Engineering Theory and Practice China Soft Science
Financial Research Accounting Research Intelligence Journal Nankai Management Review Economic Research Xinhua Digest The Economist
China's Industrial Economy Theory and Application of System Engineering Methods China Urban Finance Mathematical Statistics Methods and Applications of Urban Finance in China Mathematical Statistics and Management
Scientific Research and Management Quantitative and Technological Economic Research International Trade Issues Finance and Trade Economics Investment Management in China
China Electric Power China Journal of Electrical Engineering Journal of Electrical Engineering Technology Automation of Electric Power Systems
Microelectromechanical Engineering Large Motor Technology Microelectromechanical Engineering High Voltage Electrical Appliances
High Voltage Technology Power Network Technology Journal of Power Systems and their Automation and its automation
Small and medium-sized motors Power automation equipment Power electronics
Journal of Astronautics Journal of Instrumentation Instrumentation Technology and Sensors Measurement and Control Technology Journal of Metrology Journal of High-tech Communication
Ship Engineering Chinese Journal of Inertial Technology Automotive Technology Data Acquisition and Processing Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation
Mathematics Annual Mathematical Journal Mathematics Journal of Mathematics Advances in Mathematics Applied Journal of Mathematics Systems Science and Mathematics
Journal of Mathematical Physics Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Applied Probability Statistics J. of PDE
Journal of Applied Mathematics for Colleges and Universities Northeastern Mathematics Applied Mathematics Mathematics Magazine
Mathematical Research and Review Numerical Analysis Journal of Approximation Theory
Physics Chinese Phy. Letter Astrophysical Journal Computational Physics Journal of Low Temperature Physics
The following journals apply to the discipline of genetics
Biochemistry and Biophysics Journal of Chinese Science, Series C, Life Sciences Journal of Genetics
Chinese Journal of Medical Sciences (English) Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Journal of Zoology
Journal of Microbiology Journal of Biological Engineering Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology
Physiology Chinese Journal of Oncology Chinese Journal of Pharmacology
The following directory of journals applies to the discipline of Art
Decorative and Design Arts Music Research Fine Arts Research Art Hundred Ethnic Arts Artifacts Archaeology
Fine Arts Aesthetics and Artistic Research Literary Research Chinese Theatre Folklore Research Academic Monthly
Opera Art Nanjing Arts Institute (Fine Arts and Design Edition) Mei Yuan (Luxun Academy of Fine Arts)
Southeast University Journal (Philosophy and Social Science Edition) Art World
Academic journals sponsored by academic institutions of the central ministries (e.g., the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Central Academy of Educational Sciences, etc.)
Academic core journals sponsored by the Academy of Social Sciences of the provinces and municipalities, and by social sciences associations (limited to one type only). Journals
Academic papers published in overseas and foreign academic journals
Literary journals of key institutions under the Ministry of Education
Authoritatively recognized core journals of arts
The following journals are applicable to the discipline of ethics
Philosophical Dynamics Philosophical Research Ethics and Civilization
Academic journals sponsored by academic institutes of the central ministries (e.g., Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Central Institute for Educational Sciences, etc.). Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Central Institute of Education, etc.
Academic core journals sponsored by the Academy of Social Sciences of provinces and municipalities directly under the central government, and the Federation of Social Sciences (only one kind)
Academic papers published in overseas and foreign academic journals
Literature and science journals of key colleges and universities affiliated with the Ministry of Education
The second category (important journals, according to requirements listed by the sub-committees of the different disciplines of degree evaluation)
Sub-committee for Degree Evaluation of the Discipline of Architecture (Department of Architecture, Institute of Architecture)
Chinese and Foreign Architecture Applied Acoustics Construction of Small Towns Overseas Urban Planning Residential Science Geographic Research
Research on Urban Development Architects (Taiwan) Proceedings of the History of Architecture (Tsinghua Publishing)
Journals of the 33 key national colleges and universities with graduate schools nationwide
International Noise Control Engineering Conference
International Congress of Architects
Mechanical Engineering Degree Evaluation Sub-committee of Materials Science and Engineering Disciplines (Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Materials Science and Engineering)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Lubrication and Sealing Journal of Solid Mechanics Mechanical Design Machine Tools and Hydraulics
Hydraulics and Pneumatics Journal of Lighting Modern Radar Noise and Vibration Control
Vibration and Shock Mechanical Science and Technology Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
Construction and Design Engineering Construction and Design Dynamic Analysis and Testing Technology Mechanical Strength
Journal of Lighting Engineering Journal of Computer-Aided Engineering Journal of Experimental Mechanics Combined Machine Tools and Automated Machining Technology
Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering Electronic Special Purpose Equipment Vibration, Test and Diagnosis Telecommunications Technology
Electromechanical Engineering Piezoelectricity and Acousto-Optics
Journal of 33 National Key Colleges and Universities with Graduate Schools
International Mechanical Engineering Symposium
Wu Hsien-Ming Manufacturing Science Symposium
Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering
Welding Journal Non-ferrous Metals Materials Protection Corrosion Science and Anti-corrosion Technology Protection Corrosion Science and Anti-corrosion Technology
Powder Metallurgy Technology China Journal of Corrosion and Protection Electronic Components and Materials
Rare Metals Thermal Processing Technology Forging and Pressing Technology Special Casting and Non-ferrous Metals
Foundrying Technology Welding Magnetic Materials and Devices Silicate Bulletin
Metallic Heat Treatment Journal of Electron Microscopy Non-destructive Testing Metal Forming Process Polymer Bulletin
Mechanical Engineering Materials Materials Engineering Journal of Artificial Crystals Arms Materials Science and EngineeringCeramics in China Plastics in China Journal of Polymer Materials Science and Engineering Construction Materials
Rare Earths Chemical Building Materials Concrete and Cement Products Concrete Cement
Physical and Chemical Inspection Chemistry Subsection Physical and Chemical Inspection Physics Subsection Materials Science and Technology
Three hundred and thirty-three key colleges and universities in China have established graduate schools. National Journal of 33 Key Colleges and Universities with Graduate Schools
Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics Sub-Committee on Degree Evaluation (Department of Power Engineering)
Systems Simulation Journal of Environmental Science Research on Clean Coal Technology Vibration Testing and Diagnostics
Chemical Automation and Instrumentation Gas Turbine Technology Thermal Ventilation and Air Conditioning for Buildings Data Acquisition and Processing
Cryogenic Engineering Cryogenic and Superconducting Technology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Vibration Deep Cooling Technology Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Vibration and Noise Detection
Refrigeration Technology Measurement Technology Petroleum Industry Technical Supervision Journal of Safety and Environment Water Pump Technology
Fan Technology East China Electric Power
Industrial Control Computer Nuclear Power Engineering Computer Application Research Thermoelectric Power Generation Power Generation Equipment
Industrial Boilers New Energy Hydrodynamics Research and Progress Soil Science Journal Journal of Sensing Technology
Journal of 33 National Key Colleges and Universities with Graduate Schools
International Conference on Sulfurized Bed Combustion International Conference on Combustion International Conference on Fluidization
International Conference on Power Engineering International Conference on Heat Transfer International Conference on Drying
International Refrigeration Conference International Conference on Heat Pipes International Conference on Multi-Phase Fluidization
Information and Communication Engineering Disciplines Degree Evaluation Sub-committee (Department of Radio Engineering)
Journal of Astronautics and Astronautics Cryogenics and Superconductivity Journal of Computer Mathematics in Higher Education Journal of Cryogenic Physics
Computational Physics Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Journal of Geophysics Journal of Geography
Telecommunication Science Ocean Engineering Acoustic Technology
Journal of the 33 Key Colleges and Universities in China that have Graduate Schools
International Conference of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICCC) IEEE International Conference on Communications
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
Civil Engineering, Mechanics, Environmental Science and Engineering Degree Evaluation Sub-committee of the College of Civil Engineering
Journal of Solid Mechanics, Mechanics and Practice, Journal of Computational Structural Mechanics, Mechanics Quarterly, Space Structures, World Earthquake Engineering, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Construction Technology
Experimental Mechanics, Vibration and Impact, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Construction Science
Building Construction, China Real Estate, International Economic Cooperation, Modernization of Construction Management
Biogas in China, Environmental Pollution Control Technology and Equipment, Industrial Water Treatment, Environmental Engineering, Safety and Environmental Engineering
Soils and Environment, Infrastructural Optimization, Construction Supervision, Structural Engineering
Urban Environment and Urban Ecology Vibration and Noise Control Vibration Testing and Diagnosis Journal of Space Science
Advances in Mechanics Journal of Computational Mechanics Cement Railway Journal of Steel Structures
Journal of 33 Key Colleges and Universities with Graduate Schools
Sub-Committee for Degree Evaluation of Electronic Science and Technology (Department of Electronic Engineering)
Applied Lasers Electronic Components and Materials Laser and Infrared Lasers Journal of Low Temperature Physics
Optical Communication Technology Systems Engineering and Electronics Technology Journal of Quantum Electronics Laser Technology Advances in Laser and Optoelectronics
Optoelectronics and Information Optical Precision Engineering Semiconductor Photonics (Chinese and English) Piezoelectricity and Acousto-Optics
High-Tech Communication (Chinese and English) Infrared and Laser Engineering Photographic Science and Photochemistry Microelectronics Micronanavigation
The Journal of Optoelectronics and Technology (Chinese and English) p>Journal of 33 National Key Colleges and Universities with Graduate Schools International Conferences organized by SPIE and IEEE, OFC, etc.
International Conferences sponsored by IEEE ED, MTT, Com, LEO Sections, and National and International Conferences indexed by ISTP
Sub-committee for Degree Evaluation of Control Science and Engineering (Department of Automatic Control and Institute of Automation)
Metallurgical Science and Engineering (Department of Automation)
Metallurgical Automation Systems Engineering and Electronics Computer Application Research Electronic Technology Applications
Chemical Automation and Instrumentation Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
Journal of 33 National Key Colleges and Universities with Graduate Schools
IEEE Decision and Control Conference
International Society for Optical Engineering Annual Meeting
International Federation of Automatic Control Federation World Congress
Degree Evaluation Sub-Committee of Computer Science and Technology (Department of Computer Science and Engineering)
Chinese Journal of Information Sciences Computer Science Computer Engineering and Applications Computer Applications and Software
Computer Engineering and Design Computer Engineering Microelectronics and Computing Small Microcomputer Systems
Computer Aided Design and Journal of Graphics
Journal of 33 National Key Colleges and Universities with Graduate Schools
International Conferences Held Outside China under the auspices of ACM and IEEE
Biomedical Engineering Degree Evaluation Sub-Committee (Dept. of Bioscience and Medical Engineering)
Journal of Chemical Engineering Journal of Bioengineering Journal of Polymers Biochemistry and Biophysics
Journal of Chemical Physics Journal of Chemistry in Higher Education Journal of Biochemistry Journal of Nuclear Science and Engineering
Chinese Journal of Radiology Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology Journal of Catalysis Journal of Organic Chemistry
Chinese Journal of Medical Laboratory Medicine Chinese Journal of Medical Devices Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine
Chinese Journal of Radiology and Protection Chinese Physical Letters; Chinese Chemical Letters
Chinese Journal of Radiology and Protection Chinese Physical Letters; Chinese Chemical Letters
Chinese Journal of Acoustics; Chinese Journal of Computational Physics
Journal of 33 National Key Colleges and Universities with Graduate Schools in China
< p>IEEE International Conference on Biomedical EngineeringManagement Science and Engineering Sub-Committee on Degree Evaluation in Business Administration (School of Economics and Management)
Economic Management Research and Development Management Sino-foreign Management Economic Theory and Economic Management International Economic Studies
Science and Science and Technology Research and Development Management International Finance Forum Productivity Studies Investment Studies
Journal of System Simulation Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science and Social Science Edition) International Economic Cooperation
Modern Enterprise Guide Journal of Soft Science
Journal of 33 National Key Colleges and Universities with Graduate Schools
Sub-committee for Degree Evaluation of Electrical Engineering Disciplines (Department of Electrical Engineering)
Electronic Elements and Materials Low-voltage Electric Appliances Journal of Electrical Machines and Controls Electrical Transmission
Journal of Electrotechnology New Technology of Electrotechnology Transformer Relay Power Demand Side Management
Journal of 33 National Key Colleges and Universities with Graduate Schools
IEEE IEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering
Sub-committee of Degree Evaluation for Transportation Engineering
Journal of Petroleum Journal Solid Mechanics Journal of Earthquake Engineering Geology Journal of Tunnel Engineering
Transportation Systems Engineering and Information
Materials Science Research Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Water Resources Journal of Traffic and Computer Engineering Survey Geography Research
Rock Mechanics and Engineering Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Mechanics Surveying and Mapping Bulletin of Modern Tunneling Technology Airport Engineering
The Journal of 33 Key Colleges and Universities in China which have established Graduate Schools International Conference on Asphalt Pavement Structures and Maintenance
World Congress on Transportation Proceedings of International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Proceedings of FIG International Conference
International Conference on Cement Concrete Pavements International Conference on Asphalt Concrete Pavements
World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference of International Annual Conference on Bridges and Structural Engineering Conference Papers
Instrumentation Science and Technology Degree Evaluation Sub-committee (Department of Instrumentation Science and Engineering) Committee (Department of Instrumentation Science and Engineering)
Mechanical Design China Shipbuilding Robotics Technology and Application Vibration and Impact Journal of Electronic Science
Non-destructive Testing Electronic Technology Application Ship Electronic Engineering Engineering Survey
Automotive Electric Apparatus Light Vehicle Technology Navigation Analyzing Instrument Piezoelectricity and Acoustic-Optical
Measurement Technology Journal of Sensing Technology Instrumentation Technology and Sensors
Journal of 33 National Key Colleges and Universities with Graduate SchoolsIEEE All International Conferences International Conference on Micron Nanotechnology (Systems)
Mathematics, Physics, Science Degree Evaluation Sub-Committee (Mathematics)
Numerical Computing and Computer Applications Mathematical Quarterly Engineering Mathematics Journal of Mathematical Research Biomathematical Journal
Differential Equations Control Theory and Applications Hunan Mathematics Annual Semi-annual Mathematical Journal of Nanjing University
Pure and Applied Mathematics Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mathematics Journal of Applied Functional Analysis Operational Research and Management
Peking University, Fudan University, and University of Science and Technology University journals
Chinese Journal of Pathology Advances in Biochemistry and Biophysics Cellular and Molecular Immunology Journal of Experimental Biology Genetics Cell Biology Journal of Chinese Epidemiology
Journal of Pharmacy Journal of 33 National Key Colleges and Universities with Graduate Schools
Philosophy Political Science Pedagogy Art Foreign Languages Degree Evaluation Sub-Committee
Fine Arts Observatory New Fine Arts Dramatic Arts Jiangsu Painting Magazine Art and Era
Music Art People's Music Fine Arts Observation Drama and Shadow Monthly Fine Arts Research Modern Communication
Southeast Culture Art Review Reading Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music Journal of Nanjing University Journal of Jiangsu Social Sciences
Hansheng (Taiwan) Artists (Taiwan) Roots Searching Journal of Nanjing Normal University
Nanjing Social Science Xueyi Ethics Research Ethics Research
Confucius Studies Modern Philosophy Seeking the truth Journal of Medicine and Philosophy
Note: 33 national key colleges and universities with graduate schools:
Peking University, The Renmin University of China, Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing University of Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing
Beijing Agricultural University, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing Medical University, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. Nankai University Tianjin University
Dalian University of Technology Northeastern University Jilin University Harbin Institute of Technology Fudan University Tongji University Zhejiang University
Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai Medical University East China Normal University Nanjing University Southeast University University University of Science and Technology of China
Xiamen University Wuhan University Huazhong University of Science and Technology China University of Geoscience and Technology Sun Yat-sen University Northwestern Polytechnical University
Xi'an Jiaotong University National University of Defense Technology