Solar special antifreeze, if you need to replenish the liquid to use the original liquid, doped liquid may reflect or crystallization and other issues.
What is the solar medium
Solar special antifreeze, if you need to replenish the liquid to use the original liquid, doped liquid may reflect or crystallization and other issues. Huangming service engineers
What is the solar medium
Generally are antifreeze, as long as you add a good antifreeze of the same type can be, hope to adopt
What is the solar medium?
In the north antifreeze for ethylene glycol (propylene glycol or propylene glycol) antifreeze. Depending on the latitude, different freezing point heat transfer medium is used.
South of the Yangtze River to choose the -10 ℃ system will not freeze antifreeze.
North of the Yangtze River to choose the -20 ℃ system will not freeze the antifreeze.
North of the Yellow River to use in -30 ℃ system will not freeze antifreeze.
Must ensure that the system will not freeze ice phenomenon in winter.
In Yunnan and other places also use pure water as a heat transfer medium.
What is the medium inside the small high-rise solar water heater
"ethylene glycol + water + some other inorganic salts to regulate the freezing point" "or" propylene glycol + water + some other inorganic salts to regulate the freezing point "
Nearly equal to the engine with "antifreeze"
Solar water heater media inlet what it means
Solar water heater media is water, that is, the inlet
Wall-mounted solar energy media is, if you add how to add. Add.
I think if it is missing, add some antifreeze on the line
What is the dielectric in the solar water heater
The solar water heater in the dielectric is antifreeze:
Generally "ethylene glycol + water + a number of other adjustments to the freezing point of the inorganic salt" "or" propylene glycol + water + some other inorganic salt to adjust the freezing point "
Antifreeze according to the latitude of different selection of different freezing point of the heat transfer medium. South of the Yangtze River to choose in -10 ℃ system will not freeze antifreeze. North of the Yangtze River to use in -20 ℃ system will not freeze antifreeze. North of the Yellow River should be used in -30 ℃ system will not freeze antifreeze. Must ensure that the system will not freeze ice phenomenon in winter. In Yunnan and other places also use pure water as a heat transfer medium.
Wall-mounted solar water heater heat transfer medium is what
In the north of the antifreeze for ethylene glycol (propylene glycol or propylene glycol) antifreeze. According to the latitude of different selection of different freezing point of the heat transfer medium.
South of the Yangtze River to choose the antifreeze in the -10 ℃ system will not freeze the antifreeze.
North of the Yangtze River to choose the -20 ℃ system will not freeze the antifreeze.
North of the Yellow River to choose the -30 ℃ system will not freeze the antifreeze.
Must ensure that the system will not freeze ice phenomenon in winter.
In Yunnan and other places also use pure water as a heat transfer medium.
In Yunnan and other places, pure water is also used as a heat transfer medium.