Foppers Innovation Park belongs to which district

Enterprises know that the data show that the Foppers Innovation Park is located in Huangpu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province (Guangzhou Huangpu District, Zebu Yutang Road and Shenzhou Road, 100 meters south of the intersection), covers an area of about 22 acres, as of now in the park **** there are 68 enterprises, including Weide (Guangdong) Energy Import and Export Co. Ltd.

10.3% of the enterprises in the Forbes Innovation Park are in the software and information technology services industry, and 10.3% are in research and experimental development. Among them, enterprises with registered capital of more than 10 million dollars include Weide (Guangdong) Energy Import & Export Co. Ltd, Hengrui Yuanzheng (Guangzhou) Biotechnology Co. Ltd, Xinhangluo Medical Technology (Guangzhou) Co.

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