Adverse medical events are defined as all events in which a medically induced injury, as opposed to the natural progression of the disease, prolongs a patient's hospital stay and results in disability, including both preventable and nonpreventable adverse events. Non-preventable adverse events are non-preventable injuries caused by proper medical practice; preventable adverse events are injuries caused by errors in medical treatment or equipment malfunctions that were not prevented.
Adverse medical events are categorized into many types, which can be divided into: adverse drug events and adverse medical device events and adverse nursing events.
1, adverse drug events
SFDA (March 28, 2008) in the definition:
Adverse Drug Event (English Adverse Drug Event, abbreviated as ADE) and adverse drug reactions have different meanings. Generally speaking, an adverse drug reaction is a reaction for which a cause and effect relationship has been established, while an adverse drug event is a reaction for which a cause and effect relationship has not been established.
It often appears in foreign drug instructions, this reaction can not be sure that the drug is caused by the reaction, need to be further evaluated. The international definition of an adverse drug event is that it is an adverse clinical event that occurs in the course of drug therapy and is not necessarily causally related to the drug.
2, medical device adverse events
Medical devices, as products of modern science and technology, have been widely used in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, health care and rehabilitation of diseases, and have become an important diagnostic and therapeutic means in the field of modern medicine. However, like medicines, the use of medical devices also carries certain risks.
Therefore, it is very necessary to monitor and manage the reporting of adverse events of medical devices to maximize the control of potential risks of medical devices and to ensure the safe and effective use of medical devices. Adverse event of medical device is defined as any harmful event not related to the expected effect of the use of medical device that occurs under normal use of approved and qualified medical devices and leads to or may lead to human injury.
3, nursing adverse events
Adverse events in nursing scholars have put forward their own views. American scholars define it as: an injury caused by nursing care that prolongs the patient's hospitalization, causes a disability, or both.
Domestic scholars believe that adverse events in nursing refers to nursing-related injuries in the process of diagnosis and treatment of any possible impact on the outcome of the patient's diagnosis and treatment, increase the patient's pain and burden and may cause nursing disputes or accidents.