Illustration in the most developed places: the United States for the illustration market is very developed countries, appreciate the illustration in the community has become a habit, the United States illustration market is also very specialized, divided into a variety of professional types, each type has a special illustration artists.
Illustration in Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan: As we all know, Japan's commercial animation has already had a huge market and operation team. And anime is an important branch of the illustration industry.
Before CG technology (Computer Graphics, visual design and production using computer technology) entered the field of illustration, animation by hand-drawing has become a sunrise industry in Japan. Younger generations are increasingly favoring the use of computer digital technology.
In South Korea, as the game industry has climbed to become the second largest pillar industry of the national economy in recent years, illustration, especially digital illustration, has risen to prominence, and game characters designed with digital illustration have gained greater market space as Korean games have become more popular in China.
Meanwhile, illustrators in Hong Kong and Taiwan are still searching for their own paths in the industry, even though their work shows clear signs of following in Japan's footsteps.
Illustrator is a general term: there are illustrators for the media publishing industry, children's illustrators, and realistic illustrators for the advertising industry; then there are cartoon mascot designers; game and movie illustrators are in great demand, and similar to the game industry, every movie and television production has a large number of illustrators. Movie and television works will also have a large number of sub-scene drawing, scene design work, these undoubtedly created the game film and television industry on the illustrator a large number of demand.
Electronic illustrators, with a high degree of creativity and performance ability, can perfectly express the needs of enterprises. Hand-drawn illustrators, with a high degree of hand-drawn skills and techniques, can perfectly express the content of the illustration and personal artistic feelings.