Ltd. recruitment information, Tianjin Chengco storage facilities Co.

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Company Profile:

Tianjin Chengcheng Gao Warehousing Facilities Ltd. was founded on Thu Jun 18 00:00:00 CST 2009, the registered capital is RMB 1998.00 million, the legal representative is Gao Yongsheng, the company's address is Room 624, Building 1, Lizhong Building, No. 65, Qiyiwei Road, Hedong District, Tianjin City, the unified social credit code and tax ID number is 91120102690653550Q, the industry is other unspecified metal products manufacturing, the registration authority is the Tianjin City Hedong District Market and Quality Supervision Administration, the scope of business is wholesale and retail trade; the following scope is limited to branches: metal products, shelves, office furniture, cardboard boxes, wooden boxes, plastic products, electromechanical equipment, electrical equipment manufacturing and processing. (Projects subject to approval by law, approved by the relevant departments before carrying out business activities), Tianjin Chengco Warehouse Facilities Limited business registration number is 120102000053577


Foreign investment:


Gao Yongsheng, the proportion of capital contribution 95.00%, contributed 18,981,000,000

Gao Yongmei, contributed 5.00%, contributed 99,900,000,000


Gao Yongsheng serves as an executive director in the company

Gao Yongsheng serves as a manager in the company

Gao Yongmei serves as Supervisor in the Company