If you have social security, it is equivalent to already have a basic protection, and medical insurance is reimbursement type, the reimbursement will not exceed the total amount of our expenses, as long as the moderate supplement can be, buy more is useless. Therefore, the amount of medical insurance coverage, treatment and rehabilitation costs are generally about 200,000 almost, no social security will be more, may wish to match the continuity of a good million medical insurance. Medical insurance most complete insurance strategy, click to read "medical insurance which is the best? This is the right way to insure!
In addition, you also need to consider the cost of premiums and the age of the insured. Simply put, the premium expenditure should be 10-15% of the annual income and the sum assured should be set at 6-10 times of the annual income.
Medicare can only reimburse you for the costs you incur after you have been treated, and many imported medicines, specialty drugs, and medical equipment are not covered by medicare, and there is a reimbursement ceiling; if you have a serious illness, you will need to rely on a critical illness insurance policy; a critical illness insurance policy is a diagnosis of a serious illness that is covered, and as long as you have a serious illness covered, the insurance company will pay the agreed amount. The insurance company will pay the compensation according to the agreement.
There are many health insurance products, and if you want to know more about insurance, you can consult with your father, who provides professional policy analysis and neutral insurance advice, so that you can understand your own policy in a clear and intuitive way.