Pacific Automotive Network car repair tools general tools are hand hammer, driver, pliers, wrenches, etc., in addition to the spark plug socket, Lama, lifter, ball head extractor, engine engine crane, valve spring loading pliers, tire balancer, four-wheel aligner, automotive air-conditioning pressure gauge, tire splitter and so on.
Car repair tools include the following categories:
1. Electrical repair tools; electrical repair tools are mainly oriented to battery repair, there are automobile power meter pen, battery connecting wire, battery charger, battery rust remover pliers and so on.
2. Tire repair tools; tire repair tools mainly jacks, air cannon wrenches, air cannon socket, tire wrenches, tire patch, rubber cleaner and so on.
3. Lubrication equipment and tools; lubrication tools are grease gun, grease gun tube, grease gun nozzle, oil pots and so on.
4. Engine maintenance tools; engine maintenance tools have filter wrenches, belt wrenches, spark plug sockets, timing tools, piston ring pliers and so on.
5. Body interior repair tools; body interior repair workers have sheet metal hammer, sheet metal lining iron, sheet metal shaping file sheet metal repair tools, panel removal tools, glass suction cups, glass sealing tools, wooden handle scraper.
6. Chassis repair tools. Chassis repair tools have repair laying board, socket set (containing ratchet, socket, socket, hexagonal socket, extension rod, etc.), bearing puller, puller, brake repair tools and so on.
(Photo/writing/photography: Pacific Auto's car-selecting little brother)