Only so much is known about M.T. Keshe, an Iranian nuclear physicist whose father was a member of the International Radiation Society, and who, while attending university, challenged textbooks and pointed out obvious errors, even asking to be withdrawn from the program. He has been working on applications of plasma physics for the last 20 to 30 years with very great achievements. His research and development accomplishments exceed those of any other scientist in the history of mankind, or even their sum total, here including Einstein and Nikola Tesla. Why is that, when you understand his R&D achievements you will agree with that.
M.T. Keshe's R&D has made free energy, and interstellar travel a reality. These two items are only a very small part of his R&D achievements, he can even create things, create substances that you need that are available or even not available on earth, he can create unlimited amounts of gold and diamonds, he can create objects with 14 superconductor properties that don't exist on earth, or objects containing a dozen or so chemical elements that mankind has not been able to synthesize at this point in time, and he can even create fresh proteins and beef. In his words, he can create everything you need.
This may sound too outlandish and sci-fi, but he has done it, with a team, a multitude of patents, lots of working equipment, and scientifically tested manufactured goods. In fact, if you understand the principles that led him to create it all, you'll believe it's all possible.
M.T. Keshe understood the principle of "gravity" when he was 16 years old, and the orderly functioning of everything in the universe is based on this principle, and it is according to this principle that he simulated the Earth's "magnetic" and "gravitational" forces. It was on the basis of this principle that he simulated the earth's "magnetic" and "gravitational" fields to create his creation machine. In other words, he created a micro-Earth. Everything on our planet is based on the workings of the Earth. The secret and the point of it all is that the basic building block of the universe is plasma, and what his machine does is to open up the plasma at will," says M.T. Keshe. "When he opens up the plasma he realizes that he's opening up God's magic box, and there's everything you need in there. It's got everything you need in it." M.T. Keshe's statement is akin to Albert Einstein's deathbed remark, "I have discovered God's code".
When Einstein said that atoms contained great energy, no one believed him until the first atomic bomb was exploded. Today, M.T. Keshe tells us that "the energy contained in a single particle of plasma is enough for mankind for millions of years, and it takes only a few molecules to light up the entire universe." M.T. Keshe's understanding of energy has gone beyond circuits, generators, batteries, and lights; he understands energy as the energy spectrum. In terms of energy utilization, M.T. Keshe has created his own generator, a 7-kilogram device that doesn't require any fuel and can release kilowatts, megawatts, megawatts, or even as large a current as you can imagine, as needed, and which could theoretically be used until the Earth ceases to exist and still function.
M.T. Keshe, whose research now focuses on interstellar travel, says that using his technology, "it would take only seconds to travel from the Earth to the moon, and only minutes to travel across the entire solar system. Interstellar travel is not just about speed, it is a systematic project that requires a complete set of solutions for materials, life support, medical care, etc. M.T. Keshe has overcome almost all of these difficulties, and in terms of materials, he believes that there is no need for high temperatures and pressures as in modern spaceflight, as his principle of voyage is completely different from that of modern spaceflight's rocket propulsion principle, which does not generate any high temperatures, high pressures, or the need for heavy, heavy weights, high pressure, and does not need heavy space suits, his system can even allow him to walk naked on the surface of Mars. In terms of life support M.T. Keshe can make any food you need in space, even beef and bread. In the medical field M.T. Keshe has perfected the art of energy healing without the need for a doctor or any of the medical devices and medicines used in modern medicine, and he can cure almost any disease. He once enabled a patient who had been paralyzed for 15 years to walk freely on the ground. He has also built his own spacecraft, and I even believe he has traveled in space.
There is very little information about M.T. Keshe in China, and all of it is based on a speech M.T. Keshe himself gave on Nov. 26, 2011, at the Electronics Fair in Eindhoven, Netherlands. There is very little we can learn from this speech alone, but this little bit of information alone can show us the gates of heaven, and if these inventions of his can be promoted and realized, human beings on earth can live a heavenly life.
M.T. Keshe also said that whether what he has done can be realized or not is not a matter of technology at all, but a matter of acceptance by the financial oligarchy and the governments of the world. Because his invention will rewrite the entire mode of functioning of human society, will overthrow this society which is manipulated by money, will eliminate poverty, hunger, disease, wars, injustice and exploitation between people, and control or domination in human society. It seems to be a very ideal and desirable society for everyone, but some people have gotten used to privilege and domination, and they are not willing to give it up. In addition, due to the lag of human spiritual civilization, some unknown and uncontrollable factors exist. However, M.T. Keshe adds that this trend cannot be stopped by any person or force. We have the power and wisdom to solve all the problems as long as mankind has the will to move towards this goal. Since heaven is just around the corner, will we care about a stumbling block at our feet and stop moving? This wonderful goal needs the efforts of you, me, him, and everyone together to realize it, even if it is just taking out your concern, it is shortening the distance to heaven, and we can't let it be buried or constantly postponed.