The company does not pay social security, I should pay or choose commercial insurance, which is better!

Social insurance is not a substitute for commercial insurance, commercial insurance has the protection of social insurance is far from being able to reach, so buy social security also need commercial insurance. For commercial insurance and social insurance between the specific what is not the same, you want to know are in this article social security health insurance how to use? An article to teach you to apply for the reimbursement process!

The unit does not give employees to pay social security is illegal, you can go to report and then let the company to pay. Between the social security and commercial insurance is certainly the priority of social security, social security we all know is our most basic protection, which the content of the five insurance coverage encompasses all aspects of our lives. To five insurance in the medical insurance, for example, even if you are now sick, the next year you can continue to insure, you can reimburse the relevant medical expenses, pay enough fifteen years after you can also enjoy a lifetime of medical insurance protection. But this is not to say that there is social security is enough, its protection is still not quite enough, you need to use commercial insurance to supplement, you can look down below.

The following is an example of commercial medical insurance and social medical insurance, to explain why social insurance can not replace commercial insurance.

1, the content of the coverage does not completely overlap

Social health insurance coverage can be said to be small compared to the content of commercial health insurance. For example, for the registration fee, out-of-hospital consultation fees and other services, and the application of positron emission tomography (PET), electron beam CT and other large-scale medical equipment for the examination and treatment of the medical expenses of the project, are not covered by the social health insurance. However, commercial insurance can cover them.

The types of drugs that can be reimbursed by social security, as shown in the chart below, are also very limited. Everyone is afraid of cancer, and there has actually been a lot of progress in cancer treatment over the years. For example, many types of cancers now have effective drugs for treatment, but the cost burden is relatively high. For example, the average monthly expenditure for the treatment of lung cancer is more than 50,000 dollars. Such a good life-saving drug, but often not in the social security drug coverage, for many cancer patients who do not buy commercial health insurance, because of the cost, usually can only give up this kind of targeted drugs.

2, the amount of reimbursement is different

Social security belongs to the national welfare insurance, the protection will not be too high, can be reimbursed for the magnitude is relatively small. If you are receiving treatment in a different location, even if you can get reimbursed by your health insurance, the reimbursement rate will usually be lower. Thus, without commercial health insurance, social health insurance does not play a significant role in the case of more serious illnesses. For more than half of all medical expenses, social security reimburses less than 50 percent of the costs, according to the chart.

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