Why is it so expensive now?

Now why is the French Pipe so expensive

1, the scarcity of breeds

Now one of the reasons for the high price of the French Pipe is the relative scarcity of their breeds. The Faldo is a mixed breed dog, a cross between an English Bulldog and a French Hound. This mixed dog breed is much loved for its mushy, loyal and lively nature.

But since the mixed breed is not a standard dog breed, the number of Frenchies is relatively small. In addition, some breeders choose to purchase purebred Bulldogs and French Hounds at high prices in order to obtain a better breed and appearance, increasing the cost of mixed breed breeding.

2, the high cost of breeding

Breeding a healthy Frenchie, you need to go through a number of tests, screening, exclusion of unqualified pedigrees and other parts of the screening, even if it is in line with the standards of the bulldogs and French retrievers crossbreeding is not always able to produce a healthy baby. After selecting a good breeder, a lot of time and money needs to be invested in vaccinations, breeding and training.

In addition, the high cost of medical care adds to the cost. The Frenchie is a highly sought-after dog breed because of its short face, but it is this same face that contributes to its many health problems, such as respiratory, eye and skin diseases. These factors have led to a significant increase in the cost of breeding healthy Falcons.

3. Excessive Demand

Frenchies are promoted by many celebrities, bloggers and other social media outlets, thus causing them to be popular to some extent. Many people come to the market to have a cute, amusing and smart baby phaeton. However, due to the limited number of french fighters, coupled with the high cost of breeding and other factors, their prices have climbed.

In addition to this, some unscrupulous breeders also breed large numbers of Pit Bulls, even labeled purebred Bulldogs or French Hounds, in a rush to make more money. This kind of illegal commercial breeding often leads to the damage of the breed pedigree of the Faldo and causes various health problems.

4. Quality Assurance and Market Value

Regular breeders of Frenchies tend to provide high-quality feeds, medical care, training, and other services to ensure that their breeding programs run smoothly and successfully. In contrast, these costs of creating healthy, high quality french fighters will translate to the cost of purchase for the consumer. As a result of this paid era and cost, the price of french fowls naturally rises.

And with the development of society, the Faldo is not only a pet dog, but also began to become a culture, symbols and spiritual symbols. They are often seen in movies, TV, advertisements and media, and have become a popular way of socializing or living. As a result, their market value has naturally increased.