How to maintain DPX medical clean sheet at a later stage? First of all, we must have a good understanding of the performance of medical clean sheet, and then further understand some of the characteristics of the plate, and then according to the current use of pre-coated sheet items and space, arrange the appropriate maintenance measures. Under normal circumstances, good quality medical clean boards do not need to invest too much maintenance costs, as long as the installation of decorative panels before a good test to better ensure that the board to adapt to the current environment.
In addition, DPX medical clean panels need to develop a maintenance schedule and plan, and according to a fixed cycle of maintenance. In general, in order to maintain the quality of the decorative panels, manufacturers generally recommend that medical clean panels be tested once a year. The maintenance intervals can be determined based on the boards currently in use. One of the main issues we need to pay attention to here is that if there is damage to the veneer of the board or cracks around the walls, then maintenance measures should be carried out to better ensure that the medical clean boards are able to extend their service life in a proper way that will not affect the normal use of the boards.