Lianyungang Xinpu, Haizhou which name hall is better, it is best to write the address, thank you very much!

If the home range hood fan is a small blade fan belonging to the internal system shape, such a fan shoot fumes effect is good, but it is also easier to stain oil; in addition, because the fan for the internal system type, that is to say, the fan is mounted in the innermost part of the range hood, so to scrub clean by yourself is really a very laborious thing. The grease on the range hood fan was not scrubbed clean with the usual methods.

Here's our trick: when using this trick, turn the hair dryer to maximum, then extend the hair dryer to the inside of the range hood, blowing right next to the fan, blowing, blowing time to pay attention to, first horizontal blowing, and then blowing longitudinally, this is done in order to make any part of the fan can be evenly heated.

The process normally takes half an hour. When the time is up, then still using a brush dipped in a small amount of water, brush the fan of the range hood. After brushing, let's see, the brush has a lot of oil on it. This time it should have scrubbed all the oil from the fan!

Next we use a clean, wet rag to scrub the exhaust fan again, the purpose of doing so is to remove the hood fan on the residual oil. After scrubbing, we look at the oil condition on the rag and there is almost no oil! Let's compare it to how it was before! The oil on the hood fan is finally wiped clean!

There was also quite a bit of grease on the fan hood. Again, we turned the hair dryer on maximum power and blew close to the fan hood. First blow horizontally, then vertically, one side of the blowing finished, we used the same method to blow the other side, also blew well! Now we put this fan cover in water with detergent and wash it with a rag or brush. Let's see if the grease doesn't wash off. Let's see the result, it's so clean, not a bit of grease left! The trick worked!

Three, remove the hood oil box on the oil trick

First of all, let's prepare to clean the oil box with the tools: clean brush, clean towels, ordinary detergent.

We start by boiling some water, which can be very useful when cleaning the oil tank. While boiling water is boiling, we stuff the clean towel in the oil box.

Now that the water is boiling, we pour the water into a basin and add the right amount of detergent, the amount can be based on the degree of your oil box dirty yourself. After that, you can put this stuffed towel oil box in the boiling water, the oil box in the water to soak for 30 minutes.

Why do you need to use boiling water? It is because boiling water can soften the oil that is solidified on the tank;

Why do you need to stuff the tank with a towel? The softened oil can be absorbed by the towel, which prevents the oil from spreading in the water.

Soak time is up, the water is cool, we first take out the towel in the oil box, the oil on the oil box to the towel's are stained yellow. Then look at the condition of the oil box, the oil stains have been reduced! Now let's wash the oil box thoroughly. Change the pot of water, put in the right amount of detergent, and use the prepared brush to clean it. By now the oil has been softened by the boiling water and can be easily brushed off. How about the result? It is very clean!