Mainly used in clinical medical materials and geometric shape are in line with the requirements of the equipment, as long as the requirements of the use, the sterilization cabinet can be constant 10-6SAL sterilization level.
Hydrogen peroxide low-temperature plasma sterilizer can be used for both low-temperature sterilization of metallic medical devices and non-metallic medical devices. Medical devices are sterilized by diffusing hydrogen peroxide through the chamber and then "energizing" the hydrogen peroxide into a plasma state. By combining hydrogen peroxide vapor with plasma, medical instruments and materials are safely and rapidly sterilized without leaving any toxic residue. All phases of the sterilization process operate in a dry, low-temperature environment, so it does not damage heat- or moisture-sensitive instruments, is suitable for both metallic and non-metallic instruments, and can sterilize hard-to-reach (not easily diffused) parts of instruments such as hemostat hinges.
The earliest introduction of plasma sterilization technology is the U.S. Johnson & Johnson, the current domestic manufacturers such as Beijing Kesp, Chengdu Lao Ken, Shandong Xinhua, etc. are very well-known.
Hydrogen peroxide plasma is a new low-temperature sterilization technology that began to emerge in the 1990s. Plasma is considered to be the fourth state other than liquid, gas and solid, and is formed when gas molecules are excited in an extremely vacuum chamber. Hydrogen peroxide plasma sterilization has the advantages of a short sterilization cycle time and low toxicity of the thoroughly decomposed end products. However, due to the consideration of Mycobacteria tuberculosis contamination, the U.S. FDA has not approved the use of diffusion enhancer (diffusion enhancer) to solve the problem of hydrogen peroxide vapor penetration of long and narrow lumen items difficult.