Is there a health mark inside a medical device?

Yes. Pharmaceutical drug number is the state approved drug production approval number, allowing the operation of the production and sale of drugs; health number is the approval number of health food, allowed to engage in the production and sale of health care products, mechanical number is the production and sale of medical equipment approval number, can not be mixed with the use of. Norms according to national requirements and standards for the standardization of production and operation and sales, otherwise it is illegal to be subject to the review and punishment of regulatory agencies. To benefit the country and the people to benefit themselves is to do the best policy.

Medical devices are instruments, equipment, appliances, in vitro diagnostic reagents and calibrators, materials and other similar or related items used directly or indirectly in the human body, including the required computer software.

Utility is obtained primarily by physical and other means, not by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, or is involved but only in an ancillary manner.

Purposes are the diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment, or alleviation of disease; the diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation, or functional compensation of injury; the examination, replacement, regulation, or support of physiological structures or processes; the support or maintenance of life; the control of pregnancy; and the provision of information for medical or diagnostic purposes through the examination of specimens from the human body.