What is ionizing radiation

Question 1: What is ionizing radiation? Ionizing radiation refers to the radiation that can ionize the irradiated material under normal circumstances. It is what we often refer to as radioactivity. Ionizing radiation includes many kinds, alpha rays, beta radio households, gamma rays, X-rays, neutrons, various particle beams, cosmic rays, and so on.

Question 2: What and where is ionizing radiation? Household appliances: TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, microwave ovens, vacuum cleaners, computers, etc. Office equipment: cell phones, computers, wrecking machines, electronic instruments, medical equipment, etc. Home decoration: marble, laminate flooring, wallpaper, paint, etc. Surrounding environment: high-voltage lines, power substations, television (radio) signal transmission towers, etc. The natural environment: sunspots, etc.

Question 3: What is electromagnetic radiation? With ionizing radiation is the same meaning 1. Ionizing radiation is a kind of radiation that can ionize the material, ionizing radiation is dangerous to living things. Not all radiation is ionizing radiation.

2. Another common name for electromagnetic radiation is electromagnetic waves. High-energy (high-frequency) electromagnetic radiation is ionizing radiation, and only this part of electromagnetic radiation is dangerous.

Question 4: What is ionizing radiation ■ What is ionizing radiation

Ionizing radiation is a general term for all radiation that can cause ionization of matter, and there are many types of high-speed charged particles alpha particles, beta particles, protons, uncharged particles have seeds, as well as X-rays, gamma rays.

Alpha rays are a charged particle stream, due to the charged, it is easy to cause ionization wherever it goes. alpha rays have a strong ionization ability, this nature can be used. It also brings certain damage to the place, and has greater destructive ability to the tissues in the human body. Due to its large mass, poor penetration ability, the range in the air is only and centimeter, as long as a piece of paper or healthy skin can block.

β-rays are also a high-speed charged particles, its ionization capability is much smaller than α-rays, but the penetration capability is larger than α-rays, but with X, γ-rays than β-rays have a shorter range, and can easily be absorbed by aluminum foil, plexiglass and other materials.

X-rays and γ-rays are roughly the same nature, is not with the length of the electric wave electromagnetic waves, so they are collectively referred to as photons. Both are extremely penetrating, and special attention should be paid to accidental exposure protection.

Ionizing radiation exists in nature, but at present artificial radiation has spread to various fields, specializing in the production, use and research of ionizing radiation work, known as radiation workers. Radiation-related occupations are:

The nuclear industry system and raw material exploration, mining, smelting and refining, nuclear fuel and reactor production, use and research; agricultural irradiation cultivation of new varieties of vegetables and fruits, insurance, food storage; medical X-ray fluoroscopy, photographic diagnosis, radionuclide determination of the human body organs, radiation treatment of tumors, etc.; the industrial sector of a variety of gas pedals, ray generators and electron microscopes, electron microscopes, radiation treatment, and so on. Generator and electronic microscope, electronic speed welding machine, color TV tube, high-voltage electronic tube.

Question 5: What is the meaning of ionizing radiation 1, ionizing radiation is a general term for all radiation that can cause material ionization, and there are many types of high-speed charged particles alpha particles, beta particles, protons, uncharged particles have neutrons, and X-rays, γ-rays.

2, ionizing radiation is directly or indirectly ionized particles or a mixture of both radiation. Can make the affected material ionization phenomenon of radiation,

Question 6: What is ionizing radiation and the harm of ionizing radiation on the human body All can make the affected material ionization phenomenon of radiation, called ionizing radiation. It can be composed of uncharged photons, with wave characteristics and penetrating ability, such as X-rays, 7 rays and cosmic rays; and "rays, p-rays, neutrons, protons, etc. belongs to the particle-type ionizing radiation that can cause ionization of matter. Ionizing radiation comes from cosmic rays in nature and from uranium, thorium, radium, etc. in the rocky layers of the earth's crust, and can also come from a variety of artificial sources of radiation. There are five main types of radiation relevant to occupational health, namely, X-rays, 7-rays, a-particles, news particles and neutrons (n),

1. Exposure to (1) the nuclear industry system: mining, smelting and processing of radioactive minerals, as well as the establishment and operation of nuclear reactors and nuclear power plants. (2) Production and use of radiation generators: gas pedals, medical and industrial and agricultural production of X-ray and 7-ray radiation sources.

(3) Processing, production and use of radionuclides: the synthesis of nuclide compounds, drugs and their use in experimental research and diagnostics.

(4) Production of natural radionuclides with associated or ****ogenic minerals: mining and processing of phosphorus fertilizers, rare earth minerals, tungsten minerals, etc.

(5) Production of natural radionuclides with associated or ****ogenic minerals.

(5) Medical irradiation.

2. Commonly used units of ionizing radiation in the past, some commonly used special units of ionizing radiation, has been gradually replaced by the International System of Units (SI units), but at present the old and new units are still in use at the same time.

(1) radioactivity (radioactivity): the SI unit of radioactivity dedicated to the name of Beck (bec- querel), the symbol Bq, along with the dedicated unit of Curie (Curie). lBq = 2.703X10-nCi.

(2) radiation (exposure, X): the amount of irradiation (X): the amount of exposure (X) is only used for X-rays, but at present the old and new units are still in use. X) is used only for X-rays or 7-rays, there is no SI unit moniker, retaining the use of the unit name for the Roentgen (Roentgen, R).

(3) absorbed dose (absorbed dose, D): indicates the amount of radiation energy absorbed by the irradiated medium, applicable to any type of ionizing radiation. Absorbed dose and irradiation amount of meaning is completely different, but under certain conditions can be converted. Absorbed dose of SI units dedicated to the name of Gray (Gray), the symbol Gy; the original use of units for the rad, the symbol rad. lGy = 100 rado

(4) Dose equivalent (dose equivalent, H): In order to measure the biological effects of the different types of ionizing radiation, the absorbed dose multiplied by a number of correction coefficients, that is, the dose equivalent (H), H = DQN. In the formula, D for the absorbed dose; Q for different radiation quality factor, or line quality coefficient, refers to the unit length of the medium, due to ionization collision and the loss of the average energy, the greater the value of Q, the stronger the relative biological effect; N is temporarily set at 1. Dose equivalent of the SI unit dedicated to the name of the Sivevert (Sivevert), the symbol Sv; the original use of the unit name of the Rem (rem). lSv = 100remo , the dose equivalent of the Sivevert unit of the Sivevert unit of the Sivevert unit of the Sivevert unit. lSv = 100remo

3. Mode of action and factors affecting ionizing radiation Ionizing radiation acts on the human body in two ways: external and internal. External exposure is characterized by the cessation of radiation effects as soon as the source of radiation is removed or kept away. Internal irradiation occurs when radionuclides enter the body through the respiratory tract, the digestive tract, the skin or by injection and then act on the body. The effect is negligible until the radionuclide is excreted from the body, or until it undergoes a metamorphosis of more than 10 half-lives.

Ionizing radiation damage to the body, by the radiation factor and the body of two factors.

(1) Ionizing radiation factors

1) Physical properties of radiation: The ionization density and penetration of radiation are important factors affecting damage. For example, cx particle ionization density is greater, but the penetrating power is very weak, and its main harm is into the body after the internal irradiation, and the role of external radiation is very small; news particles of ionization ability is smaller than a, but high-energy news particles have the ability to penetrate the skin surface; X-rays and 7-rays of penetrating power is far stronger than the news particles, especially high-energy X-rays or 7-rays, can be penetrated to the deep tissue or the entire human body tissues, with a strong penetrating radiation effect. powerful penetrating radiation effect.

2) Dose and dose rate: The general rule between the dose of ionizing radiation and the biological effect is that the higher the dose, the stronger the biological effect, but not exactly a linear relationship. Dose rate is the amount of irradiation received by the body per unit of time, often expressed in Gy/d, Gy/h or Gy/min. In general, the dose rate is large, the effect is also large.

3) irradiation site: irradiation of different geometric conditions, so that all parts of the body to receive uneven weevil cleanse and affect the absorption dose. The strongest response to abdominal irradiation, ...... >>

Question 7: What is the direct ionizing radiation Ionizing radiation (English: ionizing radiation) is composed of direct or indirect ionizing particles or a mixture of both radiation. By convention ultraviolet light is not included. Ionizing radiation is a general term for all ionizing radiation that can cause material, and there are many types, high-speed charged particles have alpha particles, beta particles, protons, uncharged particles have neutrons and X-rays, γ-rays. Ionizing radiation exists in nature, artificial radiation has been all over the field; ionizing radiation damage to the body can be divided into acute radiation damage and chronic radiation damage.

Ionizing radiation refers to short wavelength, high frequency, high energy rays (particles or waves of the dual form). Radiation can be divided into ionizing radiation, which ionizes at least one electron from an atom or molecule, and non-ionizing radiation, which ionizes at least one electron from an atom or molecule. Conversely, non-ionizing radiation cannot. The ability to ionize is determined by the amount of energy carried by the radiation (particle or wave), not by the amount of radiation. A large number of rays is not capable of causing ionization if the rays do not carry enough ionizing energy.

Question 8: What are the ionizing radiations that people are exposed to in their daily lives? What are the ionizing radiations that people are exposed to in their daily lives?

Radiation in a broad sense is present in everything, as long as there is heat, there is radiation. We usually say that the radiation refers to the human body has a more serious impact, such as electromagnetic radiation, ray radiation, ultra-biological radiation and so on. Like watching TV, using computers, cell phones, induction cookers and so on is electromagnetic radiation, this is the most common in life. Nowadays, the radiation of electronic products are not much radiation to the human body, will not have an effect on the human body. But a long time will be slightly so the impact can be ignored. Because the body's metabolism and immune function can help us resist or avoid. For example, continuous Internet access for a few days will make people tired, sleepy, some will make gastrointestinal disorders, the body or face some rashes or small beans and so on. These are caused by the combination of increased radiation and decreased autoimmune function. There will not be any problem, and it will disappear in a few days. Like X-ray and other physical examination is ray radiation, more harmful to the human body, are generally recommended not more than a few times a year. More than that will be harmful to the body. Radiation in daily life can be ignored, do not care about him on the good.

Question 9: What is the difference between ionizing radiation and electromagnetic radiation? Ionizing radiation is a general term for all radiation that can cause material ionization, and its many types, high-speed charged particles have alpha particles, beta particles, mass field, uncharged particles have neutrons, as well as X-rays, γ-rays. Electromagnetic radiation is composed of space *** with the transfer of electrical and magnetic energy, and the energy is generated by the charge movement; for example, is transmitting signals from the radio frequency antenna issued by the mobile charge, it will produce electromagnetic energy.

Question 10: What is ionizing radiation can make the affected material produce ionizing radiation, generally refers to the frequency higher than 300GHZ electromagnetic radiation.

This radiation because of the high frequency of electromagnetic waves, energy, may make the cell molecular bonds broken, causing material ionization, resulting in cell death or mutation, so to a certain extent is harmful to the human body (when subjected to more than a certain dose of ionizing radiation).