Hewlett-Packard International Talent Center CRM Testing Project
Software Acceptance Test Report
Table of Contents
Document Info. .......................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2
Verifying the Document Version .......................................................................................................................... 3 Modification log .................................................................................................................................. 3 Document Approval .................................................................................................................................. 3 Distribution .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
Purpose of Preparation .................................................................................................................................. 4 Project Background .................................................................................................................................. 4 Definitions .......................................................................................................................................... 4 References .................................................................................................................................. 4
3 Test Plan Execution .......................................................................................................................... 4 3.1 3.2 3.3
Test program .................................................................................................................................. 4 Testing Organization and Personnel ...................................................................................................................... 4 Test results .................................................................................................................................. 4
4 5
Software Requirements Testing Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 5 Evaluation .................................................................................................................................................. 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4
Software Capabilities .................................................................................................................................. 5 Defects and limitations .............................................................................................................................. 5 Recommendations .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Test conclusions .................................................................................................................................. 5
6 7
Explanation of Terms .......................................................................................................................................... 5 References .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1 Document Information
1.1 Verification of Document Version
It is the responsibility of the user of the document to verify the validity of the current version before using the document
1.2 Modification Record
All modifications to this document should be documented here in chronological order of the modification.
1.3 Document Approval
Your signature, or that of your designated representative, indicates your approval of the contents of this document. It also indicates that you have carefully read, reviewed, and considered how this document affects your department and whether it is consistent with the Company's direction.
Approval Signature
1.4 Distribution
<List the departments or individuals to whom this document is to be distributed
2 Introduction
2.1 Purpose of Preparation
{Specify the purpose for which the Software Acceptance Test Report is being prepared and indicate the audience to whom it is intended.}
2.2 Project Background
{State the source of the project, the commissioning organization, and the responsible authority.}
2.3 Definitions
2.4 References
{List the author(s), title(s), number(s), date(s) of publication, publication unit(s), or source(s) of the material in question, which may include: a. The project's program mission statement, contract, or approval; b. The project development plan; c. The requirements specification; d. The outline design specification; e. The detailed design specification; f. User's operation manual; g. test plan; h. other information cited in the software acceptance test report, the use of software engineering standards or software engineering specifications.}
3 Test Plan Execution
3.1 Test Items
{List the name, content, and purpose of each test item.}
3.2 Test Organization and Personnel
{Give the name of the test organization, the person in charge, and the list of personnel involved in testing.}
3.3 Test Results
{Give, for each test item, in order: a. the actual result data; b. the deviation from the expected result data; c. the facts indicated by the test; and d. the problems found by the test.}
3.4 Test Results
{Give the name of the test organization, the person in charge, and the list of people involved in the test.
3.3.1 3.3.2
Test environment:
Test cases and test results:
4 Software Requirements Testing Conclusions
{Give the conclusions of each requirements test in order. Include: a. Formal software capability; b. Limitations (i.e., how and why this requirement was tested and scored).}
5 Evaluation
5.1 Software Capability
{Software capability as demonstrated by testing}
5.2 Defects and Limitations
{Description of software defects and deficiencies revealed by the testing, and the possible impact on software operation.}
5.3 Recommendations
{Provide recommendations for remedying the above deficiencies.}
5.4 Test Conclusion
{State whether it passes or fails.}
6 Explanation of terms
7 References
Software Testing Acceptance Report Example 2:Software Testing, Acceptance Report
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
Describe the main purpose of preparing this testing acceptance report.
1.2 Background
List the commissioning and contracting organizations and their authorities for this project.
1.3 References
a) Approved program mission statement, contract, or approval from higher authorities for this project;
b) Project development plan;
c) Analysis and design specifications;
d) Documents and information cited in this document (including software development specifications).
List the author, title, number, date of publication, and publishing organization of these materials.
1.4 Definitions
List the definitions, acronyms and abbreviations used in this document that may cause confusion.
2 Software Testing
2.1 Dynamic and Static Data Characterization
Compare the results of the dynamic and static input/output data obtained in this test with the expected results of the dynamic/static input/output, and list the problems found.
2 .2 Software Functionality Conclusions and Recommendations
Briefly describe the functionality of the software under test, describing the capabilities of the software designed to meet this functionality and those that have been confirmed by the testing; the defects and limitations of this software that have been confirmed by the testing, and indicate how the defects can be improved.
3 Evaluation
3 .1 Major Functions and Performance of the Software
Describe the functions and performance of the software, and indicate whether the original development objectives were met.
3 .2 progress and cost
Give the original plan of progress and the actual progress of the comparison; the original cost of the plan and the comparison of the actual cost of expenditure.
3 .3 Evaluation of the development work
Give an evaluation of the development work productivity, technical methods, product quality.
4 Lessons learned
List the most significant lessons learned from the development of this project, as well as recommendations for future software project development efforts.
Software Testing Acceptance Report Sample 3:Software Acceptance Report
Version No.: 1.0
Time: Year Month
Shandong Wave Qilu Software Industry Co.
Cc: Customer Manager, Customer Representative, Software Project Manager, Tester, Test QA Manager, R&D Manager, etc.
Table of Contents
1 Basic Project Information ......................................................................................... 3 2 Project Overview ................................................................................................. 4 3 Acceptance Test Environment ......................................................................................... 4 3.1 Hardware ............................................................................................... 4 3.2 Software ............................................................................................... 4 3.3 Documentation ............................................................................................... 4 3.4 Personnel ............................................................................................... 4 4 Acceptance and test results ..................................................................................... 4 4.1 Product acceptance results .............................................................................. 4 4.2 Product functional acceptance results ...................................................................... 4 5 Acceptance Summary ................................................................................................. 4 6 References ................................................................................................. 5
1 Project Basics
2 Project Overview
The Overview section should provide a summary description of the entire project.
3 Acceptance Test Environment
3.1 Hardware
"e.g., computers, servers, networks, switches, etc."
3.2 Software
"e.g., operating systems, application software, system software, development software, test programs, etc."
3.3 Documentation
"e.g., test documentation, technical documentation, operation manuals, user manuals, etc."
"e.g., test documentation, technical documentation, operation manuals, user manuals, user manuals, etc.
3.4 Personnel
"e.g., customer representatives, account managers, software project managers, technical managers, developers, testers, technical support personnel, third-party representatives, etc..."
4 Experience
4 Acceptance and Test Results
4.1 Product Acceptance Results
4.2 Product Functionality Acceptance Results
5 Acceptance Summary
"Summarize the acceptance and testing, and state the problems found and the recommendations, etc...".
6 References