abolish / E5bRliF/ v.to abolish, abolish
abolitionist / AbE5liFEn/ n.abolitionist
abrogation / Abrou5geiFEn/ n.to abolish, abolish
abruptly / E5brQptli/ ad. suddenly; insolently;
abscisic acid / / n. [biochemical] abscisic acid
abscissa / Ab5sisE/ transversal coordinates
absolute value / / absolute value
abstinence / 5AbstinEns/ n. abstinence, abstinence
absudity / / n. absurdity
accelerate / Ak5selEreit/ v. to hasten
access / 5Akses/ n. access, pathway
accidental / Aksi5dentl/ a.accidental, unexpected
acclimatory / / a.plumbing, adapting
accommodation / E,kRmE5deiFEn/ n. [common plural] hospitality facilities, accommodation, habitation compartments; adaptation, conditioning; loan
accord / E5kR:d/ v.accelerate
access / 5Akses/ n. pathway E5kR:d/ v. to agree with; accord to
accordingly / E5kR:diNli/ ad. therefore, thus
account for / / to point out the use of; to explain the use of the use of; explains the reason for...
accrue / E5kru:/ v. grow, multiply
acquiesce / Akwi5es/ v. reluctantly agree, acquiesce
acquired / E5kwaird/ a. acquired
acquisition / 5Akwi5ziFEn/ n. a. the acquisition of a thing by a person or a person; an acquisition of a thing by a person or a person. Acquired
acquittal / E5kwitl/ n. acquittal
acridine / 5AkrEdi:n/ [chemical] azanthracene
acrylic / A5krilik/ a. [chemical] acrylic acid; acrylic derivative
activate / 5Aktiveit/ n. a derivative of acrylic acid. 5Aktiveit/ n. To activate; to make radioactive
actuate / 5AktFueit/ vt. To turn on (a machine); to stimulate; to drive
acupuncture / 5AkjupQNktFE/ n. Acupuncture
acute / E5kju :t/ a. sensitive, acute
acute angle / / / acute angle
adamant / 5AdEmEnt/ a. tough, stubborn
addition / E5diFEn/ n. addition
additive / 5Aditiv/ a. added, additional ; [chemical] additive; [numerical] additive n. additive
adipose / 5Adipous/ a. fatty, fatty, n. animal fat
adjacent angle / / neighboring angle
adjoining / E5dVRiniN/ a. adjoining
adjudication / EdVu:di5keiFEn/ n. judgment, decision, pronouncement.
admonition / AdmE5niFEn/ n. admonition, exhortation; mild reproof
adopt / E5dRpt/ v. to adopt
adrenal / E5dri:nl/ a. of the adrenal glands, near the kidneys.
adulatory / 5AdjulEtEri/ a. stuffed, flattered
adversarial / / a. enemy's, rival's
adverse / 5AdvE:s/ a. contrary, unfortunate, unfavorable
aerobic / ZE5roubik/ a. Aerobic metabolism aerobe n. aerobic organism
aeronautics / ZErE5nR:tiks/ n. aeronautics
aerosol / 5ZErEsRl/ n. smoke; aerosol
affinity / E5finiti/ n. closeness, attraction
afflict / E5flikt/ v. to afflict, afflict
affluence / 5AfluEns/ n. abundance, affluence; influx
afoul / E5faul/ ad. to be entangled with (run afoul of with...)
afoul / E5faul/ ad. to be entangled with (run afoul of with)
afoul / E5faul/ n. to be entangled with (run afoul of with)
afoul / E5faul/ n. a person who is not in love with a person. entangled)
aftermath / 5B:ftEmAW/ n. consequence, aftermath
agenda / E5dVendE/ n. agenda
aggravate / 5AgrEveit/ v. exacerbate, worsen
aggregation / Agri5geiFEn/ n. . . collection, concentration, group
aggregation / Agri5geiFEn/ n. aggregation, sum
agrerian / / a. arable land, landed, landowning, peasantry n. an advocate of equalization of land rights
ailment / 5eilmEnt/ n. (not serious) disease
airborn / / a. airborne, air transported. airborne; transmitted by television.
ale / eil/ n. pale beer
alfalfa / Al5fAlfE/ n. fennel, alfalfa
algae / 5Algi:/ n. (plural of alga) algae, seaweeds
algebra / 5AldVibrE/ n. algebra
alienate / 5eiljEneit/ vt. to alienate; to alienate ownership of property
alkaline / 5AlkElain/ a. alkaline, alkaline, alkaline
allegiance / E5li:dVEns/ n. loyalty, advocacy
allergy / 5AlEdVi / n. allergy, aversion
alleviate / E5li:vieit/ v. mitigate, ease
alligator / 5AligeitE/ n. alligator
allow for / / / to take into account; to estimate; to be considerate
allowance / E5lauEns/ n. Allowance; allowance; subsidy; discount make allowances
almshouse / 5B:mzhaus/ n. poorhouse, almshouse
alternative / R:l5tE:nEtiv/ a. a choice of one or the other; selective; choice; choice of object
alto / 5Altou/ n. [Tone] alto; highest male voice; viola
alumni / E5lQmnai/ a. (plural of alumnus) alumni
amalgam / E5mAlgEm/ n. mixture
amassage / E5mAlgEm/ n. a mixture of two or more voices.
amass / E5mAs/ v.accumulation
amateur / 5AmEtE:/ n.amateur
ambiguity / Ambi5gju:iti/ n.ambiguity, vagueness
ambivalence / 5Ambi5veilEns/ n.ambivalence
ambivalent / Am5bivElEnt/ a. (of a person or thing) having conflicting views
amend / E5mend/ v. to revise
amiable / 5eimjEbl/ a. amiable, kindly
amino acid / / n. a [raw] amino acid
anaerobic / AneiE5roubik/ a. anaerobic. anaerobe n. anaerobic microorganism
analgesic / AnAl5dVi:zik/ n. analgesic, a. pain-relieving
anatomy / E5nAtEmi/ n. dissection, analysis; anatomy; the human body, bones
ancestor / 5AnsistE/ n. ancestor
anecdotal / Anik5doutl/ a. anecdotal, anecdotal
anemia / E5ni:miE/ n. [medical] anemia
anesthetic / AnEs5Wetik/ a. anesthetized , anesthetic.
anesthetics / / n. anesthetics
angle bisector / / angle bisector
animate / 5Animeit/ vt. to excite, to enliven
annuity / E5nju:iti/ n. an annuity; an annuity insurance
Anonymous / E5nju:iti/ n. a person who is anemic. p>anonymous / E5nRnimEs/ a. anonymous
anopheles / E5nRfili:z/ n. (movable) malarial mosquito genus
antagonism / An5tAgEnizm/ n. antagonism, hostility
antebellum / 5Anti5belEm/ a. pre-war; before the Civil War
antedate / 5Anti5deit/ v. to put an earlier date on (a letter, a document)
anterior / An5tiEriE/ a. earlier, former
anthology / An5WRlEdVi/ n. a collection of poems. anthology
anthropological / AnWrEpE5lRdVikl/ a. anthropological
antiaristocratic / / a. anti-aristocratic
antibiotics / Antibai5Rtiks/ n. antibiotic
anticlimactic / Antiklai5mAktik/ a. climactic sudden descent; tiger's head
antidote / 5Antidout/ n. antidote to poison
antifreeze / Anti5fri:z/ n. antifreeze
antigen / 5AntEdVEn/ n. antigen (a substance injected into an animal to cause it to produce antibodies)
antipode / 5Antipoud/ n. thing (of, to) that is the exact opposite of; a relative pole; opposite pole
antipsychotic / / / 5Antidout/ n. antipsychotic drug; an antidote
antipsychotic / / / 5Antidout/ n. antipsychotic drug
antipsychotic / / / 5Antidout/ n. antipathic drug
antipsychotic / / a. mentally depressing, n. a tranquilizerantiquity / An5tikwiti/ n. antiquity, ancient; antiquity, monument
antithesis / An5tiWisis/ n. antithesis, relative
antitrust law / / Antitrust law
ape / eip/ n. a tailless ape, hominid; mimic; a rough hombre
apectator / / n. spectator
aperiodic / / a. aperiodic
apolitical / ApE5litikl/ a. apolitical, without political
apologist / E5pRlEdVist/ n. an apologist (esp. one who defends Christian doctrines)
apothecary / E5pRWikeri/ n. apothecary; druggist
apparatus / ,ApE5reitEs/ n. an instrument
apparel / E5pRWikeri/ n. a. a person who is not concerned with politics; a. a person who is not concerned with politics; a. a person who is not concerned with politics
apolitical / ApE5litikl/ a. non-political, non-political p>apparel / E5pArEl/ n. clothing, apparel; appearance, outward appearance; ship's appliance
appliance / E5plaiEns/ n. application, fitness for use; utensil, instrument, appliance, device
appliance / E5plaiEns/ a medical instrument
applicable / ,ApE5reitEs/ n. a medical instrument, apparatus or apparatus. 5AplikEbl/ a. Effective, suitable
apportion / E5pR:FEn/ v. Distribute (proportionally or on a plan)
apprehend / Apri5hend/ v. Arrest, fear, apprehension
apprentice / E5prentis/ n. Artist, beginner v. to be apprenticed to sb
approbation / AprE5beiFEn/ n. favor, agree
appropriation / EprEupri5eiFEn/ n. appropriation, misappropriation of public funds
aquatic / E5kwAtik/ a. . .of water, having water, pertaining to water
arable / 5ArEbl/ a.fit for cultivation, arable, n. arable land
arbitrary / 5a:bitrEri/ a.arbitrary, irrational
arbitrator / 5B:bitreitE/ n. umpire
arcane / B:5kein/ a. secret, mysterious
archaeologist / a:kiE5lRdVist/ n. archaeologist
archenemy / 5B:tF5enimi/ n. natural enemy; chief enemy
archives / 5B:kaivz/ n. archives
ardent / 5a:dEnt/ a. Ardent, enthusiastic
area / 5ZEriE/ n. Area
arid / 5Arid/ a. Arid
arithmetic mean / / Arithmetic mean (the sum divided by the number of units)
arm / a:m/ n. strand of a right triangle
array / E5rei/ v. to make .... Array; dress; dress up; arrange
artery / 5a:tEri/ n. [medical] artery
artifact / 5B:tifAkt/ n. handcrafted artifact; artifact
artisan / a:ti5zAn/ n. craft worker, artisan
as-yet- unexploited / / / a:ti5zAn/ n. a person who works in a craft, a craftsperson
as-yet- unexploited / / a.not yet exploited
ascribe / Es5kraib/ v.to bring .... attribute
aspersion / Es5pE:VEn/ n. slander, libel
asphyxiation / Asfiksi5eiFEn/ n. asphyxiation
aspire / Es5paiE/ v. to aspire to, to desire, to aspire to.
assassination / EsAsi5neiFEn/ n.assassination,assassination
assembly line / / n.assembly line (of production)
assess / E5ses/ v.valuation,evaluation
asteroid / 5AstErRid / a.asteroid
asthma / 5AsmE/ n.asthma
astute / Es5tju:t/ a.quick-witted
asunder / E5sQndE/ ad.to separate into pieces
at one stroke / / / a single stroke
at stake / / v. to speak clearly, to join
attorney / E5tE:ni/ n. a lawyer
attribute / 5Atribju:t/ n. an attribute, a quality, to attribute to (to)
attribute / 5Atribju:t/ n. an attribute, a quality, to attribute to (to)
attribute / 5Atribju:t/ n. an attribute, a quality, to attribute to (to)
At the end of a period of time, a person may be able to speak clearly. attribute / 5Atribju:t/ n. attribute, quality, attribute...to
attrition / E5triFEn/ n. wear and tear
auction / 5R:kFEn/ n. an auction
audit / 5R:dit/ v. to be audited
aura / 5R:rE/ n. an odor, scent, (electrical) glow...aura / 5R:rE/ n. a smell, fragrance...an odor, fragrance, or smell...an odor, scent, or smell.... aurora / R:5rR:rE/ n. aurora (colored light at night at the North and South poles)
austere / Rs5tiE/ a. austere; austere; austerity
authentic / R:5Wentik/ a. true; real
automation / R:5R:rE/ n. a smell, a fragrance; a (electrical) glow
automation / Rs5tiE/ n. (person or thing emitting) odor, fragrance; (medicine) hunch; (medicine) aura
aurora / R:5rR:rE/ n.
automation / R:tE5meiFEn/ n. automation
autonomous / R:5tRnEmEs/ a. Autonomous, self-governing
auxin / 5R:ksin/ n. growth hormone
average / 5AvEridV/ average
average out / / to reach the average, to finally get the balance
aversion / E5vE:FEn/ n. dislike, hatred