How to recognize the medical polymer bandage

See the following description to easily distinguish the difference between Suzhou Knight medical polymer bandage and inferior products in the same industry?

Cutting edge there is no burr: the just unpacked Suzhou Knight medical polymer bandage immersed in water for two seconds, squeezed two to three times, out of the water, with scissors to Suzhou Knight medical polymer bandage cut, gently outwardly captured just cut the section, the poor quality of the bandage will be captured out of some of the burr, Suzhou Knight medical technology medical polymer bandage products will not be Burr. Poor quality bandage of these burrs, will sting or puncture the patient's skin, and can be resistant to medical polymer bandage quality products are very neat, smooth cutting edge, will not produce burrs, will not hurt the patient's skin.

Gram weight is not consistent: from the batch of products randomly take five bandages, put on the balance weighing, Suzhou can NaiTe medical science and technology products up and down will not be one to two grams, the difference between poor products will be five grams or even more than ten grams. Grams of inconsistent description of the coating of the glue is not uniform, affecting the effect of bandage bonding.

Width is not uniform: the bandage from the packing tape out, with a ruler to measure the width of the bandage segments, the poor products are not uniform width, Suzhou Knight medical technology products as a result of the use of high-quality imported base cloth, the width of the same. Width inconsistency indicates that the bandage base cloth toughness is not enough, in the production process after the bandage coating process, which will affect the strength of the bandage when used.

Bandage bonding is solid: poor bandage due to the viscosity of polyurethane compound is not enough, multi-layer bandage bonding is not too strong, less than the healing of the affected limb, bandage removal time on their own loose, fall off, thus affecting the rehabilitation of the injured. Suzhou Knight medical technology bandage adhesion is very strong, only until the affected limb healing with a special electric plaster saw can be removed, so as to play the role of fracture reset fixed.

Doctor operation is convenient: poor bandage due to the preparation of polyurethane glue reasons, doctors wear latex gloves operation often sticky gloves, so the operation is very inconvenient. Suzhou Konate medical technology bandage adopts the most advanced polyurethane adhesive formulation process, the doctor for bandage winding, especially the plastic operation when the bandage does not stick to the gloves, very convenient.

Whether the product has a pungent odor: poor bandage products due to the polyurethane adhesive formula contains a raw material with an unpleasant odor, so the adhesive coated bandages and splints also emit a pungent odor. Cornett's products do not emit an unpleasant odor due to the timely adoption of the industry's most advanced 2007 formula, which replaced the odor-causing ingredient.

Whether the quality is stable and long-lasting: poor splint products polyurethane adhesive is easy to leak from the outer layer of non-woven fabrics, resulting in partial hardening of the splint, affecting the effect of molding, and causing discomfort to the patient. Because of the imported high quality non-woven fabrics, there will be no leakage of polyurethane adhesive, and the shelf life can be up to three years.