Wart is a common skin disease, it is easy to appear in various parts of the body, such as hands, arms, feet, face, etc. Although the wart is not a big disease, but it is very affecting the appearance. Let's find out how to treat a wart on the toe?
How to treat a wart on the toesWart, also known as a thousand days of sores, warts, warts and eyes, warts and arrows, repentance sores, etc., commonly known as a wart. It is characterized by skin warts, the first as red beans, like stamens, day long since the fall. The wart is mostly caused by the wind and heat poisonous evil fighting in the skin and born; or by the anger of the liver fire, liver Wang blood dry, tendon gas does not glory; also due to trauma and poison caused by the good hair in the face and the back of the hand. The first stage in the normal skin, the appearance of pinhead size papules, gradually developed into soybean size, or even larger spiny protrusions; border clear, surface rough dry, papillary proliferation, uneven, forced peeling easy bleeding; number of indeterminate, the beginning of a, due to its own, inoculation later gradually increased to several or even dozens of more, normal skin color texture is harder, can be seen in the modern medical diagnosis of common warts. Currently in the country in addition to warts, other symptoms of the overall cancer rate is low. The Chinese medicine believes that the formation of warts is caused by the heat of the evil torment into a block, the treatment to clear the heat is the main.
long wart treatment preferred program is liquid nitrogen freezing; liquid nitrogen is a high-pressure low-temperature liquefied nitrogen; no pollution of the environment, the principle of its role is to local proliferation of frozen dead, and then in the human body under the self-exclusion of the natural shedding; this approach due to the absence of obvious trauma, so it is the most secure way; in principle, said blisters blisters after the freezing of the effect is better; if it is long in the feet, back of the hand and other comparative parts of the end, it is easy to be too heavy due to freezing of inflammation, so it is not easy to be too heavy, and it is not possible for you to get the best results. It is easy to cause inflammation due to freezing too heavy, localized swelling, swelling and discomfort; therefore, the hand and foot parts of the common warts freezing, need to freeze a little lighter. Generally need three to five times; fingernails or toenails around the common warts, often infected to the nails underneath, due to the cover of the deck is difficult to be frozen; coupled with the richness of these parts of the nerve endings, the pain is obvious, these parts of the good very slowly, generally in more than five times; especially obvious wave under the nails, and ultimately often need to pull out the nails and then consider the freezing treatment.
The clinical characteristics of the wart of common diseases in young children
I. Etiology: HPV-2.4 type, type 7 caused by the body's immune function
Second, the preferred age: children and adolescents.
Third, the most common parts: the back of the hand, fingers and foot margins, etc.
Periungual warts occur in the periungual warts,
Subungual warts in the nail bed.
A filiform wart is an elongated filiform protrusion of the skin.
Finger warts are sometimes a family of multiple jagged finger-like projections.
Fourth, the characteristics of the rash: small papules, surface keratinization rough, hard. It is grayish yellow, dirty yellow or dirty brown.
V. Conscious symptoms: none,
VI. Duration: chronic, 1-2 years
VII. Prognosis: self-limiting, can subside on its own.
VIII, histopathology: papillomatous hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis interkeratosis, vacuolization of the cells of the upper stratum spinosum and granular layer. Epidermal protrusion at the long, warts around the inward curved to hold the ball, dermal papillae epitaxial, vasodilatation.
Currently the main methods of wart treatment are: liquid nitrogen freezing, laser cauterization, surgical excision, internal antioxidants and so on.
Liquid nitrogen freezing and laser cauterization, surgical excision are physical therapy, the body side effects are relatively large, and can not go to the root. Such as: liquid nitrogen freezing will freeze the wart around the tissue, the formation of permanent scars and hyperpigmentation, if the operation is not easy to cause wound ulceration and other medical errors; laser cauterization and surgery can not kill the wart caused by the human papillomavirus, to achieve the purpose of the root cause, and the formation of laser hyperpigmentation is very difficult to remove the day after tomorrow, in the face, the neck, and other sensitive areas can not be used.
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