What do I need to bring to study in the United States?

Visa, passport, clothes, student ID, transcripts, various notarizations, medical certificates, ID photos, glasses, domestic cell phone card

Glasses: the United States must have a doctor's eye test to open the certificate of contact lenses need to be tested first to get a certificate of the whole set down is a little bit of trouble but also extra money. So bring 1-2 pairs of glasses, need to bring contact lenses can also be considered. Note: the second pair of glasses is used for emergency, the U.S. side of the optometry plus prescription lenses less than four or five days, more say seven or eight days. For those who are more nearsighted, without a second pair of glasses for emergencies, these days are simply impossible to get through.

Commonly used medicines: Similarly, medicines containing antibiotics generally need to be prescribed by a doctor, and you know the cost of medical care in the United States. In addition, the U.S. medicines are more powerful than the domestic ones. So mainly bring some cold medicine, anti-inflammatory drugs, gastrointestinal drugs, throat pills, bruises safflower oil or Yunnan Baiyao on the line. Small amount of cash: You should carry a small amount of cash with you in case you can't swipe your bank card. If you have more than $10,000 in cash, you will have to declare it to customs when you enter the country. Parents can send money to their children to American schools in other ways.

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