The location of this neighborhood is relatively remote. From the airport or Haikou to here by taxi takes 1 hour. The traffic jam is even worse during Chinese New Year. Not to mention how rough and simple the renovation of the second phase is. How the facilities cut corners on the landscaping. The swimming pool and spa are very different from the sales drawings. The most serious is less than 3 kilometers from the south of the district. Is the Haikou City garbage incineration power plant, phase one phase two . Phase III has begun to expand. Haikou, Chengmai, Lingao three garbage every day hundreds of cars toward here, the harm of garbage incineration you own Baidu. If the classification is good, it may be less harmful. The garbage here is not categorized at all. The second phase of random burning. We go to Hainan is to want to breathe fresh air, drinking clean water. And here than the home of the haze harm more serious words, we take out the life savings to come here is for what? Less than 3 kilometers north of the neighborhood is the sewage treatment plant. The treated sewage is discharged directly into the sea, think about my seafood here will not be polluted. Chengmai claims to be the land of longevity, is this the land of longevity you claim? Old Town residents have repeatedly to reflect with the department to protest. The only thing they get is passing the buck to each other. So don't buy a house don't be fooled, I can tell you so much. Developers you do not serve can be confronted with me face to face