Xia Sha 195 Creative Park belongs to which district

Enterprises know that the data show that the Xia Sha 195 Creative Park is located in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, Qiantang District (No. 19 Street and No. 10 Street, 80 meters south of the intersection of the Park), as of now there are 73 enterprises in the park ***, including Asahi Kasei Medical Instruments (Hangzhou) Limited, Zhejiang Tengbang Paper Industry Co.

24.7% of the enterprises in the Xiasha 195 Creative Park are located in the business service industry, and 16.4% are located in the wholesale industry. Among them, the enterprises with registered capital of over ten million dollars are Asahi Kasei Medical Equipment (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd, Zhejiang Tengbang Paper Co.

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