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LV.4 2018-10-26
Hospital wastewater contains a variety of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and if disinfection is incomplete, it is likely to cause infectious diseases. Our hospital uses a DCW hypochlorite generator, a device that uses salt and water electrolysis to generate a hypochlorite sterilizing solution of 200--1000 ppm, with a pH value arbitrarily adjustable between 3.0 and 8.5. Hypochlorite has strong oxidizing properties, added to the sewage can be fast, broad-spectrum killing of various pathogenic bacteria, sterilization can be completely degraded into salt and water, will not produce pollution residue, to ensure that the emission standards can be met, not only that, DCW hypochlorite can also be used for skin and mucous membrane disinfection, disinfection of equipment, environmental disinfection and so on, will not cause any harm to the personnel, and will not corrode the equipment. A DCW hypochlorite generator can meet the entire hospital use, with how much production, do not have to worry about the decline in effective chlorine concentration.