Information about the Mayans

Mysterious Pyramids

Pyramids of the Maya

The pyramids of the Maya are arguably the most famous pyramid constructions after the Egyptian pyramids. They don't look the same, the Egyptian pyramids are golden yellow, a four-pointed cone, after thousands of years of wind and rain has been a little corrosion. The Mayan pyramid is a little shorter, also made of boulders, the stone is gray, the whole pyramid is also gray, he is not exactly conical, there is a temple at the top of the sacrifice to the gods. Maya pyramid around each of the four staircases, each staircase has ninety-one steps, four staircases plus the top one *** three sixty-five steps (91x4 + 1 = 365), just the number of days in a year. The Mayans attached great importance to astronomical data, and his buildings were full of these numbers about the laws of celestial operation. In addition to the number of steps, the pyramid has fifty-two quadrangular reliefs on each of the four sides, indicating the fifty-two years of the Maya's first century. The Mayan astronomical observatory is also a distinctive building. From today's point of view, the Mayan observatories are very similar to those of today, both in function and appearance. The astronomical observatory tower of Kejokar, for example, was built on a huge and beautifully crafted platform with small steps leading up to a large platform. Somewhat similar to the present observatory, it was also a cylindrical ground-floor building with a hemispherical lid, which in the design of the present observatory was where the astronomical telescope protruded. The four doors of the ground floor were just aligned in four directions. The windows in this place formed six lines of continuity with the porch, at least three of which were astronomically related. One is associated with the spring (fall) equinox and the other two with lunar activity. This Caeruca astronomical observatory tower is the largest astronomical observatory tower in the ruins, and other ruins have similar structures. They are all aligned with the sun and the moon, and in recent years archaeologists have suggested that Mayan astronomers established a regional astronomical observatory network in ancient times. These structures are amazing even from today's perspective. In the case of the Mayan pyramids, how to cut huge blocks of stone, carried to the depths of the jungle, and then a piece of more than ten tons of stone stacked up, stacked up to seventy meters high, if there is no advanced means of transport and lifting equipment, it is difficult to complete this task. And why would a people living in the jungle go to such lengths to build an astronomical observation network? History records that the telescope was invented by Galileo in the 16th century, followed by the emergence of large-scale observatories, while the concept of astronomical observatory networks only emerged in recent times, which can be said to be quite advanced. From this we can be sure that the Maya science at that time compared with today is no less.

Editing Astronomical Numerals and Calendars

No one will find the Arabic numerals we learned in school remarkable! But it is the arrangement of the ten numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0. Perhaps we do not know, the concept of 0 is the Arabs from India to Europe (Note: India is passed from China), Europeans in ancient times did not have such a simple concept of numbers. The Greeks excelled in invention, but they had to use letters to write numbers; the Romans, although they could use numbers, could only represent them graphically with four digits. The Maya used a point, a cross, and a shell symbol for zero to represent numbers Archaeologists studying the Maya's numbering system found that their numerical representation was similar to that of the beads of an abacus. They used three symbols: a point, a cross, and a shell symbol representing zero - and could represent any number. A similar principle is used today in the "binary system" of computers. The Mayan calendar was very complex, with a two-hundred-and-sixty-day cycle of the Chokin calendar, a six-month cycle of the Taiyin calendar, a twenty-nine- and thirty-day cycle of the Taiyin lunar calendar, and a three-sixty-five-day cycle of the solar calendar, all of which had different calendars for different cycles. We know from modern astronomical observations that a year is three, six, five? 2,422 days, while the Mayans have measured the year to be 3,655? 2,420 days. The Mayans worked out the famous Venus formula: (Moon) 20x13=260 260x2x73=37,960 (Sun) 8x13=104 104x5x73=37,960 (Venus) 5x13=65 65x8x73=37,960 The meaning of these formulas is that each type of cycle meets in a straight line after 37,960 days. After 37,960 days of each cycle, they will meet in a straight line and, according to Mayan mythology, the "gods" will come to a peaceful resting place. The Maya took 384 years of observation to calculate a Venusian calendar year of 584 days (they found that Venus made exactly five revolutions in eight Earth years, and then repeated the cycle by dividing the number of days in eight Earth years by five - 2,920 days - to arrive at 584 days). --(they found that Venus traveled exactly five times in eight Earth years and then repeated the cycle again, so they divided the number of days in eight Earth years by five - 2,920 - to arrive at 584 days), while today's calculation is 583? Ninety-two days, with a margin of error of less than twelve seconds per day and only six minutes per month. It is incredible that the Venusian calendar can be calculated with such precision. Maya counting day unit is surprisingly large, archaeologists already know the value of: twenty days for a Vernal 18 Vernal for a tun is equal to three hundred and sixty days twenty tun for a katun is equal to seven thousand two hundred days twenty katun for a baktun is equal to fourteen thousand four hundred and forty thousand days twenty baktun is equal to a piktun is equal to two hundred and eighty-eight million days twenty piktun is equal to a karabutu tun is equal to five thousand seven hundred and sixty thousand days ten kalabutu tun is equal to a Jinqi'er tun is equal to eleven hundred and fifty-two million days. Ten kalabtuns for one kinchil equals 1,152 million days. Twenty kinchil for one aratun equals 23,040 million days. Why did we develop such a large number? The numerical unit is so large that even modern man cannot use it. From today's scientific point of view, such a large number may only be used in one discipline, and that is astronomy. Astronomers often use very large numerical units to represent intergalactic distances, and only astronomical "astronomical numbers" are this large. Mayan Prophecies in the Calendar In the Mayan calendar, there is a calendar called the "Chokin Calendar", which is based on a year of 260 days, but strangely enough, there is no planet in our solar system that applies this calendar. According to this calendar, the approximate position of this planet should be between Venus and Earth. This symbol in the "Chorquin Calendar" expresses the core of the Milky Way as described by the Mayans, and is very similar to the Tai Chi yin-yang diagram that we know so well. Some Mayan scholars believe that this calendar, known as the Dreikin Calendar, records the operation of the "galactic seasons," and according to the Dreikin Calendar, our planet is now in the so-called According to the Dreiken Calendar, our planet is now in the so-called "Fifth Solar Era", which is the last "Solar Era". During this period of the Galactic Seasons, our solar system is experiencing a "Great Cycle" that lasts more than 5,100 years. The time period is from 3113 B.C. to A.D. 2012. During this "Big Cycle", the moving Earth and the solar system are passing through a beam of galactic rays from the core of the Milky Way. The cross-sectional diameter of this ray is 5125 Earth years. In other words, it will take the Earth 5,125 years to pass through this ray. The Mayans divided this "Great Cycle" into thirteen phases, each of which is documented in great detail. Each of the thirteen stages is divided into twenty evolutionary periods. Each period lasts about twenty years. This calendar cycle is very similar to the Chinese "Heavenly Stems" and "Earthly Branches", and the calendar is cyclical, rather than linear like the Western Era with no end in sight. They believe that since the creation of the world, the earth has passed through four solar epochs. When the stars of the solar system through the beam of the Milky Way rays under the action of the "big cycle", there will be a fundamental change, the Mayans called this change "assimilation of the galaxy". In terms of the timing of the Mayan prophecy of the "Great Cycle", it is nearing its end today. In the 20-year period from 1992 to 2012, our planet has entered the last period of the final phase of the Great Cycle. This is the origin of the Mayan legend of the "end of the world".

Editing Mayan sacred pools

Scientists have discovered more than 40 new creatures in "crystal pools". The dense jungles of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula are dotted with "crystal pools" that the ancient Mayans once believed were entrances to the underworld. According to Reuters Mexico Tulum March 20 report, recently, scientists from the United States finally found this "crystal pool", uncovered the true face of this mysterious underground water world. Dense jungle hidden thousands of "crystal pool", the deepest up to more than 160 meters. In Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula in the dense jungle, hidden thousands of such underground "crystal pool", they form a mysterious underground water world. People have been legendary, in the mysterious underground water world, bones and gold piles. American researchers and explorers with oxygen tanks, waterproof lights and underwater equipment to explore some of the pits. This kind of "crystal pool" is actually rainwater long erosion of limestone and the formation of rock ash pits. As the rainwater is filtered through the sponge-like limestone, the water is so clear and transparent that it looks like it is made of crystal. Divers swimming in these pools feel like they are floating in space. These "crystal pool" shallow more than a meter deep, the deep is bottomless. Explorers have explored a pit, until the depth of more than 160 meters still did not reach the bottom. It was once a sacred pool for the Maya, who threw gold and silver jewelry into it in order to make sacrifices. These caves played an important role in the lives of the ancient Maya. They provided the Maya with both a plentiful supply of water and a place to bathe. In some of the small villages located in the extreme remoteness of the Yucatan, people still rely on such underground caves to this day. In Mayan belief, these pits and caves were also the dwelling places of the rain gods, just like the dragon's palace in Chinese legend. So in addition to their practical purposes, the Maya also relied on them for rituals to pray for rain. The Maya believed that the rain in the sky was the result of the rain god's visit, and that only by offering "gifts" to the rain god would the rain god come as promised. They put gold, silver and jewelry into the crypt, and even selected beautiful virgins to put into the water in order to please the rain god. More than 40 species were discovered here for the first time by scientists, many with potential medical value. Biologists have discovered a large number of new species that have survived under difficult conditions. More than 40 of these organisms have been discovered by scientists for the first time. There are also many blind shrimps and fish that live on the limited oxygen and food available in the groundwater. Tom Elliver, a marine biologist at Texas Comprehensive University, said, "It's definitely a world apart. What we found there, including some life forms, has never been found anywhere else."

Editing the five Mayan prophecies

Legend*** has "five prophecies" The first solar age is MATLACTIL MATLACTIL ART (Gendaya civilization), a super-powerful civilization, about 1 meter tall, with men having a third eye, emerald-colored, with different functions. There are prediction, killing and so on. Women don't have a third eye, so women are afraid of men. But a woman's womb has the power of God, and before a woman gets pregnant, she will contact the God in heaven who is going to be reincarnated, and talk about it, and only then will the woman have a baby. The Gendayan civilization was destroyed when the continent sank, but very few sources mention the Gendayan civilization, so there is little modern theory to go on. The second solar age was the Ehecatl of Ehecatl (Missobudian civilization), and the Missobudian civilization was a continuation of the fugitives from the previous civilization (Gendaya civilization). But the people forgot about the past and their superpowers faded away. In the Gendayan civilization, men had a third eye, but in the Mesopotamian civilization men's third eye began to disappear. They had a special love for food and developed all kinds of specialists, so they were also known as the food civilization. The Mesopotamian civilization took place on the Antarctic continent and was destroyed by the Earth's magnetic pole shift. However, only a few of the above sources have mentioned it, and there is little modern theoretical basis for it. The third solar era was the Quaya Velo Tleyquiyahuillo (Muria Civilization), the third civilization on Earth as postulated by the Mayans, also known as the Bioenergetic Civilization. It was a continuation of the fugitives from the previous civilization (the Missobudaya Civilization). The ancestors of the Missobudaya civilization began to notice the energy produced by plants during germination, this energy was so great that after a century of refinement machines were invented to utilize the plant energy, a machine that amplified the energy, the civilization was destroyed when the continent sank. However, only a few sources have mentioned the above, and there is little modern theoretical basis. The fourth solar era was the Zondlilic Tzontlilic (Atlantean civilization), (civilization of light) inherited the previous civilization, here with inheritance, not continuation because, Atlantean colonists from Orion. They possessed the power of light, it was the raging rain of fire that triggered the overthrow of the earth. Atlantis was established back in the time of the Mu civilization. Later these two civilizations even fought nuclear wars. Five. The civilization we exist in (the civilization of emotions) would use emotions, went extinct on the winter solstice of December 2012 (elevated to a spiritual civilization) , the Mayans said that after the darkness of night fell on December 21, 2012, the dawn of December 22 would never come. 3 great cataclysms in human history... One of them came to the Mayans... Even if they predicted it, they couldn't change it ..... That time... It was the disappearance of the Mayan civilization I mentioned above. According to the Mayan calendar, the earth is divided into five solar epochs, representing five cataclysms, four of which have already passed. When the fifth solar epoch arrives, the sun will disappear, the earth will be shaken violently, and the earth will be destroyed completely, which according to the Mayan calendar is 3113 years, which translates to December 22, 2012 according to the Western calendar. The first four prophecies have no scientific basis. The fifth will wait until December 21, 2012 But remember the end-of-the-world rumors of 1999 and 2000? Every once in a while, the Western world would rumor that the end of the world was coming, and the one that made the public feel most panicked was the Mayan prophecy of 2012. In response, Guatemalan-born Mayan elder Picton finally couldn't help but jump in and say, "There's no such thing!" He even said that doomsday theories originated in the West and that the Mayans never had such ideas. As for the year 2012, the Mayans were referring to the spiritual awakening and transformation of mankind into a new civilization. The Mayan calendar predicted that mankind would be destroyed on December 21, 2012 at the winter solstice. Now a scientist has debunked the 2012 doomsday theory, stating that 2012 was a miscalculation and that the real doomsday will be in the year 2220, which is of course based on the Mayan calendar. The circulating doomsday theory suggests that on December 21, 2012, the sun will reach the so-called galactic equator, a special event that is said to occur only once every 25,800 years. The reality, however, is that the Milky Way does not have an exact galactic equator, it is not a line, and in fact the Sun has been on the equator on the winter solstice for the past few years, and will continue to be on the equator for the next few years. As for the Mayan calendar, it is very different from the Gregorian or Julian calendar that we commonly use. When the Spanish conquered the Maya in the 16th century, the Maya of the time used as many as four calendars at a time. The oldest is the 260-day cycle of the Tzolkin calendar (Tzolkin), consisting of 20 day names and 13 days; and 365-day cycle of the Habu calendar (Haab), 18 months, 20 days a month, the end of the year five days called Wayeb. Mayan calendar has a long-term cumulative day (Long Count) and short-term cumulative day (Short Count) points. The Mayan calendar has a Long Count and a Short Count. The calendar number 3 is the Short Count, and the Long Count is based on 20 days. The most widely used conversion between the Mayan and Gregorian calendars is GMT, which places the Mayan creation date on September 6, 3114 B.C. in the Julian calendar, or August 11, 3114 B.C. The date of December 21, 2012 was converted using GMT. What end-time prophets don't realize is that over the past 20 years, GMT conversions have been heavily flogged by modern astronomers and archaeologists, and that GMT conversions conflict with another Mayan calendar, the 584-day Venus cycle. The end date of the fourth cycle of the Mayan calendar is moved backward to Dec. 21, 22 or 23, 2220, according to the researchers' corrections.

Mayan civilization

In the history of civilizations in the ancient world, the Mayan civilization seemed to fall from the sky and then come to an abrupt end when it was at its most brilliant and prosperous. Before Columbus discovered the American continent, this great and mysterious nation had long disappeared en masse. Their extraordinarily brilliant culture was also abruptly interrupted, leaving the world with a great deal of confusion. Since the American John Stephens first discovered the ruins of the ancient Mayan civilization in the tropical jungles of Honduras in 1839, archaeologists from all over the world have discovered more than 170 abandoned ruins of ancient Mayan cities in the jungles and wildernesses of Central America*** and have found that in the period from 1,000 B.C.E. to the 8th century A.D., the Mayan civilization traces its footsteps from the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico in the north, to Guatemala in the south, Honduras, right up to the Andes. This mysterious people built a huge structure of staggering proportions in the tropical jungles of South America. The majestic city of Tikal, when its computerized restoration appeared in front of the people, many modern city designers also sigh in awe. The Palenque Palace, built in the 7th century, is 100 meters long and 80 meters wide. The Viceroy's Palace in Uxmal, made of 22,500 stone carvings assembled into an elaborate pattern, is unmistakable. The temple of the warriors of Chichen-Itza, although the roof has disappeared, the towering 1,000 stone pillars still recall the grandeur of those days. All of this makes one feel that this is an extraordinary people. With the further investigation of Mayan culture, people are surprised to find that thousands of years ago, the Mayans had unparalleled mathematical attainments, with a unique enigmatic writing. And Chichen Itza, Tikal, Palenque and other places of the giant building is not from the Maya people's actual life needs, but strictly in accordance with the magical Maya calendar cycle construction. How accurate was the Mayan calendar and astronomical knowledge? They divided the year into 18 months, they measured the earth year for 365.2420 days, modern people measured for 365.2422 days, the error is only 0.0002 days, that is, 5000 years of error is only one day. They measured the Venusian year at 584 days, with a margin of error of only 7 seconds over 50 years from modern man's measurements. What an incredible number! How could the Maya thousands of years ago be so precise in their calculations? They also maintained a special religious calendar that divided the year into 13 months of 20 days each, known as the "Zorkinian year". Where this calendar came from is really puzzling. The Mayans mastered the concept of zero at least in the 4th century B.C., 800 to 1,000 years before the Chinese and Europeans. They also created the 20-digit counting system, and their numerical algorithms can be used up to 4 million years later. Such large astronomical numbers are only useful in modern interstellar navigation and measuring distances in space. Thousands of years ago, the Mayans were slash-and-burn farmers, using leaves to cover their bodies and cacao beans as a medium for bartering, so how could they use such numerical calculations? The Maya calendar can be maintained for 400 million years, they calculated the difference between the solar year and the Venusian year can be accurate to 4 digits after the decimal point, they have their own text, that is, with 800 symbols and graphics composed of hieroglyphics, vocabulary of up to 30,000 words. They had exquisite carvings, paintings and bronze art. But how could such a high level of civilization suddenly emerge from a primitive tribe of Mayans who lived in tree hollows and gathered for a living before the birth of the ultimate high civilization? Even in the 16th century, the Indians that the Spaniards saw in the Yucatan Peninsula, which is full of ancient ruins, still lived in mud huts and hunted and gathered leaves to make a living. That precise astronomical calendar and mathematics, the kind of jaw-dropping civilization, art, seems to be far beyond the local Indian natives that almost primitive life of the actual needs. The Maya occupied the Yucatan Peninsula, modern Honduras, and modern Guatemala. Their history can be traced back to roughly the second millennium BC, but their heyday was between 600 and 900 AD. Even though they lived in an agricultural period, they created many monuments and ceremonial centers similar to the splendid monuments of Egypt. The amazing scale of these buildings is due to the rather pure and simple nature of their religious beliefs. And the level of development of their architecture, though not very high, was still ahead of other peoples of their contemporaries. They invented a unique written language that to this day must be deciphered to be understood. Only three books written by the Maya remain, the rest having been destroyed by the Europeans, who regarded them as heretics

The Maya civilization reached a high level of achievement in astronomy and mathematics. Through long-term observation of the sky, has mastered the eclipse cycle and the sun, the moon, Venus and other operating rules, about the end of the pre-classical period has created a solar calendar and the Holy Year calendar two calendars, the former 13 months a year, 20 days a month, 260 days a year; the latter 18 months a year, 20 days a month, plus 5 days of the Jubilee Day, the whole year, 365 days, plus a leap 1 day in every 4 years. Every day are remembered two calendar day and month name, every 52 years repeat week, its accuracy over the same generation of Greece, Rome used calendar. Mathematics, the Maya used the concept of "0" more than 800 years earlier than the Europeans, counting the use of the decimal system. Another unique creation of the Maya civilization was the hieroglyphic writing system, whose characters were composed of complex shapes and were generally carved on top of stone buildings such as altars, ladders, pillars, etc., and the carving and writing of which required long-term training. About 800 characters are now known, but except for the age symbols and a few names of people and artifacts, most of them have not been successfully interpreted. At that time, also used bark paper and deerskin to write books, the content is mainly history, science and rituals, so far can not be interpreted. Until now, almost the entire Mayan civilization has been shrouded in mystery, as if refusing to allow us to analyze it, locking itself in gloomy darkness. Indeed, there are numerous hypotheses about the demise of the Maya in the ninth century, such as natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.; infectious diseases like plague and collective poisoning; economic problems like population expansion and repeated burning of forests leading to infertile soils, etc.; social problems such as invasions by foreign invaders, inter-city wars, peasants' revolts, as well as collective suicides, and so forth, and so forth. However, in spite of all these hypotheses, none of them has sufficient evidence to be believed. Here we are faced with a new mystery. The Maya did not build roads connecting the city to the forest, nor did they use metal until the collapse of the Maya Golden Age. To build the world's largest civilized pyramid in a tropical jungle, the boulders would have had to be moved from at least 10 miles away and cut into blocks, so where and how did the boulders for the Great Pyramid come from?

The Mayans (Mayan) are a group of Indians from Central America and Mexico. Also known as "Mayans", "Maya". About 2500 BC has settled in southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and El Salvador and part of Honduras. There are about 2 million people. They belong to the American branch of the Mongoloid race. They use the Mayan language, which belongs to the Maya-Quiché group of the Indian language family. Distributed in central and northern Yucatan, Belize, southern Honduras and parts of Tabasco and Chiapas, the lowlands and highlands of Guatemala and the southernmost parts of Chiapas and El Salvador.

The Central American Indians who live in the nearly contiguous lands of southern Mexico, southern Guatemala, and northern Belize. at the beginning of the 21st century there were about 70 Mayan languages spoken by more than 5 million people, most of whom are bilingual (Spanish). Before Spain

conquered Mexico and Central America, the Maya had one of the greatest civilizations in the Western Hemisphere. They farmed, built huge stone buildings and pyramid temples, smelted gold and copper, and used a hieroglyphic script that is now mostly decipherable.

Where the mysterious Maya originated remains a mystery. There are many different theories about their origins, and it is still difficult to reach a definitive conclusion. There are several theories: immigrants from a certain country. The Mayans are also the descendants of "lost tribes" or even aliens. This theory is puzzling, such as where the original body of the country came from, and the appearance of the alien immigrants, etc., have become a mystery in archaeological history.

①Mayans originated from China? (1) Yin Shang army and Olmec (2) Mayan language and Chinese language (3) Similar ways of thinking (4) Whether the Feathered Serpent is a Chinese dragon (6) Maya-Chinese cultural continuum Maya people are alien visitors? (1) The living environment was significantly different from that of human beings (2) The ancestors of the Maya were not on Earth (3) The technological level of the Maya was significantly higher than that of the earthlings (4) The beliefs of the Maya were different from those of the earthlings (5) There was a difference in their origins from those of human beings. Note ① The above is from the book "The Amazing Maya" by Medea

According to the book "Chilam-Balam", the history of the Maya can be divided into 3 periods: ① Pre-Classical Period (1500 BC to AD) (1500 BC ~ A.D. 292), characterized by the formation of groups in Central America **** the same culture, agricultural development, began to lead a sedentary life. ② Classical Period (292 to 900), the beginning of hieroglyphics, stone tablets, temples, etc., large-scale development in the central region, the emergence of theocracy, the development of the late northern culture and reached its heyday. ③ Postclassic Period (900 to 1527), in its early period (900 to 1250), cultural changes occurred in the south and the north, the Toltecs arrived in the central plateau and exercised political rule, imposing their religion, rituals and customs on the Maya, establishing the Maya City, ruled by the Cocome family; in the northern region, the Maya culture and the Toltec culture fused, producing the famous Mayapan civilization. In the later period (1250-1527), the big Maya centers were abandoned one after another, politically disintegrated, and some small towns appeared, struggling with each other. 1519 the Spanish colonial general H. Cortes conquered Yucatan and Guatemala, and the Ichabods of Tayascar, due to their remoteness and resistance to the Spanish colonizers, maintained autonomy for a long time until the whole Maya area was conquered in 1627.

Before and after the 16th century B.C., a number of slaveholding city-states were established, giving rise to a social hierarchy divided into nobles (including priests, ruling officials, military chiefs and merchants) and commoners (including artisans, farmers and slaves). Decentralized governance was practiced, with chiefs governing several centers and rural inhabitants forming communes, preserving many vestiges of the clan system (see Primitive Communal System). Nature worship was practiced, especially the worship of the "sun god" and the "rain god", with the guardian god "Ichamna" as the supreme deity. They practiced slash-and-burn agriculture, growing corn (a staple food), beans, squash, and root crops, and raising turkeys and dogs. Created hieroglyphics and a calendar and invented the 20-digit system at the beginning of the Common Era. There were great achievements in medicine and astronomy. Great attainments in pottery, sculpture, and painting. Adoption of arch architecture (trapezoidal pyramids, palaces, arches, etc.). Ancient centers of civilization were Tikal (in Petén, Guatemala), Palenque (in Chiapas, Mexico) and Copán (in Honduras). The modern Maya are widely distributed and share **** the same socio-cultural characteristics. After the invasion of the Spanish colonizers, the Maya were assimilated to varying degrees and have basically integrated with the inhabitants of the countries in which they live. Due to the different historical, social, cultural and economic backgrounds of the countries in which they live, the Maya people of various countries also have their own social, economic and cultural characteristics.

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