What risks did ancient people face when giving birth? What were their preferred methods of childbirth?

When women gave birth in ancient times, there were many risks they had to face, such as infection, difficulty in labor, lack of medical conditions, lack of experienced midwives, etc. These various reasons may cause very serious consequences, which directly led to the high mortality rate of babies born in ancient times. These various reasons may cause very serious consequences, which also directly led to the ancient baby born of the death rate is very high.

1, the ancient medical environment of the baby

In the relatively close to the modern time when the ancient medical relatively speaking is still relatively secure, because after so many years of fumbling, the development of traditional Chinese medicine is more mature, can let the ancient women in childbirth to get a certain guarantee. But in the more distant time, when the medical level is not high, and everyone's hygiene consciousness has not been improved, they simply can not understand the infection, in the woman to give birth to a scissors on the hand what is useful. It was later that people became aware of the need to disinfect the clippers with hot water and fire in the case of childbirth.

2, the conditions of birth of different people

Ancient women gave birth to a child, which also has a lot to do with her family environment. In the home of some of the rich and wealthy family can afford a doctor, stable mother, midwife and so on , with these experienced people on the side of the birth of a child if you meet the special circumstances, you can get the help is more. In the poor family, the family, not to mention the doctor, midwife are not necessarily invited to come a , so like this kind of family, the birth of a child is really dangerous. There are even some women who are able to deliver their own babies by themselves, which is a very dangerous situation to be in.

3, the position of the child

Ancient women give birth to a child, they use a variety of positions, such as the most basic squatting, kneeling, sitting, lying, etc., in the choice of the position of the child, usually based on the comfort of the maternal position and the position of the child of the experienced observation of the position of the child to summarize in order to decide out what the hell! The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you're in a good position to get the best out of it. In ancient times, vertical delivery was more popular, and part of the reason is because of gravity, in this position the child is easier to come out, the mother is also more relaxed.