①When medical waste leakage, spillage or scattering occurs during the collection and transfer of medical waste, the transfer personnel will immediately report to the emergency incident team of the hospital, and if necessary, contact with the Emergency Linkage Center of the city in order to obtain their support. The Infection Management Department should be the first to arrive at the scene.
② Determine the loss, leakage, spread of medical waste category, quantity, time of occurrence, the scope and extent of the impact.
③Infection Management Section as soon as possible to organize the relevant personnel to deal with the scene of the occurrence of medical waste leakage and proliferation.
④Treatment of the area contaminated by medical waste should be carried out in a way to minimize the impact on patients, medical staff and other people and environment at the scene
⑤Transporters quickly collect, clean up and disinfect the leaked, spilled and scattered medical waste. For liquid spills, absorbent materials such as wood chips are used to absorb the treatment. And harmless treatment of contaminated areas and items, and blockade of the contaminated area if necessary to prevent the expansion of contamination.
6 cleanup personnel must wear protective clothing, gloves and masks, boots and other protective equipment when cleaning up, after the cleanup work, utensils and protective equipment must be disinfected.
⑦If the body (skin) of the cleanup personnel is accidentally injured in the operation, timely measures should be taken to deal with the replacement of protective equipment, contaminated skin parts with 0.25 % peroxyacetic acid wipe 3 minutes after bathing, if necessary, to receive medical technology to save.
8 cleaning staff must be contaminated site ground with 0.1 - 0.2 % of chlorine disinfectant spray, wipe the ground disinfection and cleaning treatment, disinfection work from the lightest area of contamination to the most seriously contaminated area, may be contaminated with all the tools used should also be disinfected.
9 Infection Management Division must report the occurrence of the accident to the hospital emergency incident team, the Department of Health, the Environmental Protection Agency, and after the accident has been handled, a written report should be written and given to the hospital emergency incident team, the Department of Health, and the Environmental Protection Agency. The contents of the report include: (1) the time, place, cause and brief history of the accident, (2) the type and quantity of leaked and dispersed medical waste, the cause of contamination and the department of medical waste generation, (3) the hazards and potential impacts of the leakage and dispersal of medical waste, and (4) the emergency response measures taken and the results.
⑩In the unlikely event that a staff member is contaminated or stabbed by medical waste in the course of work, the staff member will immediately report to the Infection Management Section, take appropriate treatment measures according to different treatments, and if necessary, receive medical and nursing technical treatment, medical checkups, and prevention of infectious diseases.