How much does a Philips sleep apnea machine cost? How much price to be appropriate.

Philips sleep apnea machine I think quite good to use, you have to know that the ventilator is a device that can replace, control or change the normal physiological breathing of a person, increase pulmonary ventilation, improve respiratory function, reduce respiratory work consumption, save the heart reserve capacity. Sleep ventilators improve oxygen deficiency during sleep by providing oxygen to the patient continuously at a given pressure. Sleep apnea machine mainly treats sleep apnea syndrome, which is heavy snoring with breath-holding symptoms. It treats the complications of sleep apnea syndrome. It improves blood oxygen levels during nighttime sleep and treats hypoxemia. It usually costs more than 8,000 yuan, I bought my husband a Philips Viacom systemone

auto automatic respirator, ?

8500.00. origin:

American Medical Devices, Product Name:

Ventilator, Ventilator Category:

Single Level, Brand:

Other Brands, Model:


auto, Value-Added Service:

National Joint Warranty, Executive Standard No.:

State Food and Drug Administration Measures (into) No. 2542438 of 2011, Registration No.:

State Food and Drug Administration Measures (into) No. 2542438 of 2011, Manufacturer:


respironics, Disease:


Asthma, Symptoms:<



Weakness of breath, For people:

Unlimited. It works better and has an effect, but at the same time, my husband says that it's uncomfortable to wear at night while sleeping, and that if you turn over, it presses on the tube and you can't breathe well. Other are quite good. I heard that if you are expensive there are Philips Weikeng b