The role of machinery in human life

1, with the help of surgical robots, doctors can be more precise and dexterous removal of diseased tissue

Surgical robots are an extension of the doctor's "hand" and "eye", the original incision needs to be This type of medical robot can also reduce the physical exertion of surgery on the surgeon, improve the efficiency and stability of surgery.

2, storage and picking

In the Amazon operations center, you can see thousands of Kiva robots in the same area in an orderly manner to avoid, and can be in the exact time to send the goods to the picking side of the precise and accurate. Currently, Amazon has deployed 100,000 Kiva robots worldwide for storage and picking.

3, driverless cars

In 2017, Baidu founder Robin Li passed a video showing images of him riding in a Baidu driverless car, and said the vehicle was traveling on Beijing's Fifth Ring Road. The move sparked controversy over whether it was legal for driverless cars to be on the road.

Mechanical equipment, tools of production as the level of social productivity development of the material standard

As the natural disciplines and other forms of knowledge of the productive forces into the direct reality of the productive forces of the carrier, as the human society to understand nature and the transformation of nature as the material means of the modern society of the new productive forces of the representative of the human society is the development of human society is the technological basis. The history of the development of technology and economy in the modern world has proved that every major technological and economic change begins with the invention of new machines.

And the invention of every important new machine, from the steam engine, electric motor to atomic energy equipment, electronic computers, all the productive forces forward a big step, have raised social production to a new level. At the same time, the machinery industry itself is also in the process of development for more than two centuries, growing into a modernized industry in a large number of large industrial sectors, in the national economy occupies an increasingly important position and role.