What is the principle of anti-static clothing

Substances are composed of molecules, molecules are composed of atoms, atoms have negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons. In normal conditions, an atom of the number of protons and electrons, the same number of positive and negative balance, so the phenomenon of the external performance of the uncharged. But the electrons around the nucleus of the atom, once the external force that is out of orbit, leaving the original atomic child and invade other atoms B, A atom due to the lack of electrons with a positively charged phenomenon, known as cations, B atoms due to the increase in the number of electrons and negatively charged phenomenon, known as anions. The reason for the unbalanced electron distribution is that the electrons by the external force and out of orbit, this external force contains a variety of energy (such as kinetic energy, potential energy, thermal energy, chemical energy ......, etc.) in daily life, any two different materials in contact with the object and then separated, you can produce static electricity. When two different objects in contact with each other will make an object to lose some of the charge such as electrons transferred to another object so that it is positively charged, and another body to get some of the remaining electrons of the object and negatively charged. If it is difficult to neutralize the charge in the process of separation, the charge will accumulate to make the object with static electricity. So the object and other objects in contact with the separation will be charged with static electricity. Usually in an object from a plastic film is a typical peeling a typical "contact separation" of electricity, in daily life to take off the clothes generated by the static electricity is also "contact separation" of electricity. Solids, liquids and even gases can be charged by contact separation. This is because the gas is also composed of molecules, atoms, when the air flow molecules, atoms will also occur "contact separation" and the electricity. We all know that friction generates electricity, but we seldom hear that contact generates electricity. In essence, friction is a process of contact and separation, resulting in an imbalance of positive and negative charges. Friction is a continuous process of contact and separation. Therefore, friction is essentially contact and separation. In daily life, all kinds of objects can be moved or friction and generate static electricity. Another common type of electrification is inductive electrification. When a charged object approaches an uncharged object, it induces negative and positive charges at the ends of the uncharged conductor. In the dry and windy autumn, in our daily lives, we often come across this phenomenon: undressing at night to sleep, often heard in the dark crackling sound, and accompanied by blue light, meet to shake hands, fingers just touch each other, will suddenly feel the fingertips of the needle-like pain, alarming; get up in the morning to comb your hair, hair will often "floating" up, the more you care more and more. "up, more and more messy, pull the door handle, open the faucet will be "electrocuted", often issued a "pop, pop" sound, which is occurring in the human body of static electricity, the above phenomena is the body of static electricity to external "Discharge" results. When the human body activities, skin and clothing and clothing and clothing friction between each other, will produce static electricity. With the increase in household appliances and winter people wear more chemical fiber clothes, household appliances generated by the electrostatic charge will be absorbed by the body and accumulated, coupled with indoor walls and floors are mostly insulators, air dry, and therefore more susceptible to electrostatic interference. Due to the elderly skin is relatively drier than young people, as well as the aging of the cardiovascular system of the elderly, anti-interference ability to weaken and other factors, so the elderly are more susceptible to the effects of static electricity. The cardiovascular system already has a variety of lesions in the elderly, static electricity will make the condition worse or induce premature ventricular contractions and other cardiac arrhythmias. Excessive static electricity also often makes people restless, headache, chest tightness, breathing difficulties, cough. In order to prevent the occurrence of static electricity, indoor to maintain a certain degree of humidity, indoor to mop the floor, sprinkle some water, or humidifier humidification; to bathe regularly, change clothes, in order to eliminate the static charge accumulated on the surface of the human body. When you find that your hair can not be combed, dip the comb into the water for a few moments, and when the static electricity is eliminated, you can comb your hair into service. After undressing, gently touch the wall with your hand, touch the door handle or faucet before you also need to touch the wall with your hand, the body of static electricity "discharge" out, so that static electricity will not hurt you. For the elderly, should choose soft, smooth cotton or silk underwear, underwear, try not to wear chemical fiber clothing, in order to minimize the harm of static electricity. How to prevent static electricity When the human body is active, the skin and clothes and clothes and clothes rubbing each other, it will produce static electricity. With the increase in household appliances and winter people wear more chemical fiber clothing, household appliances generated by the static charge will be absorbed by the human body and accumulated, coupled with indoor walls and floors are mostly insulators, air dry, and therefore more susceptible to static interference. Due to the elderly skin is relatively drier than young people, as well as the aging of the cardiovascular system of the elderly, anti-interference ability to weaken and other factors, so the elderly are more susceptible to the effects of static electricity. The cardiovascular system already has a variety of lesions in the elderly, static electricity will make the condition worse or induce premature ventricular contractions and other cardiac arrhythmias. Excessive static electricity also often makes people restless, headache, chest tightness, breathing difficulties, cough. In order to prevent the occurrence of static electricity, indoor to maintain a certain degree of humidity, indoor to mop the floor, sprinkle some water, or humidifier humidification; to bathe regularly, change clothes, in order to eliminate the static charge accumulated on the surface of the human body. When you find that your hair can not be combed, dip the comb into the water for a few moments, and when the static electricity is eliminated, you can comb your hair into service. After undressing, gently touch the wall with your hand, touch the door handle or faucet before you also need to touch the wall with your hand, the body of static electricity "discharge" out, so that static electricity will not hurt you. For the elderly, should choose soft, smooth cotton or silk underwear, underwear, try not to wear chemical fiber clothing, in order to minimize the harm of static electricity. 1, go out before washing your hands, or first put your hand on the wall to wipe a go to remove static electricity, and try not to wear flower fiber clothes. 2, in order to avoid electrostatic strikes, available small metal devices (such as keys), cotton rags and other first touch the door, door handle, faucets, chair backs, bed rails and other elimination of static electricity, and then touch the hand. 3, wear cotton underwear. 4, ready to get off the car, hold the gear with your right hand, and then use your fingers to touch the part of the iron below, and then open the door, put your left hand on the door with the iron position, but don't let go of your left hand, and then let go of your right hand, get off the car, and at this time, you will not be electrocuted by the right hand again grabbing the door ~~ ha. Next, force a close,, get it done ~ ~ 5, against static electricity, we can take "defense" and "put" two hands. "Prevention", we should try to use cotton products as clothing and home accessories fabrics, try to avoid the use of chemical fiber carpets and plastic as the surface material of the furniture, in order to prevent friction electricity. As far away as possible, such as televisions, refrigerators and other electrical appliances, in order to prevent the induction of electricity. "Discharge", is to increase humidity, so that the local static electricity can be easily released. When you turn off the TV, leave the computer, you should immediately wash your hands and face, so that the static charge on the surface of the skin in the water to release off. In winter, try to use highly moisturizing cosmetics. Commonly use a humidifier. Some people like to keep ornamental fish and daffodils indoors is also a good way to regulate indoor humidity. In addition, recommended to you an economical and practical method of humidification: in the heating placed under a pot of water, with an old towel (or absorbent cloth), one end in the water, one end on the heater, so that a day and night can be evaporated into the house of about three liters of water. If you do this for each heater, the whole room will feel moist and pleasant. You may wish to try. 6, diligent bathing, change clothes, can effectively eliminate the static electricity accumulated on the surface of the human body. People in daily life, sometimes due to wear, climate, friction and other reasons, often lead to the body accumulation of static electricity. And suddenly touch the metal, it will invite the pain of electric shock, a certain stage often occurs when even can cause some kind of psychological pressure. If you avoid touching iron for a while, the electric charge on your body may accumulate more, and sooner or later you will receive a bigger electric shock. Here are two tips to help prevent such electric shocks. 1. Inside the house, static electricity may be generated by friction between the carpet and the soles of the shoes, and outside the house may be electrically charged due to the wind. This time in and out to touch the iron door with care, the hand may be hit by electricity. Repeatedly encountered such a situation, you can take the following approach to avoid electric shock: when touching the iron door, do not directly touch the iron door with your hand directly, but with a large area of your hand first grasp a string of keys in your pocket (usually this does not suffer electric shock), and then, with the tip of the key to touch the iron door, in this way, the body of the electricity will be discharged, and will not suffer electric shock. Principle: The pain of discharging on the hand is due to the high voltage discharge, because the sudden contact between the hand and the metal door during the discharge is a very small area of contact, thus generating an instantaneous high voltage. If you take out the keys in your pocket, first hold the keys over a large area (a set of keys itself can not transfer much charge and thus there will be no electric shock), and then use the tip of a key to contact a large conductor, then, the point of contact of the discharge is not a point on the skin of the hand, but the tip of the key, so the hand will not feel pain (maybe the key will.)! ---- if it feels pain). 2, electric shocks also often occur when getting out of a cab. Mainly due to the friction between the body and the seat when getting out of the car to produce static electricity accumulation, and get out of the car when closing the door, the hand suddenly touch the iron door will be electrocuted. This situation often occurs, it is best to pay attention to: get off, that is, in the body and seat friction, in advance, hand-held metal door frame, can produce static electricity in the friction, at any time to the body of the static discharge, but not get off the car suddenly hand touched the iron door when the discharge Static electricity advantages and disadvantages As we know, the friction can be electrified. The positive and negative charges from friction are bound to the charged body. It cannot move in a directional way like the charge in a wire, so it is called electrostatic charge, or static electricity for short. There are many hazards of static electricity, and its first hazard comes from the interaction of charged bodies. In the aircraft body and air, water, dust and other particles when friction will make the aircraft charged, if not take measures, will seriously interfere with the normal work of the aircraft radio equipment, so that the aircraft become deaf and blind; in the printing press, the electrostatic charge between the pages will make the paper pages bonded together, it is difficult to separate, to the printing of the trouble; in the pharmaceutical factory. Due to electrostatic attraction of dust, will make the drugs do not reach the standard purity; in the put on the TV screen surface electrostatic easily adsorbed dust and oil, the formation of a layer of dusty film, so that the clarity of the image and the brightness is reduced; on the blended clothes on the common and not easy to shoot off the dust, but also electrostatic ghosts. The second major hazard of static electricity is the possibility of explosion due to electrostatic spark ignition of certain flammable objects. Dark night, we take off nylon, woolen clothes, will send out sparks and "bla bla" sound, which is basically harmless to the human body. But on the operating table, in addition to electric sparks will cause the explosion of anesthetics, injuring doctors and patients; in coal mines, it will cause gas explosions, which will lead to death and injury to workers, mine scrapping. In short, electrostatic hazards caused by electricity and electrostatic sparks, electrostatic hazards in the most serious electrostatic discharge caused by combustible fire and explosion. People often say, prevention is better than cure, measures to prevent the generation of static electricity are generally to reduce the flow rate and flow, transform the process of strong electricity, the use of equipment and materials with less electricity. The simplest and most reliable way is to use the wire to ground the equipment, so that the charge can lead to the ground, to avoid the accumulation of static electricity. Careful passengers will probably find; in the aircraft on both sides of the wingtip and the tail of the aircraft are equipped with a discharge brush, aircraft landing, in order to prevent passengers from flying down the electric shock, the aircraft landing gear on the majority of the use of special grounding tires or grounding line; to drain the aircraft in the air generated by the static charge. We also often see the tail end of the tanker truck drag a chain, which is the car's grounding wire. Static electricity can also be effectively eliminated by properly increasing the humidity of the work environment so that the charge is ready to be discharged. It is not easy to do a good static test in humid weather, this is the reason. Antistatic agents studied by researchers, on the other hand, do a good job of eliminating static electricity inside insulators. However, there are two sides to everything. For static electricity this hidden troublemaker. As long as you feel through its temperament, to avoid the shortcomings of the strengths, but also to make it for the service of mankind. For example, electrostatic printing, electrostatic spraying, electrostatic flocking, electrostatic dust removal and Hong Kong electric sorting technology, has been widely used in industrial production and life. Static electricity also began in the desalination of sea water, spraying pesticides, artificial rain, low-temperature refrigeration and many other aspects of the show, even in the word Zeus airships are also installed on the electrostatic feeder and other electrostatic devices.