Leizhou anal fistula surgery where to do well

Don't be fooled by the exaggerated advertisements of private hospitals, it is recommended to go to a regular big hospital. Specifically in Laizhou, it is the People's Hospital and Chinese Hospital two options. Which one is better can be seen which anorectal department of the number of beds, the more the number of beds, indicating that this section in the hospital the more attention, the more specialized.

In addition, the nature of hemorrhoids, is the daily care of the anus is not enough to lead to, in order to faster recovery and to prevent recurrence, must immediately pay attention to the anal care, specifically is the water wash after the stool, sitting when suspended breathable to promote edema subside and wound healing, quality and quantity to complete the fumigation of the anus sitz bath.

However, it is not easy to do these things, you need to prepare anorectal rehabilitation kit, which has a hand-held Wesleyan for post-poisoning water washing, painless breathable cushion to help suspended breathable, anal hydrotherapy device placed on the toilet on the fumigation bath.

Finally remember to pay attention to anal care after a complete recovery, hemorrhoids are very easy to recur, it is not the doctor did not do a good job, but their own and messed up. The recovery package in the hospital and Taobao are sold, Taobao's price is much cheaper.

But also pay attention to not constipated, spicy food, sedentary and long standing, there are questions and then ask Baidu doctor. I wish you a speedy recovery!